Thriller Paradise

Chapter 146

Chapter 146: The Earth’s Wastelands (19)

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Translator: Sigma  Editor: Sigma


"Well… Utopia?" Feng Bujue smiled. "Perhaps that's what it is for you." He cracked his neck twice, lifted his head up and said, "Their faith come from liars. They are content with their own lot by ignorance. They don’t have dissatisfaction because they have fear."

"You’ve been raising them like herds of domestic animals. You assign them where to live, what to wear and what they need to work on. The most terrible thing is that you control their thoughts and snatch away their freedom…" He looked at York Cobain with eyes as cold as ice. "Don’t speak like your family’s activities are only for their sake. No matter what your conduct and deeds are, in the end, all of this is to protect your ruling through generations and ensure the endless benefits of your own."

York’s face was vehemently shaking. "Even if what you said are true, if you were me, what would you do? Would you let all the things in front of your eyes slip away?" He turned his distorted face and looked at Hank. "My conditions are still valid. No matter what you say… will you deny it? Can you deny it?" He laughed just like he was consoling himself. "Don’t pretend to be noble and virtuous. You only need a nod to join my league. You don't need to work, just enjoy. Think about it. It’s the absolute power! You can even enjoy 18 years old girls when you are already 80! They will show themselves at your door. To those lowly peasants, their lives just cost one of my words. In this village, you can do anything you want. Moreover, you and the next generations will inherit the same life…"

"I need to ask a bit here," Wild Trace Sword Shadow smiled coldly. "Your ancestors’ friends, who came from outside, had surely agreed with these conditions, didn’t they?"

"Ha, ha… Of course, who can deny it?" answered York. 

"So where are their offspring now?" asked Wild Trace Sword Shadow.

"How long had your ancestors let them live in the Shrine before taking action? One month? Half a year? Or even a whole year?" Wild Trace Sword Shadow mocked. 

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York gritted his teeth but couldn't retort. 

"Usually, having such imperial powers, you won’t want to share it with others. Even if you are from the same blood, the competition will still be pretty bloody, let alone the ones from other families," Wild Trace Sword Shadow continued.

"Moreover, look at your attitude towards your brother and your own son, if we buy it, we’re stupid enough."

"Then what do you want?" York looked like he was too embarrassed. "What are you up to? At present, the only device that could contact to the outer world has been destroyed. It can’t be fixed within a short time. Even if you can kill me, the villagers will not let you go."

"I want to correct two things for you." Feng Bujue raised his right hand and extended his index finger. "The first thing, I can totally contact the outer world right from this room. You don't need to worry about that." He unfolded his middle finger. "And about the second thing, ha ha…" From his smile, people could sense the faint taste of death.

Feng Bujue stood up, revealing the control panel behind him—after all, he was sitting there not to study the communication device that York had broken. It just needed the [Perfunctory Maintenance] to be fixed temporarily. Feng Bujue’s real purpose was to cover his operation at the adjacent section. The signal light on the control board had been blinking since minutes ago.

"When I entered the room and looked for the radio, I really needed to say thank to the one who designed this. The control board of the cameras is easy to understand." Feng Bujue continued with a humorous tone, "Our current conversation has been streaming live to the whole village. So, the one that the villagers won’t let go… is you."

York Cobain’s eyes opened wildly like they were about to fall off from the sockets. Fear had clearly appeared on his face. When he saw that the light of the general channel had flickered and was broadcasting to the whole village, his blood suddenly looked like it was frozen inside his vessels.

"Our conversation is not a secret anymore. And, this village will be no longer a secret." Feng Bujue came to the control panel, looked at it and said, "Villagers in the Deity Guarded Village, did you hear that? The things called the ‘Son of God’ and his family have distorted the history for so many years, monopolized knowledge and hid the truth. They let fear and ignorance envelop you guys, which made you spend your lives like a dog or a pig, and you have to be thankful to the ones who rule you.

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"About the outlanders, they are just humans who have moved to other planets hundreds of years ago. The Cobains have talked about them like heathens or demons just to not let you know the truth from them. Even if you don’t believe me, I think you’ve heard enough from York Cobain. Think about it on your own."

Feng Bujue paused for several seconds then continued, "I will contact mankind out there and tell them the coordinates of the Deity Guarded Village. Later on, I hope that you would use your rationality to communicate with outlanders. Your future is in your hands, people of the Deity Guarded Village. There isn’t any existence that can enslave you by the name of religion. About York Cobain," he turned and glared at the Son of God, "I’ll leave him for you guys. He’s still in the God’s Purpose Room, you can also come here to take a tour."

After having said so, Feng Bujue turned off the radio channel, turned around, spread his arms and smiled at York. "Hey… look at your face now, I indeed feel incomparably refreshed."

"You… You… Why? Why did you do that?!" York Cobain almost collapsed. He hissed. "You’re crazy! Wealth and rank are presented in front of your eyes, but you don't need it! You and your friends even had a chance to replace me, didn’t you? Just why?"

"Sword Young Master, you explain this." Feng Bujue smiled.

As he had just finished, fading shadows of sword appeared when Wild Trace Sword Shadow emerged next to York Cobain all of a sudden. It had happened within an instant, and Cobain’s limbs, which had undergone through complicated transformation, were cut off. His plump body fell straight to the floor. Blood, machine oil and nutrient solution puddled the ground. Cobain’s face was filled with shock.

"There’s a saying that goes like…‘Uneven road will be shoveled by unconcerned people—injustice will draw attention from the able persons," said Wild Trace Sword Shadow while retrieving his sword beautifully.

These strikes of him could be considered much stronger than Feng Bujue’s when dealing with Havitz since his weapon didn't have the effect of restraining machinery. Being able to solve York fast and neat like that, half of it was due to his own ability.

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"If it was in the real world, facing such choices, perhaps I would compromise…" said Wild Trace Sword Shadow. "Anyway, first, we are not going to stay here for long. Second, people like you… humph… damn it."

York was completely desperate at this moment as he fell on the ground. He used to hope that he could be lucky enough to escape the village, but now, this fantasy was completely shattered.

Half of the adult males in the Cobains had been transformed with machinery. There was a reason for this besides the case of getting murdered, showing off the God powers or to lengthen their longevity—it was the reluctant case that they had to survive on the Old Earth. After being improved, their hearts and lungs could endure the polluted air, and their cyborg bodies could help them hunt down mutant animals for food.

The ancestors of this family had planned very well, indeed. They had set up many rules, such as transforming the bodies, controlling the history, which part of knowledge should be strictly confidential… It could be said that they had soon planned the countermeasure to cope with any kind of possible changes, just for their future generations. The reason why the Cobains could successfully rule the village for many years was thanks to the heir of each generation who had strictly followed those rules of steel. 

If there weren’t any players that came here today, the Deity Guarded Village would gradually decline, and, there would be no chance that outsiders could find this place.

"Ah, yeah, although the chance is small, in case you can still lie to people and overturn the situation with the credit that your family had been built for years…" Feng Bujue took out his steel sword and crouched next to York. He smiled and put the tip on the other’s jaw. "To ensure that… smile for me…"

"Ah… Ahh!" York screeched in pain, seeing his jaw being cut off and his tongue being pressed under the point of the sword. Without knowing why, his throat also produced a paralyzing feeling. 


10 minutes later, Hank walked out of the entrance of the Shrine. There were many villagers gathering outside. They were people from Section 1 to Section 3. All the consecrators were confined; though some of them were innocent, but the villagers here had all gone through so much hardship, so no one believed them.

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Among the crowd in front of the Shrine, there were guards who used to fight with the ‘intruders’. They screamed as they saw Hank. "It’s him! He was with the two outlanders."

Hank came to them. Everyone was watching him. Everyone was waiting for this young man to say something just like they were in the dark waiting for the first beam of dawn to show them the way.

Hank looked at the people in front of him. He saw Miss Molly, his mother and his friends. The attention he got now was something he had never experienced before.

After a while of staying silent, Hank finally spoke.

"The two outlanders… No, they are two travelers from the outside. They’re gone. They said that they would never come back and they didn't want us to remember or talk about them either." Hank tried to make his voice steadier. "Mister Feng… He had fixed the communication device that Cobain had broken. He has contacted to a place called ‘The Solar System Research Station’ and told them the coordinates and the frequency signal to contact the Deity Guarded Village. Our village is no longer an isolated place. The outside world have known about our existence.

"Soon, they will come to see us. They can take us out of here. Everyone can go to a place called the Second Earth, where mankind currently dwells. They have fresh air and water, blue sea, rivers, mountains, jungles and real cities.

"Sickness can be cured and we don't need to kneel down begging anyone. Weather can be forecasted, and it doesn't depend on God’s moods. Every child has the right and responsibility to study. No one can force you to worship anything or force you to do tasks or wear any type of clothing. Women won’t be brought to the others’ mansion before getting married. Men won’t need to risk their lives on doing the jobs of a Scavenger."

His voice suddenly got brighter and louder. Perhaps because everyone else became more tranquil.

"I can understand your feeling right now. I’m like you, feeling confused, terrified and having hopes for the future. But there’s one thing I can assure you…" Gratification and emotions filled Hank’s eyes. "We are… we are free!"

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