Thriller Paradise

Chapter 100

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The game menu automatically popped up in front of Feng Bujue’s eyes. An arrow pointed at the Clothing Tab and the system’s voice came along.

[After adjusting your items in Clothing Tab, you can choose the option ‘Change costume’ in your login space, and the system will change your appearance accordingly.] 

[If you take off all of your clothes or choose to hide your clothes, your character’s costume will be restored to the default setting.]

[Notice: Players cannot change their garments in the Clothing Tab in any scenarios. In public areas, players can wear on or off their clothes, but their appearance will not change accordingly. Only when you are in your login space can you carry out operations that can change your clothes.]

When Feng Bujue heard the notice, another window popped up and floated in front of him, which read: [Please confirm if you are wearing other pieces of costumes. In this situation, after you’re done with changing clothes, your previous clothes will be automatically placed inside your bag or your storage. If you don’t have enough storage slots, the system will enclose your items in an email and send it to your mailbox. Your mail can last for 24 hours in real time.]

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"Very thoughtful reminder," muttered Feng Bujue. By the way, he was wearing the default costume of newbies. Such a detailed setting, only a grain of sand could sneak in.

He then set his clothing to be visible, except for the mask. The [Dance of the Knight] immediately appeared on his foot. Confirmed. In the next seconds, Feng Bujue’s whole body turned into a white halo, just like he was about to be teleported from a scenario. Anyway, it was just a flash and him changing clothes was done.

Feng Bujue felt satisfied with his new image reflected in the mirror. Under the setting that his clothes were visible, the bag, which used to be hung across his chest, had become invisible; also, he didn’t have the feeling that he was wearing it. When players wanted to take out items from the bag, they just needed to poke their hands into the position where their bags should be. The item then would come out from a dimensional fissure.

Feng Bujue had spent more than 30,000 coins to buy supplies, and the amount he had now was 104,600 coins. It would be better to keep some money with him. If he spent it all, when he found an item he could sell at a good price, he would find it troublesome with the auction fees.

Feng Bujue decided not to touch his 1080 Skill Value points. Currently, he didn’t lack equipment but fighting experience. The [Echo Armor] had been in his bag for three scenarios, and he hadn’t been able to equip it yet. If he counted on the chances to upgrade his related Specialty to the level he could equip the item, perhaps it wouldn’t work. At present, it seemed not practical to train his Common Specialty to Grade C at level 15. Now, he hoped that his Weapon Specialty could be upgraded in the next Killing Game he was about to play.

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Planning took time; no plan, no need to spend time. Actually, Feng Bujue had spent more than 20 minutes to shop and sort out his items, but it was just 20 minutes in the game. By the way, within this time, Like Rain had finished the design of their Union’s badge.

In fact, when Feng Bujue had returned to his login space, the badge on the left sleeve of his newbie costume had been added, but he didn’t notice it. After he had put on his new costume, he saw the additional feature in the mirror.

Next, he went to check the Union menu in his Social Channel. Wang Tanzhi, Dispirited Laughing Bones, and Like Rain, these three IDs displayed that they were playing. However, they hadn’t been there for a long time just yet. In his friend list, besides these three people, the ID Longao Min was still gray as he wasn’t online. As he guessed that Long-Ge wouldn’t be online tonight, the Union stuff would have to wait until he logged in.

Feng Bujue took out two magazines of bullets from his bag and put them into the pockets of his coat. He took a deep breath then paid attention to the game menu. He opened the playing mode options. At level 15, players were considered to finish the newbie period and the primary stage in the game. At this point, they would start to enter the middle stage which had richer contents.

From level 5 to level 14, there were only two playing modes; now it was four, including Single-player Survival Mode (Normal), Single-player Survival Mode (Nightmare), Multiplayer Survival Mode (Normal) and Killing Game.

Of which, the Killing Game had four more modes, namely, one versus one, two versus two, three versus three, and random three to six players melee.

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In the first three game modes, players could choose to queue and meet the opponents randomly. They could also choose to enter the game with their team; however, as they had to be on the same side, only a team of three could try this mode. A team of four couldn’t play Killing Game. Moreover, a team of three could only play three on three and not two on two. In short, it’s impossible to arrange a spy among the opponent team.

Besides, there was another option called ‘Challenge’, in which players could invite other players to play the opponent side in the game. This function would have, no, must have a set of conditions.

First of all, both of the people challenging and being challenged should at least exist in their each other’s social network. Either in the [Friends], [Blacklist], and [Recent Teammates] tab. The blacklist in Thriller Paradise was a passive option. Thus, if you just hear about some other players, but you have never met him in the game, the only option you have is to add him to your friend list, and only if he agrees can you send the challenge invite then.

Thanks to this setting, players on the ranking lists could avoid numerous challenge invites sent to them daily. At most, they had to deny a large amount of friend requests as well as piles of emails when they returned to the login space. As they were celebrities, they had to accept that little pressure. Also, they didn’t need to worry that they would accidentally delete the ones they wanted to befriend since they could find them again in the Recent Teammates Tab.

The second condition for ‘Challenge’ was, besides the mode one on one, players who entered the challenge should be in a team in order to start the battle. This was to prevent the ‘undercover’ phenomenon. For example, in three versus three playing mode, three players could challenge one player, and that player was actually their friend in the game, who was about to go undercover and trick the other two players queuing… This kind of stuff would not happen since when a team of three sent the challenge invite, the other team should have three members in order to accept the invite.

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Of course, in case that they had queued randomly, there’s a chance that they would encounter some of their friends in the opponent’s team. Although this situation was rare, in case it happened, the ‘Passive Playing’ concept was applicable in Killing Game. Moreover, it wasn’t just simply increasing the teammates’ Fear Value gradually.

Players in Killing Game who were judged to intentionally assist the opponent side or purposely tricked their teammates, their Skill Value would get deduction… When the Skill Value they got in the scenario was all deducted, the system would start to deduct the original value they had earned before. In case the Skill Value players had before the game wasn’t much, the system could always deduct it to negative numbers. Thus, if players intentionally messed up the Killing Game, the loss they had to bear would be weighty. Besides the increasing Fear Value, which could force them to disconnect at the maximum point, the loss of Skill Value was also extremely terrible. If the system found out a player had conducted this behavior many times, just like a cracked jar getting finally broken, his account would be locked, awaiting to be resolved.

It’s easy to explain the last playing mode, the random three to six players melee. Players could only queue alone and kill until there was only one standing, which was also the winner.

In Close Beta, Valiant Ghost Devouring Heaven had met his co-workers in Order Studio in this playing mode and killed them all mercilessly. This situation could only happen in Close Beta where there were few players that had reached high levels and the ones who were eligible to play this mode were limited. That’s why the four of them could encounter each other in the same game. At this time, in Open Beta, such situations would hardly happen.

Feng Bujue had already thought about trying out Killing Game when he reached level 15. However, for the first time he played this game mode, he didn’t expect to win, he just intended to get familiar with the new playing mode. Thus, he didn’t dare to enter the team playing mode. One, he was afraid he would hold them back; two, he could be slaughtered before he understood how to play this mode.

Then, Feng Bujue chose Killing Game, pressed 1 versus 1 option and entered a random team…

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