Thriller Paradise

Chapter 105

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Among the six of them, five were flying and dashing back and forth in between the ruins for more than 10 minutes. The combat power of Fearless Hero and Zen In Scary Dream were originally in bad conditions, moreover, they were fighting two-on-three. Naturally, they were falling into a disadvantaged situation.

At the same time, Valiant Ghost was sitting far from them and watching the game just like nothing there was related to him.

This wasn’t an appointed match as it was a random arrangement. Since the powers of the two teams were similar, they had encountered each other in this game.

Although Valiant Ghost stayed still, the other three from The Immortals didn’t dare to look down on him. This was also the first time that they had met this teenager, who had topped the ranking list. As they hadn’t known the details, they couldn’t eliminate the case wherein that teenager could use some skills and ambush them from the side. Thus, the three of them were still keeping an eye on the situation over there. 

Anyway, the three of them didn’t intend to attack Valiant Ghost before they could finish the battle here. In case that brat didn’t get along well with his teammates, and he would just sit there and watch the fun, they would just let him watch then. Currently, they were taking the upper hand; after they had killed the other two players, the game would turn into a match of three-on-one. By then, no matter how strong he was, facing the three strong warriors on the combat ranking list besieging, it would be unlikely for him to withstand them.

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"Hah ~~~" Valiant Ghost yawned, looking at the battle that was ever-changing afar from him. He muttered, "So boring~~~."

At this moment, Yama had caught a flaw of Fearless Hero—he treated this as a ‘boring’ battle.

According to Yama’s title, which was [Punishment Rope], her weapon should be a long whip. At this moment, Yama flashed and flung her whip like a slithering snake. As Fearless Hero had just directly received a strike from Vishnu, he has yet to regain his balance, as such, the long whip had easily arrived and coiled his neck.

Yama’s wrist flickered and pulled, wanting to take this chance to break her opponent’s neck.

In just a blink, Zen In Scary Dream had arrived and slashed her whip. A force came out and blocked Yama’s force that was sent along the whip. Fearless Hero seized the chance and swayed, getting rid of the coil on his neck in the process.

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In that short fragment of time, people could witness the tremendous fighting ability of Zen In Scary Dream. Seeing Fearless Hero was in danger, he didn’t hesitate to speed up and slash a strike that forced Brahma to back off, letting him turn around to rescue his teammate. As Brahma was the one who had the slowest pace among The Immortals’ group of three, Zen In Scary Dream just needed to throw one strike at him to seize the time and walk away.

"Tut!" Fearless Hero rubbed his neck and felt like it was burning. He couldn’t help yelling, "Little devil!" He headed to Valiant Ghost and shouted, "Until when do you want to continue on watching this funny game?"

"Yeah, if you can’t hold it anymore, just say it, no need to ask me until when I will stop watching you guys playing. Ahh~" Valiant Ghost got up lazily. "Your jobs here (this refers to the jobs Order Studio has assigned their workers) are to seize the time and improve your Fighting Specialty, and also to gain Skill Value through fighting," he started to stretch his neck, "even if you got killed, it wouldn't affect this. That’s why I didn’t move to let you accomplish your tasks."

Fearless Hero and Zen In Scary Dream had jumped off from the battle range and came next to Valiant Ghost. Seeing that the brat had finally moved up, the other three from The Immortals pulled themselves together and prepared to fight against the peerless warrior.

The reason why they had been afraid of Valiant Ghost Devouring Heaven, even when they had met just once, was because of another player, the one who was ranked second on the combat ranking list, [Shiva]. As he was the strongest among the Four Great Gods of The Immortals, he had used the ID which represented the ‘God of Destruction’; he was also the leader of The Immortals Union. If they played one-on-one, among Vishnu, Brahma, and Yama, none of them could defeat him even once.

When the members of The Immortals had seen the ranking lists at the Mall for the first time, they got stunned. A brat who wasn’t on the highest levels list could be placed ahead of their leader on the combat ranking list. Perhaps they believed that this boy had used Auto or had some supernatural powers. 

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"Little Devil, do you mean that if you take an action, your teammates wouldn’t need to move?" Vishnu asked.

"In fact, if Uncle Fearless didn’t drag our fighting competence down, perhaps I don’t need to move, but we will still win." Valiant Ghost, in reality, was a teenager who could blend in and get along well with other people. However, once he had entered the game, he would become a brat who somewhat got mental problems.

"What did you say!" Fearless Hero jumped indignantly.

He had soon felt irritated with this Valiant Ghost Devouring Heaven kid. Back in Close Beta Version, after he had reached max level, he had more time to play deliberately. Then, he had queued to play a three to six players melee. When he had entered the scenario, he met three other players from the same Studio, and two of them were the junior workers in his team. He immediately decided that everybody would help each other to upgrade their Specialties and eventually let him win the game. No one ever thought that this Valiant Ghost brat would mockingly declare that he wanted to go against the three of them and ask them to all jump in at once. At that time, Valiant Ghost was at level 15, thus his seniors wanted to give him a lesson, which led to a tragedy later. Of course, he had a grudge, but it was momentary. Fearless Hero wouldn’t hold a grudge towards the teenager just because of a game he had lost; anyway, he thought this brat was a little bit annoying. Unexpectedly, at the first night of the Open Beta, he was assigned to the same team with Valiant Ghost Devouring Heaven and Zen In Scary Dream to play the Killing Game on three versus three and train their specialties for the whole night… At this moment, Valiant Ghost had enumerated his shortcomings in front of their biggest competitors, The Immortals; even if he were a Buddha, he couldn’t press down his rage.

"A... Don’t be sulky. It’s just child’s talk." Zen In Scary Dream consoled him with a moderate tone as his face was like that of a dreamy senile man. This expression was totally opposite to his agile and skillful fighting style. "Don’t look at me as who I am now, when I was young, I was much like him…" He took out the liquor bottle, gulped half of it, hiccupped and said, "I was young and wild like him…" 

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"What is ‘who I am now’! You think you are very good now?! Smoking, drinking and curly hair?!?" Fearless Hero shouted, "And, you’re only a few years older than him! You’re still very young!"

"Ha, ha... Alright, I’m up now. We should solve this quickly." Valiant Ghost cracked his knuckles and walked forward. "Tomorrow, I will talk to the manager. From now on, no matter what kind of playing modes I’m going to play, teaming up with me will cause you guys to become very tired though."

Seeing the opponent walking forward alone, Brahma sneered, "Hey, kiddo, are you too naive to think that you could finish the three of us alone?"

"Good point. Even our leader couldn’t do that. What do you think, Yama?" Vishnu turned and asked her.

"Harrumph... Go die." Yama snorted coldly.

However, the complexion that Valiant Ghost was wearing was somehow too leisured and it was almost lazy.

"I don’t care what you guys think." He didn’t even take out any weapons; he just stretched one of his arms and gestured a ‘please’. "Don’t waste my time, all of you come together!"

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