Thriller Paradise

Chapter 1298: 1298

Two weeks ago, some multiverse.

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At night, outside the abandoned Carnival in the suburb of Gotham.

There are two people who are making a hidden deal here

As a flash of light faded, and these two items, respectively, in Dr. Manhattan's right hand and left hand turned into dust.

"Done." Then, in his calm voice, Dr. Manhattan said this to Feng unconsciously.

Brother Jue stood two meters away in front of the doctor. Hearing this, he felt his own changes in silence and then said, "but I don't seem to have any special feelings."

"It's normal. After all It is only your projection that accepts this change, not your real body that exists in some distant dimension. " Dr. Manhattan replied, "in fact, you should be thankful for this. If your body is suffering from the" changes "just now, you are bound to experience great physical pain."

"Well..." Brother Jue pondered, and looked down at his body again from the perspective of data, "in the words of" look " It can be seen that the data intensity has greatly increased. "

"Specifically Your body density has now stabilized at a very high value, which can resist most of the conventional weapons of the human world even without any protection. " Dr. Manhattan said, "and another improvement brought about by this kind of physical change is the surge in strength and speed. With your talent, I think I can quickly find out how to control the output In addition, the energy you store in has become a part of you. Your resistance and control ability to non-material attacks such as magic, spells and pure energy have been greatly enhanced. "

At the same time, Feng opened the game menu and began to check his luggage and equipment.

Because Dr. Manhattan is always aware of every subtle action and psychological change, after the conclusion of the previous paragraph, Dr. Manhattan said: "as for the extra 'items' in you, they are all caused by some kind of time-space reversal effect. The principle of this effect Even I can't parse it. I just know This particle shows that it doesn't belong to any universe I know, and the matter it traced back seems to come from many different universes, which is beyond the scope of all the theories I know. "

I can't help but listen to the other side's words and check them.

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It's a pity that the result made him feel a little pain.

Chueh geben thought that he could recover the items and equipment that had been erased by 23 and that dream company would not recover, which were destroyed at the end of the play of "returning to zummong island"; but He was wrong.

The "backtracking" effect of is not the kind of setting that can be accurate to a certain point in time. If it is true, he can go back a little bit and find all the lost items, such as those damaged by crazy eyes, those appearing in specific scripts, etc The strategic significance of these things is much higher than that of the excellent and inferior equipment he lost.

The reality is that what goes back is randomly selected on the timeline that his character has experienced.

Therefore, I can't feel the following items:,,,,, and.

I don't know whether it's coincidence or some limitation of the system. None of these things belongs to "plot related".

Of course, this is not the point. The point is These things, basically Most of the garbage.

First of all, it has a "medium" attack power, a "fire" attribute, and a special effect of "attack head has a chance to cause heavy damage". In the early stage of the game, this is naturally a very powerful weapon, but now In the environment of more than 50 levels, the players' weapons are basically of "strong" or "extremely strong" attack power, because when facing a pile of "strong" or "extremely strong" defense, the "medium" attack will be relatively weak; moreover, the special effects of high-level equipment are generally much better than this, even without attributes.

Secondly, ordinary quality three no weapons (no attack power, attribute, special effect), made of rubber, a toy At the beginning of the game, it was the fate of brother Jue's shop, let alone now.

Then,, and, these three things are "cannot bring out the script", but do not belong to the "plot items" special items, only because Feng has been held in the script, so they are traced back.

Property aspect The Cape is also a three no; marijuana Um... It's just general marijuana, and players can't use this "HH", because the system can't let players experience drugs in the game; however, it's a bit unclear, its quality is dilapidated, the defense is weak, the defense attribute is not at all, and the special effect is

In the "world without games", there is a causal law like control over the matter there, but whether it can work in other places is still unknown.

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Last but not least If you still have the impression, this is what will be produced after the failure of making goods. It's literally rubbish.

To sum up, if you can't feel it coming back to things, there is only one useful thing that is proper, that is.

At the beginning of the semi-final of S, brother Jue used to blow the Pearl out, and then he knocked down Lin Yan during the period of "the king of Yan"; now he has recovered from his loss, which is equivalent to taking back an extra skill that can use the means of "hard defense", which can also be used as ammunition if necessary, let alone a harvest.

"You seem a little disappointed." Dr. Manhattan asked, looking at the reaction of jueger.

"Ah Are you ok... " When you don't know how to respond, you've focused on your skills.

Then, his expression changed obviously

After being "cleaned up" by the 23rd, dream company only recovered two skills for Feng unconsciously, namely, and. Feng unconsciously still has four skills in the storage room, namely,,, and.

Considering that his skill bar is very loose now, brother Jue naturally takes all these skills with him, even though two of them (because the level of each specialty is very high, which is almost meaningless, and this move with its own death probability is unlikely to be put now) are not used.

However, after Dr. Manhattan "recovered" him, Feng did not realize that The skill bar is empty.

"I said..." Of course, brother Jue has a lot of opinions about this. He immediately looked at the doctor and said, " Is there anything wrong? Why am I not only unable to recover the lost ability, but also the existing one? "

"They're not 'missing', they're just 'blind' to yourself." Dr Manhattan replied.

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"Your metaphysical reply is very helpful to me." Feng unconsciously stares at the dead fish's eyes and replies with sarcasm.

"You should understand what I mean." In this regard, Dr. Manhattan didn't have any mood swings. He just continued to say in a straightforward way, "since you have absorbed the dual power of and, the so-called" skill bar "given to you by" destiny " Is there any point? "

As soon as this speech comes out, I can't feel a flash of inspiration in my head.

He immediately understood the meaning of it, and then he raised his hand, two fingers together, and made a sudden move towards the distance.

The next second, there is a power impact from its fingertips, breaking through the air and into the water.

The skill he used is not even the skill he once mastered, but the skill he once "saw"

It was used by the enemy in the S-Match. At that time, the opponent used this move to attack the robot "infecting fighter" (made by the small gold well in Tibet) sent by Feng unconsciously, while Jue elder brother watched the battle from a data perspective in the dark.

"I see It doesn't matter that I'm not visible, because I don't need to see you again. " After finishing the "experiment", he received it unconsciously.

"Yes." Dr. Manhattan nodded. "As long as you can 'understand' the 'sequence of truths' you see, you can naturally duplicate the way it works. It has something in common with my control of elementary particles, but it's much simpler." He paused. "For example If we have a painting in front of us, your ability is to reproduce a painting that is very similar to it in your own way after seeing it, and I will start from the paint of the painting, the composition of the canvas, and even every brain cell of the original author and its various emotional experiences on the time line... "

"OK, you don't have to tell me about quantum observer level knowledge." Feng didn't intend to hear the doctor say, "unless I become the existence of the same ability as you, this is a waste of time."

"Well..." Dr. Manhattan said to himself, "well Now, are you satisfied? "

"The transaction was formed." Feng unconsciously gave a positive reply, "but There's a little thing besides the deal. I'd like to ask you for help. " As he said this, he took the piece out of his suitcase I'd like to ask you to keep it for a while. "

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"For safekeeping?" Dr. Manhattan then asked, "so who am I going to give it to later?"

"Ah..." Chueh Ge smiled at him and said, "I'll give it to him."


Now, the universe, the monster kingdom.

When you don't know how to close a "transmission gate", it's a good way to "brutally crack" with the power that can crush time and space.

When the tunnel burst, half of the ten redundant soldiers who had just climbed out were immediately crushed by the collapsing singularity of time and space, and the rest of them killed brother Jue several meters away without hesitation.

Although Feng didn't realize that he had just accepted the move, he was not helpless. Even if he didn't rely on others, he had at least three or five ways to cope with the attack.

However, since arrangements had been made before the action, he had done nothing more.

In that second, Xiao Tan and Xu Huaishang burst into the air The former flashed behind him with the speed of electricity and light, grabbed brother Jue's waist, and then they disappeared from the sky at the same time.

At the same time, Xu Huaishang's double blades came out of the sheath.

Equipped with this passive skill, Xu Huaishang can use two hands to cast two different skills at the same time

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