Thriller Paradise

Chapter 1194: 1194

Christmas, a day before the reform and opening up, has little to do with the Chinese descendants.

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Now, it has become one of the major festivals that are common to the people of the country.

At this time of the year, the local police station near fengbujue's residence will send a special person to visit and have a "heart to heart" talk with brother Jue.

In fact, the main purpose is to let him "settle down" these days and not to cause trouble.

Seeing this, someone must wonder what this is like? Why give him a little peace of mind? What kind of trouble is he going to cause?

Here, let me briefly explain why the public security department, rather than the neighborhood committee, is the first thing we need to understand.

There are two reasons. First, the neighborhood committee does not have the power of law enforcement, and it does not have enough ability to deal with the hard and weak elements.

Second, the Municipal Public Security Bureau and police station do have similar functions.

To give two examples, a common situation is: one day, a released person with a criminal record of violence used his ID card to register in an Internet bar or a hotel.

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In this case, the local police station or sub Bureau will immediately receive the message, and then, according to the regulations, the police on duty who are patrolling nearby will rush to the scene to have a face-to-face meeting with the other party, that is, the above-mentioned ex criminal personnel, and say a few words.

The general meaning is your whereabouts, the government is very clear, so, you'd better not shrink.

Maybe you think it's a bit of a drag, it's impossible.

That's good. You should listen to it as a story, and don't tell it everywhere, so as not to cause trouble for me.

In a word, the police take such measures to play a role of psychological deterrence. In fact, it is not idle work, but an action that can effectively reduce the crime rate.

Next, there is another case

it is said that every major festival or event such as the two sessions, the Olympic Games and the World Expo, the local police will also go to the home of some visiting professionals in their jurisdiction to "talk". I don't know what to talk about, but I can guess the general meaning.

Well, again, it's just a legend in the world of fiction.

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In short, that's why the police station came to talk to brother Jue.

So, another question is what did brother Jue do, which will attract such attention?

This is a long story. The cause of the incident should be a conflict between him and the local Catholic Church a few years ago.

On Christmas Eve that year, the church people were handing out leaflets in the street, and that day they happened to pass by the church door.

If the ordinary people don't care whether they believe it or not, when they hand over the upload list, they will first hold it in their hands, and then throw it away after turning a corner or going a little further, but if they don't realize it, they will reject it face to face, not only rejecting it, but also making it clear that "I don't believe this".

It may not matter if we catch up with other days, but in the days before and after Christmas, Christians all over the world seem to have been added with "200 more missionaries", so a "horrible" dialogue has started between Feng and that believer.

In a short time, the other people who heard the dialogue and were sending out leaflets gathered, and the situation quickly turned into a confrontational posture.

After that, you can imagine that "brother Susie was born in summer" and "the robbery and massacre completed by Christianity surpasses any organized criminal group in the world". This kind of straightforward truth presentation and reasoning is obviously just the content of the early conversation.

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When the debate entered the irrational "belief" rhythm, Feng also upgraded his lines to "if Guinness has a record of which profession has the most pedophilia, then 80% of the current winners of this record can keep it." , and "the division of your religion and the power struggle make the relationship between the fanatics and the bosoms seem to be as harmonious as brothers" and other words with more lethality.

Long story

language conflict gradually escalated to physical contact, of course, the two sides did not fight.

Finally, the other party called the police first.

After the police arrived at the police station, they immediately made a very correct response by copying the goods first.

Later, Chueh Ge had a cup of tea in the office. In the communication with the police, the police gradually realized the fact that this guy didn't pay attention to any religion, including Christianity, and felt sincere admiration for his profound anti religious knowledge.

At the thought of what will happen when the goods enter the halal noodle shop, the police feel deeply uneasy. For this reason, the police have done a lot of work, and the "heart to heart" before Christmas is one of them.

After "Hoo" sent the police out, Feng took a long breath, then went back to the coffee table and collected the cup of boiled water he had just served to the other party.

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Generally speaking, in the face of those "uninvited guests" who are not familiar with themselves, brother Jue's attitude is relatively bad and mean.

When he asked the question "would you like to drink something", as long as the other party dared to answer "casually", he would take an electric kettle in front of the guests, put a glass of tap water, boil it, and then pour it into a disposable cup to bring it up.

In this way, as soon as the guest leaves, he can easily pour the cup of water into the toilet and throw it away.

"I'm not tired of coming every year." When brother Jue finished cleaning up, he came to the computer and started it, muttering, "Alas, I was young and vigorous at the beginning. I'll have to rebuild my image when I move in the future

When the young narcissist talked to himself and expressed his feelings of "relying on the old to sell the old", his computer was turned on.

Don't see that brother often falls into economic crisis, but he doesn't have a vague idea about how to spend money on computer configuration. His machine is a very good boot process. It doesn't need to be used for ten seconds. It doesn't need to play any games. The capacity of hard disk is also, er, not important.

"Let me see if the activity has already begun." Feng unconsciously whispered, opened the homepage of dream company, and entered the forum of thriller park.

Sure enough, the hottest topic at present is Christmas treasure hunt.

At this time, some of the hottest posts in the discussion area are all about this activity. To be continued. ..

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