Thriller Paradise

Chapter 1050: 1050

Open the metal door in front of you and see a room of about 20 square meters.

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The lights in the room were on, and the view of the room was clear at a glance.

Obviously This is an experimental cell.

Moreover, the walls of the cell were almost filled with strange symbols and words.

Needless to say, you must have guessed Here, in the third sleep experiment, is Dr. Andre's cell. And the handwriting on the wall is basically written by him with excrement.

"Prisoners are in good condition..." When Feng didn't realize that he came into the room, he even said something, " It's all wholemeal bread. "

Ordinary people will frown and cover their noses even if they don't vomit directly when they enter the room full of feces and stink. But when they don't feel it, they just smell it first and guess the food of the experimental body from the smell

"Well Dr Andre's hemorrhoids seem to be quite serious After entering the room, Feng unconsciously glanced around and found that the words in the color of shit Mixed with many dark red parts, "look at this situation, almost every day in attack."

make complaints about Tucao, and make complaints about it.

From the moment he entered the room, he began to think about a third set of reminders.

"Antitank dog Victim A victim who refuses to sacrifice Or... Run back Return? "

"In the third experiment, the first six days are basically the same as the first two experiments No change. "

"On the seventh day Pacing back and forth Come... Back... "

Reading this, Feng unconsciously looked at the contents of several walls around him.

"Oh Here... " Brother Jue said, stopping his eyes on the wall facing the door. The seventh line of the wall has the same symbol at the beginning and the end, and the excrement used to draw the two symbols is bloody.

"Then On the eighth day "Four" other than doctors Oozing blood... Go to the infirmary. And... The ninth day Archive... "

This time, Chueh thought for five minutes. Then he turned around and left the room.

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"Hoo..." Until you go out. Only later did he realize, "I'm so engrossed So I stood in the place full of shit for a long time... "

Brother Jue also made mistakes.

However, this kind of mistake will not cause any substantial loss


Fifteen minutes later, Feng was back in front of the gravity gate.

Now Brother Jue knows it very well. The area from the gate to the No.1 experimental room is a mosquito repellent spiral inward corridor, but the corridor is not in an arc, but in a right angle.

In the whole map, the terrain of this area is also unique. The corridors in other areas are all crisscross, orderly and extending to the edge of the map; only here It has a unique design.

"I thought the prompt of the document was pointing to the exit. It seems that I was wrong again... "

I can't feel that when there is still a considerable distance from the gate, I have seen a dark row of people at the intersection.

There were seven people standing there. Six of them looked at the variants of sleep experiment and ritual transformation, and the rest It's Igor.

"In this sandbox with no logo or details at all, the system uses all the resources it can use to create a 'map' A 'map' that can only exist in my mind. "

There are so many obviously hostile NPCs in the sight, but brother Jue is still unmoved and continues to think

"Under the extremely limited resources, the system transformed the way of breaking through this sandbox into" various information "and conveyed it to me."

He is getting closer and closer to those figures, and his feet are getting faster and faster.

"From the beginning The primary goal of the system is not to get me out of the script. It's about getting me out of the sandbox. "

He extended his hands in his pockets on both sides and leaned forward to prepare for the battle.

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"After seeing through this, the foundation gave up observation and adopted This strategy. "

In the moment when [hidden task completed]

[view of the world: SCP observation plan]

two consecutive voice prompts were introduced into the deaf ears.

At the same time, the group of people standing in front moved.

"Well?" Those people wake up to something when they move You will learn to sell now... "

In a flash, he judged the enemies in front of him. All have become the same "hybrid variants" as themselves.

Obviously, after seeing what brother Jue did, the observers of the foundation also used the rest of the sleep experimental variants to perform the transformation ceremony for Igor, and then injected the variants with vno-9. In this way All of these monsters have become the same hybrid varieties as juega.

As for intelligence or intelligence, it doesn't matter. Anyway, the foundation has directly controlled the NPC / monster's actions with the method of forced intervention. As the last line of defense against the blind, as long as they have strong strength and fighting instinct

Bang Bang

It's late, it's fast! At the moment of short-term combat, brother Jue suddenly stopped. Pull out and roll back.

Those monsters can't hold back, accompanied by the loud sound of several titles They collided with each other, some on each other, some on the walls on both sides of the corridor.

The first round of charge of monsters ended in a state of confusion.

"Good It's a little challenging. " At this time, he had already thrown his toolbox away, because he had the power to smash the enemy's skull with his bare hands.

However, at present, he is one against seven, and the individual hard power of those seven opponents is not too different from that of him. In this case, he wants to win There are still some difficulties. We have to rely on the experience and skills of fighting.

Fortunately In this regard, brother Jue has great advantages.

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Although those monsters attack fiercely and fiercely, they still flash left and right without obvious speed advantage

Metaphorically, it's like a fight game A group of very honest and open mutual injury AI, in the siege of a master hand role.

"Ah I didn't expect... " After fighting for a while, Feng said to himself with a smile, "I also have today..."

Now. He can't help but recall the situation when he first met [crazy trace sword shadow].

The same is the body skill gap is not big, and Jue elder brother in the hard strength aspect even is the superiority bigger side.

However, before brother Jue got the psionic weapon, he was still beaten by the opponent.

And now Feng can't feel that he has become a better fighter. When he looked at the monsters like a headless fly, with a look can see through the action and attack mode, he finally experienced the feeling of a master abusing vegetables.

Thirty seconds after the fight, Feng could not see a chance. He smashed the back brain of a variant with a snake like stab in his right hand and killed one person successfully.

One is two. As the number of monsters decreases, it's easier to kill Jue Ge.

The second chance, 20 seconds later

Feng didn't realize that with a simple fake action, the two variants stumbled into each other. Then he spread his arms and took two lives.

That's it Three minutes after the match, seven opponents, only the last one; and that It's Igor.

Just as Feng was preparing to do it together decisively, suddenly


the beep rings again, and the invisible waves come from all directions again.

"Crazy, are you really going to kill Igor?" The next second. A woman's voice sounded. Her voice sounds like it comes from a far away place, and its timbre is obviously emitted through some kind of instrument, slightly distorted, "he is just an innocent experiment, and he is a partner who helps you survive all the way."

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"Hum Isn't it ridiculous to say that? " "The real Igor died as early as 1949, didn't he?" he sneered He fought and said, "he died in some underground Institute. He became a victim of some experiment. " He paused. "What I'm facing now is just an image of a simulated world Whether he died or lived. When you close the rough mirror world, it will disappear Until you open the next parallel universe, there will be another Igor, another Nicolai, another Andre... "

When the voice fell, Feng didn't feel a bounce on the wall. He went around Igor's back and took a sweep. Kick each other's head to pieces.

"Save it The one who is talking to me. " When Feng didn't feel like landing, he said coldly, "what can I say? I'll talk when I get to your side."

The voice did not respond to brother Jue, but the distortion of the scene in the play was intensified.

Imagine At this time, the foundation has been in a mess, and has played the love card, which is undoubtedly a sign of poverty.


After handling the last block, he walked into the corridor behind the gravity induction gate.

With his current physical function, there is no problem of consumption of survival value and physical fitness value at all. In any case, as long as he doesn't do strenuous exercise, even in the state of fast walking, those two values will continue to recover at a very considerable speed.

"Blood Blood... Blood... I remember that there are some bags here... "

Two minutes later, Feng came to the operating room and opened a cupboard in the corner.

"Ah It's here. "

There are some blood bags in the cupboard. All of them are of the same blood type. They should be prepared for blood transfusion to Igor when necessary.

Previously, when Feng was exploring in this room, he found these blood bags. Considering that the blood is different from his own blood type, and Igor's blood was fluorescent at that time, Chueh Ge didn't take the blood with him.

"OK, get up..." At present, Feng unconsciously takes a few blood bags and goes out to turn left, then moves on.

When passing by the room where scp-1011 is stored, he still carefully blocked his sight, so as not to make trouble

After a while, Feng came to Lab 1 again, which was the first time he was transferred to

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