Thriller Paradise

Chapter 117

[Feng Bujue, level 15]

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[Wang Tanzhi, level 15]

[Like Rain, level 15]

[Dispirited Laughing Bones, level 14]
[Please select the playing mode for your team.]

[You’ve selected Multiplayer Survival Mode (Normal), please confirm.]

[Confirmed. Random number of members of your party is generated: 4 players.]

[Your team is queuing...]

[Matching completed. Adjusting nervous connection… Generating scenario…]

[Loading… Please wait…]

It seemed that this time, the four of them were ‘lucky’ enough to enter a scenario for four players. However, abnormality had already happened during the plot’s generating process as they hadn’t heard the greeting ‘Welcome to Thriller Paradise’.

Moreover, the four of them hadn’t been teleported as what usually happened when they played Multiplayer Survival Mode (Normal). Also, the system didn’t give them CG introduction in first-person point of view. They could only feel that their elevator booths had moved for a certain distance and then they heard the system’s prompt.

[Loading completed. You are playing Multiplayer Survival Mode (Normal).]
[This mode offers an explanation of the plot. There are chances of Side/[Hidden Quests], together with special Worldview.]

[Rewards for completing the scenario: A random Skill Card that player is able to learn.] 

[Plot’s introduction is about to play. After the introduction, the game will start immediately.]

One second later, nothing happened. No brief introduction.

"What’s going on?" The four of them in their own elevator booth were having the same thought.

All of a sudden, they felt void under their feet as they immediately fell down.

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The floor of their booths didn't give any signals; they just cracked open. Such a sudden event, no one had time to react. Fortunately, this wasn’t an open-door-instant-kill setting as players had just fallen two meters from above into a big slide. An invisible force then drew them sliding forward in their own, separate slide.

This kind of slide looked similar to that in a water park; however, there was no water as they were using some suction force to push objects, gliding away on the slide with a fast speed.

At this moment, the four of them were helplessly sliding forward in the dark. They didn't know their teammates’ locations or see anything as they just continued moving forward pretty fast in their own slide.

Not long after that, this confusing opening was over. They arrived at the end of the glide one by one.

That invisible force pushed Feng Bujue to fall on a chair which had a wide backrest. Then, this chair automatically spun and floated up. When the chair finally stopped, Feng Bujue had arrived at a spacious place. The surrounding was really dark. He couldn't see anything outside the radius of 10 meters.

After he had checked his surroundings, Feng Bujue found that the situation of Little Tan, Like Rain and Dispirited was the same with him as they were sitting on three different chairs. Standing in front of each of them was a control panel. Each player now occupied a slot. A round space roughly 10 meters in diameter stood in the center. The floor was tiled with black and white patterns, just like a giant chessboard.

When they still couldn't make heads or tails of it, a deep but very stimulating voice arose in the dark.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, together with our audience who I can’t tell the genders, welcome to the stage of the ‘Deadly Jeopardy’. Please welcome our host, Mister Yu!"

A spotlight pierced through the dark, gloomy space, shining on a path connected to the round stage in the center. Standing at the end of that path was a massive gate in the shape of a skull. At this moment, the gate opened. White fog massively rolled out from there. No one could sure if it was real fog or just dry ice. One second later, more than 10 vibrant spotlights illuminated the whole place. Accompanied by Gangnam Style (1), a fat guy was dancing the horse riding dance moves from behind the skull gate to the stage. The dark surrounding suddenly boiled up with applause and cheering.

Mr. Yu was a bald guy, wearing a tuxedo that was tailored to fit his flabby body, accessorized with round, small sunglasses and a black top hat. His appearance looked pretty naive and sincere; despite his chubby body, he was flexible enough with his dance moves. He was dancing like a penguin to the center of the stage. When the music ended, he posed as The Thinker by Auguste Rodin… (2)

"Hey, what kind of joke is that? You mean that horse riding moves can survive for more than 30 years…" Feng Bujue said.

"Welcome! Here is—" Mr. Yu raised the microphone in his hand and held it in the middle of the air.

At this moment, the light suddenly turned on. Feng Bujue finally could clearly see everything around him. This place looked like a live recording studio for big game shows. The ceiling was filled with brackets and support of lighting system. Electricity lines, wires, and cords for sounding were everywhere. The four of them were sitting in front of the round stage in the center. The panel in front of them had a bendable microphone, a bowl-sized button to seize the chance to answer first, and four more buttons for A-B-C-D multiple choices and another display screen.

Behind their back was the audience’s seating. Numerous ghosts and monsters, which should be numbered thousands, were cheering from there. It almost had all kind of monsters including oriental ghosts, western demons, monsters, orcs, goblins, vampires, werewolves, Frankenstein, etc. Perhaps in this place, humans were the odd ones out.

"DEADLY! JEOPARDY!" Under the circumstances that there was no stage director to control them, the audience was still excited enough to neatly and loudly cooperate with the host.

"Ho, ho, ho." Mr. Yu laughed with Anzai-sensei’s style (3). Then, he clapped his hands, and a cane suddenly emerged from thin air.

Mr. Yu held the microphone with one hand, while the other was raising the cane. He then said, "So… let me introduce our four players today!" The cane in his hand nimbly spun for several rounds. Next, he pointed at Feng Bujue. "Player number one, Feng Bujue." Then, he kept going on like that to introduce each of them. "Number two, Wang Tanzhi. Number three, Like Rain. Number four, Dispirited Laughing Bones."

"The rewards for the best player of today is—"Mr. Yu used the hand which was holding his microphone to take out a plastic medicine bottle from his vest pocket. There was no label or description on the bottle. "A bottle of SCP-500, 20 pills of [Panacea]." He raised the bottle to show it. With a quick move like a magic trick, he lowered his hand, and the bottle suddenly disappeared into thin air. "Of course, if they all die in the game, this reward will be accumulated." 

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During this introduction, Feng Bujue didn’t stay idle. He had used [Planned Victory in Thousand Miles Away] to check the final BOSS in this scenario. It turned out what he was reading was the data of that plump host standing in front of him.

His data was as follows:

[Name: Mr. Yu]

[Race: Demigod]

[Level: Beyond the maximum value that the system could check]
[Height: 160 cm]

[Weight: 103 kg]
[Fighting signatures: ???]
[Weakness: ???]

[Skills: ???]

[Level of Menace: Extremely deadly]

At this moment, Mr. Yu said, "Good then. Now, let's listen to the players’ mottos before the game. First, player number one, Mr. Feng."

"Uh…. I think we should closely follow the game’s rules," said Feng Bujue while trying to wink at his teammates like crazy.

Before they had started the game, everyone had understood each other’s situation; thus, the other three obviously knew the effect of the skill Feng Bujue had been granted of from his title. When they heard him say so, they all got it. Don’t resist at any cost… if they went against the rules of the scenario, only death awaits them.

In fact, even if Feng Bujue didn’t say anything to warn them, still, the others wouldn't dare to act recklessly. Although they didn't know how tremendous that sincere fat guy would be, they had to be afraid of the powers of the monstrous audience. So many powerful monsters were here. Just with the massive number, they could eradicate the four of them instantly. 

"Seems it’s just a nonsense saying," Mr. Yu smiled, and the audience burst out laughing. He then pointed at Little Tan. "Player number two, please."

"Eh? Me?" Little Tan was dumbfounded. "It’s… is it possible to leave here now?"

"Good question. And the answer is, of course," Mr. Yu paused and smiled, "nope."

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The audience laughed again. The corners of Little Tan’s mouth was forced to curl into a smile.

"So, player number three, please," Mr. Yu faced Like Rain and said.

"Nothing special to say," Like Rain coldly answered him.

"This beauty is so cold," Mr. Yu shrugged then shifted to Dispirited. "Player number four."

"Can I ask about the function of the reward?" Dispirited’s performance was practical.

Mr. Yu arched his eyebrows, showing a chummy, reliable expression. "It can cure all diseases."

"Ah, can I ask one more thing?" Dispirited still wanted to ask more but Mr. Yu had interrupted her.

"Excellent! Ladies and gentlemen, before the first round begins, let me introduce our three special guests tonight!" Mr. Yu pointed at a front row at the audience seating. The spotlight cooperated with him well and shone on that area.

The first one on the left was a blonde, Caucasian woman, wearing a black suit, crossing her arms under her ample bosom. She looked around 30 years old, pretty beautiful with a look of disdain and contempt.

"Our first guest, Madam ‘Superbia’ from The Seven Deadly Sins." (4) Mr. Yu introduced the woman.

"Harrumph..." When the camera zoomed over her, Superbia snorted coldly and turned away.

Anyway, the reaction of the crowd was so boisterous. Cheering and whistling constantly reverberated the whole place.

Sitting next to Superbia was a young man who looked a bit more than 20 years old and also wore a black suit. This man had pulled up his hair into a ponytail. Accompanying his ashen face was a pair of empty eyes. He was almost lying on his seat.

"Our second guest, Young Master Pestilence (5) from Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse," said Mr. Yu.

The spotlight shone on Pestilence. He then covered his eyes with his hands, just like the light could harm his feeble body. He dryly coughed then said, "Cough… Cough… Seems I don’t feel well…"

"Every time I see you, you say the same thing… It’s alright, you are much better than the Young Master of Kidney Failure," said Mr. Yu. (6)

The audience burst out laughing again.

The spotlight then immediately shone on the last guest. Sitting there was a middle-aged man. His face was full of fortitude with spirited eyes. He was wearing a pair of jeans and short-sleeved jacket. The muscles bulging on his arms were like they were from a sculpture.

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"Next, our third guest, the God of Fire, Mr. Hephaestus!" Mr. Yu added, "at the same time, he is the sponsor of the reward of our program today!"

"Actually, I felt bored playing with Cyclops at the mining site. That’s why I came here," said Hephaestus. (7)

The audience gave him a scattered applause. A part among them was with Cyclops, and they were giving him ‘boo’ with a considerable degree of dissatisfaction.

"Excellent, you guys, our show will begin now—" Mr. Yu suddenly glided to reach the camera, zooming his face into a very good close-up, craning his neck and delivering an amazing announcement: "The Box of Fear is the exclusive sponsor of this show. Sending a text to predict the winner, if you got it correct, you would receive an Excellent Gift from the Box of Fear, equivalent to 1000 Ghost Coins. Moreover, you can also visit the website below to join us directly! Exchange and get gifts from The Box of Fear! Win the prize, watch us on the Deadly Jeopardy! Thanks for watching!"

"That’s why this scenario doesn’t have a brief introduction or the greeting ‘Welcome to Thriller Paradise’." Feng Bujue looked at the fat guy who was doing the advertising and thought, "Turns out that the host will explain everything."

Feng Bujue observed the crowd of monsters surrounding them. Each of them was really tough to mess with. Moreover, perhaps that Mr. Yu had the power to mash him into a pulp in just a second. It seemed that the chance for fighting in this scenario was pretty low. Under such circumstances where they didn’t have much freedom in this scenario, not to mention having no clues about the ‘Deadly Jeopardy’, from what Mr. Yu had said, there should be fatal possibilities during the game. Furthermore, if they wanted to complete the scenario, there might be only one way—play the show to the end.

"First of all, it’s the first round, the Required Questions!" Mr. Yu threw his cane into the air. With a slight ‘boom’, it disappeared, not even leaving a single trace. Next, he took out a deck of cards from his vest pocket. Those cards had the size of an envelope, and the material looked rigid. The logo of Deadly Jeopardy was printed on the back of the cards, and only the host could read the contents written on the cards.

"The rules of this round are, I will call your number in order and give you guys a question. You have 45 seconds to answer each question. If you get it correct, you will gain 10 points. If you get it wrong or skip your question, your points will be reduced by 10 points. There are 16 questions in total. At the end of this round, whoever has the lowest scores will have to enter the Arena."

After Mr. Yu was done reading the rules, he immediately shifted his eyes to Feng Bujue. "So, please listen to your first question!"

Feng Bujue had no time to weigh what the ‘Arena’ was, so he couldn't help but pull his nerves together and listen to the question.

"This is a historical question," Mr. Yu said with a melodious tone and a good rhythm, "Please answer…"

-------------------------- ---

(1) Gangnam Style: "Gangnam Style" (Korean: 강남스타일, IPA: [kaŋ.nam sɯ.tʰ]) is the 18th K-pop single by the South Korean musician Psy. The song was released on July 15, 2012, as the lead single of his sixth studio album Psy 6 (Six Rules), Part 1, and debuted at number one on South Korea's Gaon Chart. On December 21, 2012, "Gangnam Style" became the first YouTube video to reach one billion views
(2) The Thinker: The Thinker (French: Le Penseur) is a bronze sculpture by Auguste Rodin, usually placed on a stone pedestal. The work shows a nude male figure of over life-size sitting on a rock with his chin resting on one hand as though deep in thought and is often used as an image to represent philosophy. 

(3) Anzai-sensei: Mitsuyoshi Anzai (安西光義Anzai Mitsuyoshi) is the coach of the Shohoku High School basketball team and one of the best coaches in Japan in manga Slam Dunk. Even the coaches of other teams call him "Anzai-sensei" with respect. His calm and collected attitude contrasts with the temper he had in the past as a demanding college coach, earning him the nickname, "White-Haired Devil".

(4) Superbia: In almost every list Pride (Latin, superbia), or hubris, is considered the original and most serious of the seven deadly sins, and indeed the ultimate source from which the others arise. It is identified as a desire to be more important or attractive than others, failing to acknowledge the good work of others, and excessive love of self (especially holding self out of proper position toward God).

(5) Pestilence: one of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, and is associated with infectious disease and plague. It appears at least as early as 1906 when it is mentioned in the Jewish Encyclopedia. Vicente Blasco Ibáñez, in his 1916 novel The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse (filmed in 1921 and in 1962), provides an early example of this interpretation, writing "The horseman on the white horse was clad in a showy and barbarous attire. [...] While his horse continued galloping, he was bending his bow in order to spread pestilence abroad. At his back swung the brass quiver filled with poisoned arrows, containing the germs of all diseases."

(6) Chinese medicine believes that a man’s strength comes from his kidneys, calling someone kidney failure is an ironic way to mock people about his sexual abilities.

(7) Hephaestus (/hɪˈfiːstəs/, /həˈfɛstəs/ or /hᵻˈfɛstəs/; eight spellings; Greek: Ἥφαιστος Hēphaistos) is the Greek god of blacksmiths, craftsmen, artisans, sculptors, metals, metallurgy, fire, and volcanoes. Hephaestus' Roman equivalent is Vulcan. In Greek mythology, Hephaestus was the son of Zeus and Hera, the king, and queen of the gods. In another version, he was Hera's parthenogenesis child, rejected by his mother because of his deformity and thrown off Mount Olympus and down to earth

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