When the black cat appeared outside the house, it instantly caught the attention of everyone. 

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I even heard someone whispering: “That’s the black cat that was perched on her shoulders three years ago.”

Actually, the World Conscience had been with me for a longer period than that. However, before that, it had not taken the form of the black cat, and was merely an irritating voice in my mind.

As for why it had chosen the form of a cat, I’ve always had the suspicion that it had referred to my love for cats.

But all in all, the World Conscience took his role as a cat seriously.

The black cat landed gracefully on the ground and placed the number machine on a wooden stump outside my hut.

According to my initial plan, this wooden stump was originally intended to be used to chop firewood like the hermit masters in the movies from my original world.

But after trying it out, I decided that my powers were far superior to manual labour. Why do I want to spend time swinging an axe when I can just flick my finger and get the job done instantly? Plus, I’ve never been skilled at using weapons.

So, the stump became a mere decoration, and come to think of it, it’s finally useful after a whole three years and one day.

Whatsmore, the height of the wooden stump was somewhat low, with the number machine placed on top of it, anyone who wished to read the user guide and take a number must squat or bend down. This makes it seem as if they were bowing at my hut.

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I thought it was extremely interesting at first, but after watching two groups of people bowing at me, it suddenly occurred to me: Damn it, why does it look like they were paying their respects to me at my funeral?

Tsk, touch wood. I wouldn’t die even if the world was destroyed.

It was much more reasonable for me to attend their mass funeral.

Sigh, if you think about it, that was highly possible.

When the universe is finally destroyed, I’ll have to figure out how to plan a happy funeral in celebration of the long-awaited event!

The black cat left instantly after putting down the number machine, and no one dared to block its way – the world was about to be destroyed, and no one had the time to investigate a suspicious-looking cat.

The Emperor’s personal guard was the first to check out the number machine. However, even though he had the title ‘the most powerful man in the Empire’, he dared not touch the machine. Instead, he reported the rules I had written to His Majesty, the Emperor.

“The Emperor said – Go get a number, there’s no way we can force her into a meeting.”

“The chancellor asked worriedly – What if it’s a multiple of five?”

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“And everyone fell silent for a few seconds.”

“Someone from the Federation said – Send a prisoner from the death row. They don’t deserve to live anyway.”

“The Emperor said – Maybe she was merely joking.”

“Your ex-boyfriend said – Look at what she did to Xiao Yi. She’s no longer the person we used to know.”

“Stop.” I made a gesture as I felt a headache forming, “What are you doing?”


“Real-time broadcast.” The black cat sat on the edge of the windowsill, still swaying his slender tail from side to side, “Because you looked bored – Oh, the Emperor ignored his men’s reluctance and pressed ahead to take the first number.”

I was not surprised at all, because the ‘rules’ clearly stated that as long as the number was not a multiple of five, the worst that could happen was just to be refused entry into my hut. On the premise that his life would not be endangered, according to his life principles, the Emperor would definitely choose to ‘take the lead’ to demonstrate his courage.

“Everyone breathed out a sigh of relief.” The black cat described the situation outside, “Number two is your former mentor, number three is your former party member, and number four is your ex-boyfriend. Well, no one else is moving now.”

I studied the module on the table as I listened half-heartedly to the black cat’s live broadcasting, but it was silent for a long while. “And?” I asked impatiently.

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“Nobody moved.” The black cat mumbled innocently, “But it seemed like they were making eye contact. Give me a moment, I will read their thoughts.”

“Don’t.” I stopped it immediately, “I still have to eat later.”

I had no interest in what was going through their minds right now. Anyway, it must be something along the lines of: ‘I cannot die like this!’ or ‘How can I escape this crisis openly and honestly without damaging my image?’

Or perhaps, at such crucial times when everyone was going to die, they were still thinking about infighting…

After all, competition is a lot of fun.

A thought crossed my mind, and I asked curiously, “Say, what if I tell them that I would consider their request if they would vote and execute the top hundred people who had wronged me the most? Will they bite each other like dogs?”

The black cat speculated reasonably: “Then perhaps, there would be a war between the Empire and the Federation before the ‘fifth wave’ even happened.”

I imagined the scene in my mind and found it hilarious.

It was too late to add that to the ‘rules’ on the number machine. If only I had thought about this earlier…

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Since no one was willing to take the fifth number – obviously, no one wanted to die before everyone else, I chose to take an afternoon nap.

When I woke up later on, the black cat spoke up: “They are fighting each other.”

I rubbed my eyes drowsily: “What?”

Black cat: “The Empire and the Federation are fighting to monopolise the number machine.

I summoned a floating question mark above my head upon hearing its words, no kidding, but it seemed like I could never escape the fate of waking every day to morons: “What kind of monopolization?”

“The Empire believed that your expulsion was instigated and coerced by the Federation three years ago, so the Federation should take responsibility and was not qualified to take a number.” The black cat’s ears were facing the window, “Meanwhile, the Federation believed that because you were once a registered member of the Empire, and the Federation was never qualified or allowed to expel any citizens from belonging to the Empire, hence, the initiator of your expulsion could only be the Empire.”

I stretched my back in a loud yawn: “Ella, bring me a cup of coffee.”

Ella responded with a happy meow, happy to do what it does best.

In fact, when Ella was still an artificial intelligence, it would often brew virtual coffees for itself.

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