Thriller Paradise

Chapter 1075: 1075

It's a big fight. It's just about ready.

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King of bear children, against The God of war in the park.

[hello What's going on? ]

this is a situation no one expected, and no one can guess the outcome.

Why do I speak in square brackets again? ]

"come on! It's early to bet! " On the other hand, in the "betting area" away from the edge of the battlefield, wuxumarao is a good opening expert. As soon as he saw the situation changed, he immediately filled in the name of "Benbu Taisan" on the bulletin board, and wrote the odds, "Benbu is very strong, one to one and a half to make a bet!"

[did the techniques used in the chapter "Scofield's monologue" reappear ]

at this time, the music has stopped, and wuxumahuo still shouts with the loudspeaker, even people on the battlefield side heard his shouts.

is it good to make complaints about the main characters in a God's perspective? This time the author really gave up life, right? Schizophrenia? You? ]

"hum That son of a bitch, I really want to meet the stitches... " In the process of moving forward, our department also heard the yell over there. However, he just said in his heart, "forget it He is the strongest here. Let him go... "

This department is a person who knows the goods. He knows that the strongest person here is actually the one who is in charge of opening.

But the disabled youth, the heroes of Yu Chao Lian (including Jue GE), and all kinds of alien people on the scene all don't know how to guide them.

Don't I know when you write like this? Or do I have to pretend I don't know in the next chapter? ]

wuxumaruo seems to say the odds of the park God of war casually, but in fact Whether they are disabled teenagers, buckteeth aunts, or Benbu Taisan, their odds are very objective.

Because Wuxumaruo didn't have to fight at all. He knew the strength of the three men clearly.

[why? Do you know the strength of each other's combat power by Qi? Are you also bick's Apprentice? ]

"Hello! The straw head over there. " Unexpectedly, at this time, the disabled youth turned around. Looking at the crowd in the betting area, "I've been paying attention to you for a long time!"

The betting board over there is very big. With the vision of Disabled Teenagers, you can see the words and odds clearly.

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"How could you set my odds as the highest?" Regardless of the Department he was approaching, he said loudly to wuxumaruo, "aunt bucktooth is 0.1 lower than me, even though the odds of this sleeping park are 0.4 lower than me? Do you have a blind eye? "

[now is the time to care about that. There is a strange uncle approaching you. Your attention is focused. ]

"hmm?" Wuxu marluo hears the words, immediately stops shouting, and meets the other party's line of sight, "little devil, how can I decide the odds, seems to have nothing to do with you?"

"What do you say?" The eyes of the disabled young man brightened, "you straw head Do you want to die! "

People just tell the truth. ]His sentence is obviously not a question, because when he said the word "death". Already in trouble.

However, when the disabled youth raised his arm and pointed, a blue beam of light burst out from his fingertip, attacking the crowded betting area.

At that moment, many experts around, including ordinary aliens I feel strongly that this move will blow all the people there to pieces.

[so powerful? What about the cannons? ]


"Hum Ridiculous. " Wuxu mahuo sees the situation and snorts coldly.

Suddenly, he disappeared from his original position and flashed on the path of the beam.

[it's your turn to pretend to be forced. ]

next second. The beam hit wuxumaruo's torso, but The impact. But it gives people a feeling of going to the sea.

Blue light rushed in from his chest, but didn't come out from behind

About two seconds later, when the disabled youth realized that the situation was excellent and hurriedly accepted the move, they had consumed 30% of their energy.

[star sucking method? ]

"what What! The disabled young man lost his color and stepped back subconsciously. "Who are you!"

[the lines are so old-fashioned. ]

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"it doesn't matter who I am." Wuxu Ma Luo lightly replied and turned to the place where he had just stood. "The point is Your bear child's behavior just now has basically ruined your victory. "

The voice is still on. A shock has been born.

Just when the disabled youth is ready to turn around in a hurry A pair of strong, thick arms had strangled his neck.

Ah I said don't look around. ]

"ha ha..." Benbu Taisan has an absolute advantage in height and weight. When he strangled his neck, he was sure of his victory. "Little devil, knowing that I am near you, I dare to look around Isn't it necessary to look down on me too much? " At this point, he has been relentlessly in his arms, "pay for your innocence!"

[you have to shut up, don't make this obvious lag Maybe it will win. ]

"drink ah" unexpectedly, at this critical moment, the disabled youth is a long drink, the whole body fighting spirit rises sharply.

"Don't look down on me!" After a line full of sense of seeing and exploding, he once again tried to play the part in the way of exploding Qi.

[let's see. ]


"Hum..." I just snorted, "you are so naive!"

It turns out that the Department has launched the family destruction at the same time, completely offsetting the impact with its own profound skills.

"The game is up!" Then, the Department stopped the disabled youth and leaped into the air, "secret skill, falling into the abyss together!"

I don't know who stipulated it. Anyway, in this year's fights, we have to report the moves.

[cut I just like newspaper ]

after a few seconds, the two figures fell to the ground together and the energy exploded.

A strong wave of wind spread out around in a circle and lifted numerous miscellaneous fish.

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But "Victory" is not divided as this part says.

"You How could it be? " The light and shadow have not yet disappeared, and the astonished words of this part have already sounded, "why can you still stand up?"

[uncle, you can use this expression and tone to say more lines. Then you are going to lose. ]

at this time, after this powerful casting skill, the Department and the disabled youth have reopened their distance. I thought Even if the other side has not been broken into meat sauce, at least it should lose consciousness.

I didn't expect

"This is also, and that is There must be a limit to belittle people! " At this moment, the Cannian youth angrily drinks out his voice and takes advantage of the unstable and uncertain mind of this department All of a sudden.

[Oh, it's time for you to have your turn. ]

"delete your archive fist! Break your model legs! Willful spilling! Cry and fall! "

[this baby's move name is a little capricious. ]

late. Fast then! While drinking his own move name, the disabled youth launched a stormy attack on this part, which made the latter lose all the time, only the power of parry.

"Hum This department, are you old and confused? " At the same time, in the distance, he turned his back to their Wuxu Marlo, and said coldly, "even when the other side has become a 'rolling gold body', he didn't realize it, so he made a 'fall into the abyss together' Ah... It's you who are naive. "

[so You're the narrator now? ]


He's talking here. On the other side of the movie, we were beating each other.

As the saying goes, "boxing is afraid of young people" and "random boxing kills teacher Fu" prove from the side The importance of age, or physical condition, in fighting.

[I guess it's a piece of serious nonsense. ]

Yes, our body is bigger and stronger than that of Disabled Teenagers, but By the standards of his race, his physical condition has already begun to decline, almost equal to the condition of "Earth man 50 years old".

And bear child star man In this respect, it has a congenital advantage. Because they are a "not old" race, they will stop developing physiologically as long as they reach puberty. And remain in this state until death.

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Forgive me for immediately thinking about racial reproduction and a series of very dirty pictures. ]

this inborn advantage is insurmountable in this part. After all, bear child Starman is also a "fighting race" (there are many fighting races in this universe). There are different abilities, but they are obviously superior to the general race in fighting). However, there is no special racial talent in this department. His achievements today are all acquired through training.

[does he have a Mao achievement? Do homeless people who fight all over the park enjoy the special national allowance? ]

from this point of view, even though the disabled teenagers are not as good as their own. But in time, as long as he keeps training and improving his own combat power, he will surely surpass this part

However, such a hypothesis, in fact, does not make sense

It's like we compare athletes of different times with each other. Imagine what it would be like for them to have a fight at their peak.

Can we not make an analogy with athletes? Always feel aggrieved. ]

in this world of jungle, results represent everything. To prove that you are stronger, you have to prove it with the victory in front of you

Ah Victory is not a good thing. Victory is to cross a mountain of corpses. Victory is cruel. It's the last knife to defeat, to crush, to completely destroy your opponent, and then to make up for it. ]

"well It's really that I lost my temper. " After being suppressed for a while, the voice of this part rings again, "well Now it's just right. "

[it's your turn ]

"you sleeping in the park How can you say something? " At the moment, the Disabled Teenagers haven't found out. The other side will have this "spare power". The reason is His attacks on debris are not as sharp as the first ten seconds.

It seems that you are going to be beaten ]

kid At last, the face of the Department turned to coagulate, and the posture changed from defending to attacking, "don't be too arrogant! I want to be serious too! "

"Nani!" This lightning and Firestone, the disabled youth instinctively perceived a certain danger, and his progress stagnated.

As you can see, it is because the average level of the author's writing and playing plays is maintained at this level all the year round that I try to avoid a similar positive contest with others. ]

"unemployment bankruptcy palm!" The counterattack of this part begins. It seems that Zeng Xiang used the moves

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