Thriller Paradise

Chapter 128

Chapter 128: The Earth’s Wastelands (1)

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Translator: Sigma  Editor: Sigma


[Wild Trace Sword Shadow, level 17]

[Feng Bujue, level 16]

[Your team is entering Killing Game 2 versus 2.]

[Your team has entered the queue. Searching for other ready teams or individuals…] 

[Confirmed. Generating scenario…] 

[Loading… Please wait…]

This was the notification Feng Bujue got from the system, which was a little bit different from when he was the captain.

The male voice he heard this time had spoke Mandarin, muttering huskily, "Make your opponents shiver in fear. Make them see what real terror is!"

[Loading completed. You are playing Killing Game.]

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[This mode offers an explanation of the plot. There are chances of Side/[Hidden Quests], together with special Worldview.]

[Rewards for completing the scenario: 30% EXP of the current highest EXP required to level.]

[Plot’s introduction is about to play. After the introduction, the game will start immediately.]

The opening CG played. On the screen, a long-haired beauty in white coat with prominent curves was walking on a dim-lit corridor.

[In 2000, Crystal Lake Laboratory had imprisoned an evil murderer, who would never be given a death sentence—Jason. The government’s team of scientists wanted to do experiments on him to study his necrotic tissue recovery.]

Along with the narration, that female researcher got through a door. The camera seemed not to follow her inside as it stopped at the corridor.

[However, it wasn’t easy to confine Jason. Any careless, relaxed or underestimated moves could create a consequence nothing could fix.]

The CG had reduced a majority of footage in the original movie. It only used some screams when the darkness suddenly fell as Jason, who got out of control now, jumped out, causing that female researcher to be frozen.

[In 2455, mankind had entered the interstellar colonial era. At this time, this place had become the ‘Old Earth’, a place of mad storms, methane, and polluted oceans.]

[A team of human scientists had returned to Earth for archaeology research. They found the dead bodies of Rowan and Jason, then brought them to their ship.]

The CG ended here. Feng Bujue could move his body now. The system’s notification arose immediately in his ears.

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[Main Quest has been triggered.]

[Kill all the members of the enemy team.] 

"Turns out it’s that bad movie." Wild Trace Sword Shadow was standing next to Feng Bujue as they were in the corridor that appeared in the CG opening. It was unknown why the light there was still on, which meant that this place still had sources of power.

"This situation is not right," Feng Bujue said, "why are we in the laboratory but not in a spacecraft?"

"What about it?" asked Wild Trace Sword Shadow.

"The 10th movie of the ‘Friday the 13th’ franchise took place in the spaceships. But the place where we are… cough… cough…" Feng Bujue suddenly coughed, "… is not suitable for humans to survive."

After Wild Trace Sword Shadow had inhaled some air, he also felt a little bit discomfort. He then opened his game menu to check. No abnormal state, but his Survival Value had been reduced by 1%. It seemed that the surrounding atmosphere had some sort of effect that could reduce their Survival Value.

"They found the dead bodies of Rowan and Jason and brought them to the spaceship…" Feng Bujue mocked. "After they were all gone, we are in this 100-year abandoned underground laboratory to play the movie’s epilogue."

"In other words, this scenario has just borrowed the setting of that movie, and it isn’t related to Jason or other characters," Wild Trace Sword Shadow continued, "Ha, ha, isn’t it good enough? Not many twisted details or complicated contents. We just need to defeat the opponents in this closed area."

"There are three events that I hope you should know." Feng Bujue raised his right hand and unfolded his index finger. "First, according to the movie’s setting, not to mention the outside of the lab, but in our current location and situation, everyone must die. You and I aren’t dead yet perhaps because we are ‘Players’ or the system has arranged it purposely." He extended the second finger. "Second, at the first time I have watched this sucky movie, I have noticed that, well, let alone the nonsense script and the unqualified director, this movie’s plot has a little taste of science fiction. For example, it has the detail where people fix the spaceships, artificial humans, etc. In short, this is a world in which the technology level is very high. If we can find a way to contact with human civilization in this world, sending some SOS signals and getting out of this lab, we can have an unpredictable big harvest. Compare to killing the enemy, it would be much greater.

"The other two players from the enemy team would die sooner or later in this lab. Although they can rely on the Survival Value Supplements to endure for a while, it’s just a matter of time. As for us, we can take this time to search for items, skills, etc. Or we can even use the high technologies in this world to strengthen our attributes."

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Feng Bujue unfolded his third finger. "Third," he dry coughed again, "thirdly, this is the most important point, you’d better pay attention… I truly doubt that Jason is the only monster in this lab." He took out his steel sword. "In such a big scale lab, it is more than enough to keep 10 monsters like Jason. If I were the writer, I would expand the plot this way…" He forced a smiled. "Although it’s been 445 years, if the system wants to increase the fun for this 2 versus 2 match… then letting some monsters to trouble us is a perfect choice."

After having listened to him, Wild Trace Sword Shadow was frightened at heart. "I think you are a monster…" He spoke up with a face full of respect, "Feng-Ge, just with a short CG, you can think about that much?"

"Momentarily, that’s what I have. If I have something else to add, I’ll let you know," answered Feng Bujue.

"Worth the title [The Plot Seeker]. Admire, really admire you!" Wild Trace Sword Shadow said with his real emotions.

"Alright, let’s check out our opponents’ situation first," said Feng Bujue.

As they had opened the game menu to observe, from the opponents’ IDs, they could tell that their opponents were from the same team. One was named [The Apocalypse Assault], level 19, and the other was called [The Ultimate Assault], also level 19. Besides the IDs and levels, the only thing that they could know now was just their status, which was now ‘Alive’.

"Assault?" Wild Trace Sword Shadow slammed his eyebrows together.

Feng Bujue was sensitive enough to catch something from his teammate’s complexion. "You know them?"

"Well, I don’t. But I know that sort of IDs," Wild Trace Sword Shadow said. "Perhaps they are from the ‘Corpse Saber’ Studio… Players’ IDs from Corpse Saber all have the suffix ‘Assault’ or ‘Enthrone’."

"What? I remember that Studio is ranked number five on the combative ranking list," Feng Bujue said, "higher than your Martial World."

"Harrumph… That irritates me…" Wild Trace Sword Shadow’s tone was reluctant. "In fact, those bastards are not strong, but they have ways to top the list."

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"Wut? You are saying…" With his intelligence, of course, Feng Bujue understood the implication in his friend’s saying. Thus, he pushed the boat to let the other go on.

"This is not appropriate for me to tell, but you can choose to believe in it or not," Wild Trace Sword Shadow said. "Most of the Studios in this field have the same consensus, of which players from Corpse Saber are cheating."

"Cheating? Are you saying that all the players of that Studio are…"

"They have many tricks. What you could think about, they have all tried," Wild Trace Sword Shadow said. "For example, they took the initiative and created some illegal external auxiliary equipment; about the software, they also had some plug-ins featured with Auto. Outsiders don’t know these, there’s only rumor among them. However, as professional gamers, after having encountered them several times, we all know that more or less."

"The Game Masters just ignore them?" asked Feng Bujue.

"It’s difficult to control, and it’s not worth it," Wild Trace Sword Shadow said, "the game producers only want to make money from the game. To some dirty things, if they don’t interfere with their interests, and if they don’t pour any rain or storm on the crowd, they won’t care." He shook his head and sighed. "It requires many resources like manpower, time, technique, etc., to control this matter. I think unless you put the evidence in front of the Game Masters, they won’t care at all." He seemed to recall something suddenly as he spoke up again, "Ah yeah, there’s one more thing. I said that those bastards from the Corpse Saber have many tricks, but it’s not only in the game. Sometimes, they would hire people to do some dirty jobs. For instance, they would post something on the game forum or game website to discredit players from other Unions, or make some malicious comparison with their competitors. In short, they are bad people doing bad trading."

"The time when I got the deepest impression was in another game. The game producer wanted to hold a poll where we would vote for the ‘Strongest Guild’. It turned out that the Corpse Saber had bought the votes in the dark to cross out Order and The Immortals. However, no matter what the result would be, the game producers only wanted to earn money. Do they want to control this, you say?"

"Oh, so that is how it happened… Seems you have a deep grudge…" said Feng Bujue.

Wild Trace Sword Shadow waved and beamed a forced smile, "You don’t understand. Only when you are in our position will you know this feeling. Sometimes, you know that you are stronger, but you still lost the game. This loss is vexing and it chills our mind. But it’s a fact." He paused as he eyed Feng Bujue. "I’m sorry. Perhaps you would think that I just made them up."

"No, I believe in you," Feng Bujue said, "I also believe that your Martial World will not cooperate with them to do bad tricks."

"Of course," Wild Trace Sword Shadow uttered proudly.

"My idea is…" Feng Bujue said, "either we go with the flow or just realize that kind of perception." He paused for a while before continuing, "Thus, we have to be serious in killing those two and letting them know what’s called ‘competence’."

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