Thriller Paradise

Chapter 1218: 1218

&The content of the chapter begins &; even though it has now disintegrated, Tsui Mo island is still a place of unknown area. Only from the landing side, we can't judge how big the "broken island" is.

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In addition, the island's deadly environmental factors are also not to be noticed, so it is necessary to explore the road.

Five minutes after the launch, Suan's Pathfinder team has sailed safely across the shoal in front of the Queen's revenge.

Because there is no fog on the sea and there is a lamp on garlic's hand, the pirates on the big ship can directly see the actions of those people on the small boat.

After a short pause and wait-and-see, garlic took the skeleton lantern in his hand and stepped on the beach first.

Among the pirates, there is a saying: "never walk on a strange land alone.".

Although he was not a cadre, Suan tou was also a senior member of the black beard Pirate Group. He could not have never heard of this. Therefore, when preparing the boat, he went to put on a pair of loose boots.

Some people may think it's strange that this is not a sea of fire, just a beach. How about stepping on it barefoot?

The answer is that just after standing on the shore for about three seconds, all the people in the boat heard a movement similar to that of cooking meat on iron plate.

Garlic's response was very fast. As soon as the sound started, he turned around and jumped back to the boat. Then he only laid his body on the boat, and his feet were suspended outside the boat's side.

"Locust sand! Take the knife and pick it for me! " Garlic man's flying action is only half done, words have been shouted out.

Maddy, who was sitting in the bow of the boat, was also quick in the eye. He immediately took out a bent knife at his waist, brushed it a few times, and chipped the garlic shoes. When the sand stained shoes were broken into pieces and fell into the water, the garlic turned over again, bent his knees into the water, and washed his feet in the sea at a very fast speed. Then he put his legs back to the boat.

"Damn it." After getting out of danger, garlic sat down in the boat, spat, and ordered, "go back, go back, this place is impossible to land."

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The crew of the boat didn't have much to say, so they picked up the oars and turned around.

On the other side, the players who saw this scene asked themselves, "what's the matter? Is there anything on the beach? Why did you come back before you landed? "

Feng and Honghu didn't know what the situation was, so they didn't immediately talk to each other.

"It looks like locust sand." However, the well-known black beard has seen the clue.

"Oh?" Feng didn't feel like following each other's wishes, he asked tentatively, "is the sand on the beach some corrosive substance?"

"Not matter, but animals." Black beard replied, "locust sand is an animal that looks very much like ordinary sand."

"Let me guess," snow smiled for some reason, "or a carnivore?"

"Not only meat, but also fur and textiles. The digested material will be converted into new locust sand in a certain proportion." Black beard replied.

"Ooh" when he heard this, he almost instinctively said, "good thing, it can be used completely."

"Ah" hearing this, Blackbeard seemed to think of something, and answered with interest, "a long time ago, I couldn't remember the name of a guy who was engaged in architectural design in my Pirate Group. I only remember that he designed prisons and implements for a tyrant in a small country." Black beard looked at brother Jue and said, "anyway, that guy's idea is very similar to yours. At his suggestion, I built a locust sand pond on the ship, which is specially used to deal with corpses. I have to say that the pond is really convenient. As long as the captured prisoners are thrown in for less than a minute, even the clothes will disappear completely, and the metal, wood, paper and other things on them will remain intact. "

"I guess that's half the story." Honghu has already guessed something from the past tense in black beard's speech.

Blackbeard smiled again and said, "Oh, more than half, because it's the end." He paused for a second, and then said, "one month after the pool was built, one of the guys who worked on the design accidentally fell into it on a stormy afternoon. He told me two things with his life. One is that he forgot to design an emergency rescue device for the pool in case of an accident. The other is that he raised locust sand on a swinging ship and It's not a good idea. "

"The story is very moving." Feng didn't seem to be very interested in the story of black beard. "So you don't mind if I collect some animal samples for a memorial?"

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"Ha! Do you have a memorial? "Black beard thought these four words were funny.

In a sense, it's really funny.

"Whatever you want, shall I give you a boat alone?" Black beard replied.

"No, I have my own way." But I want to ask you for a container that can be used to hold locust sand

"Oh" the black beard answered, and raised his hand to the empty air. In a daze, a glass bottle appeared in his hand.

The bottle, which players have seen before, is the one that Blackbeard was originally intended to use to hold the alginate.

"MMM" Feng took the glass bottle from the black beard with burning eyes. He wanted to say "you should be a little careful now", but after thinking about it, he choked it back.

A few minutes later, brother Suan's boat came back, while Feng didn't realize that he had walked to the beach in a month's walk.

Because juega's treading has the special effect of "standing in the air for a period of time", he has almost no difficulty and danger in collecting sand, and it has been completed soon.

Brother Suan simply explained to the captain the situation, and then Blackbeard ordered the pirates to take up the anchor and rudder and land in another place.

However, when the anchor was lifted, something unexpected happened.

"Come on, bitches! Didn't you have enough to eat? " The player who the players met under the deck, Mr. Vogel, was now above the deck, commanding the sailors to lift the anchor.

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In a sloop, there is naturally no equipment for modern ships to use only the windlass to roll the anchor back. The 90 things on the ship are all done by manpower, and the anchor lifting is no exception.

For the crew of the black beard pirate regiment, this work is not difficult. Some cadres even don't need the windlass driven by manpower, so they can pull the anchor up with their own brute force.

But at present, in the area near the island and not deep in the sea bed, the sailors can't pull up the anchor half a minute.

"Let me!" Just as the sailors in charge of the anchor were in trouble, the "bottle opener" man who had lost the first round of the deck boxing competition stood up.

Although he lost in the boxing match, but without limiting his strength, he was quite strong, especially in the aspect of "strength". The confidence of bottle opener was not lower than that of some cadres on board.

"Oh, it's you boy, just in time." As soon as vogue saw that the bottle opener was coming to help, he hurriedly called the people beside him to get out of the way. "All of you, let him come."

The bottle opener is not ambiguous. After people give up a certain space, he ignores the shaft of the anchor, grabs the chain of the anchor directly, lifts it up and pulls it out with one breath.

His pull was really effective. The anchor didn't get up at all, but the boat tilted a few degrees.

"Ah" a few seconds later, the bottle opener was obviously out of force. He called out and sat down on the ground as soon as he let go of his hand. "What's the situation?"

Not only he, but also the people around him were all wondering whether the ship had moved, and whether the anchor had not moved must have nothing to do with the sailors' efforts.

"The anchor is stuck under the water." At this moment, the Swan came and gave the pirates a possible hypothesis.

VOG listened, turned his head and looked at him. He didn't respond.

However, he still adopted the swan's words, and then said to the pirates, "have you heard me? What are you waiting for? Let's go down and have a look. "

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When the voice fell, several pirates close to the ship's side looked at each other. After a few seconds of hesitation, four of them successively turned over the ship's side and jumped into the water.

On the black bearded ship, even the bottom sailors, who are also highly skilled in high diving, are still a little far from the water. It's basic work to spend three or five minutes underwater.

Only in the dark under the sea, the ability to see things is really not everyone can do. The four people who just jumped into the water can see things within two meters at most under the water, which is incomparable with the erdini who died in the daytime, but much better than the ordinary people.

Time, passing in the wait

as the four people dive into the sea for more and more time, the thoughts and mood of those people on the deck are also undergoing subtle changes.

"Can't wait." Suddenly, Feng didn't realize he came over and said, "let me go down and have a look."

The pirates and players' eyes were attracted by him instantly, and the black beard standing in the distance could not help but move the remaining light.

"well, it's a bit surprising." snow whispered, "in this situation that looks dangerous and no profit, he came forward."

, "Oh, I've given up trying to make complaints about him." Standing beside him, the Swan heard this, chuckled at once, and lowered his voice.

While they were talking, brother Jue was ready to go.

However, he took out his oxygen pipe and put it in his mouth. Without a word, he climbed up to the side of the ship.

Two seconds later, under the gaze of all the people, Feng could not feel standing up on the ship's side. Then, he opened his arms and used a "leap of faith" action to jump into the cold and chaotic sea ahead. To be continued ^

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