As the saying (I created) goes, one would wake up every day to discover a brand new idiot.

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This area had been a no-man’s land for the past three years, but in actuality, it was actually an ungoverned area. That was because it was extremely barren and was too lacking in resources, furthermore, in addition to the many alien beasts lingering around the area, the climate was also extremely harsh. 

In short, even the indigenous people had long since moved out of this area several decades ago, and neither the Empire nor the Federation had ever shown an interest in it.

Although no one had ever visited me in the past three years, if anyone was determined enough to come, it would take only half a day of travelling from the nearest city.

And so, after the former Emperor’s failed live broadcast yesterday, the terrified people of this world rushed to this no-man’s land by various means.

On the other hand, I spent my entire morning asleep, only waking up when the sun was nigh high. By now, the former Emperor and his guards were already surrounded as the people shouted and demanded the former Emperor to strip (both clothes and trousers) and plead guilty to his crimes.

My reaction to this was merely a big fat ‘?’, and do not take off your pants, please and thank you.

Because the chanting outside was too loud, I had no choice but to cast another layer of soundproofing barrier around my little cabin.

After peace and quiet returned to my world, I counted the days left until the destruction of the world with my fingers in anticipation.

The prince… Emperor… arrived on the first day. 

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The ex-boyfriend arrived on the second day. 

The ex-boyfriend’s sister and nephew arrived on the third day. 

I built the number machine and the former Emperor arrived on the fourth day.

That makes today the fifth day.

“Can you make me a visual data report?” I asked the black cat as how a capitalist boss would.

Black cat: “……”

“Give me a moment.” The black cat said wryly.

It disappeared for a while and came back with a see-through display – the kind commonly used in conference rooms, just that it was small in size and suitable for cats to use it.

“Did you craft this?” I could not help but ask curiously.

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“No.” The black cat answered, “I took it from the Empire’s camp outside.”

I am utterly in awe.

Just listen to its words – ‘took’, not ‘steal’.

But it did make sense. This world belonged to the World Conscience, so technically, everything belonged to him.

The black cat hung the display screen in the middle of the air and twitched its tail lightly, and instantly, two starry maps appeared on the screen.

I recognized the maps as the territory of the Empire and the Federation.

“The red areas are the people who believed that ‘the Empire and the Federation should be held accountable for what happened three years ago”, and on the contrary, the blue areas meant the opposite.”

I moved closer to inspect the map, only to find out that there weren’t any blue areas at all!

“The most common phrase right now is – ‘She wants an apology, so just go and apologize! We don’t want to die from this indirect implication!’” The black cat announced, “The second phrase is that ‘Such a high and mighty bitch! She really needs to have her face slapped a thousandfold by a new hero who could save this world!’”

However, such remarks can no longer hurt me, in fact, I actually feel somewhat happy from listening to this. Who wouldn’t like to watch and listen to the furious outbursts from incompetent people~

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But still, after pondering through my thoughts, I could not help but ask the black cat sincerely, “Can you tell me how in the world were you able to create such a rotten world?”

Black cat: “…… You might not believe this, but there was another World Conscience nearby who created a world with the same ‘negative emotions’, however, their ending was the complete opposite to this…”

“Negative emotions?”

“All races are prone to negative or extreme emotions.” The black cat explained calmly, “In gaming terms, this can be considered as starting out in ‘hell difficulty’ mode, which randomly happens when a new world is created.”

“Your luck is horrible.” I sighed.

Black cat: “……”

Its black ears and tail drooped sadly, as if it had been hurt emotionally.

However, I suppose my luck was worse to have ended up in this world, so I did not want to console it at all, “What are those red lines on the map?”

“That’s all the routes and modes of transportation that will lead to this no-man’s land.” The black cat answered feebly, “At present, all legal and illegal means of transportation to his place have been overloaded.”

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“Maybe they’re coming here to attack me?” I thought on a whim, in fact, I was kind of looking forward to this wonderful surprise.

“That’s not possible. They’re here to force the high-ranking officials of the Empire and the Federation to plead guilty, in fact, many of them were stacked with thorn-filled torture devices.”

“How about those? What do the yellow lines mean?”

“That’s an illegal force that was created to kidnap other officials that were unrelated to the issue three years ago.” The black cat explained.

“What a self-governing world.” I murmured spitefully, “It is not worthy of being mentioned next to the world I used to live in at all.”

The black cat nodded its head in agreement, “I will work harder next time.”

“This PowerPoint presentation is extremely well done.” I praised the black cat coolly, as it definitely deserved it, “Ah, no need to return the display screen, let’s put it to further use instead.

I adjusted the program of the display screen and turned it into a countdown timer, with bright red characters – [Remaining time to world destruction: ] written clearly on top.

The specially selected blood-red colour was extremely suitable for this scenario, in addition to that, it was also a greatly conspicuous colour, and could be clearly seen from more than fifty meters away.

After that, I hung the display screen majestically on the door of my cosy cabin.

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