Thriller Paradise

Chapter 162

Chapter 162: Attack of the Protagonist (14)

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Translator: Sigma  Editor: Sigma


"Hm… What you’ve just said…" K3 smiled as he grabbed Feng Bujue by his collar. "I'm not interested in it at all." He rose his right arm. "No matter what you are in your world, in my world, you are just a projection of a group of data blocking my way!"

The fist moved, and a sharp, scarlet tip flashed. As this attack came all of a sudden, Feng Bujue's death was the certain end.

This time, K3 grabbed his opponent directly, hitting him on the front. He didn't care whether Feng Bujue had actually dodged his finger bomb with his real competence or not; absolutely, he could not avoid this oncoming strike.

BOOM. K3’s fist bumped into a rigid block. The energy around his fist sparked when it impacted that object.

Feng Bujue didn’t feel anything hitting his head. Unknowingly, his [Casey Jones’ Mask] automatically switch to visible mode and appeared on his face.

One second later, a low crispy sound echoed. Cracks spread all over the mask on Feng Bujue's face then it soon turned into data fragments, which vanished into thin air.

[Your [Casey Jones’s Mask] is broken.]

[The grade added to your Fighting Specialty is lifted. Your grade now is E.]

The system voice announced two terrible news.

Feng Bujue couldn't react timely with this sudden status. He thought, "Didn’t think that my item would be broken like this."

Feng Bujue had a wrong calculation this time. In a situation that could never be overturned, the method the Protagonist's Halo used to forcefully save the player was…‘equal exchange'.

It cost just an item this time, but if he continued let K3 attack him with flawless, fatal strikes like this, the Halo would increase his loss accordingly. For example, the Survival Value Supplement bottles in his bags would be forced to use up; or, it could switch the damage to other players in the scenario.

K3 was also surprised seeing his opponent wasn’t dead yet, but he didn’t hesitate much, using both of his fists this time to pound on Feng Bujue consistently. The others couldn't see his attacks clearly. However, K3’s fists were blocked by an invisible shield that scattered his force.

This time, it wasn't the effect of the Protagonist's Halo, as it was the effort of the Echo Armor. When Feng Bujue was blown away, the armor didn't work because it was the protection layer that covered him and Feng Bujue got blown away while having no physical contact with the other. But at this moment, the protection effect of the armor worked normally.

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Facing the attack style with high speed that aimed at many points at once, the defending effect of the sound wall was significant.

As K3 was increasing his speed and the number of targets, obviously, the power would be reduced notably. Thus, it couldn't break the defense of the Echo Armor.

If K3 had struck out a strong attack, Feng Bujue would have to count on the Protagonist’s Halo to ward it off. However, he had changed his attack style on purpose to probe Feng Bujue. Unexpectedly, it didn't turn out as he had expected, and it even made Feng Bujue's defense became harder to deal with.

"The finger bomb was deviated inexplicably, and my close-combat strike was dissolved by a mask. From the change of the data, I’m not sure if he’s using some skill to interfere with my senses, but it doesn’t look like a proactive defensive skill…" Within a few seconds, K3 was busy reasoning what Feng Bujue had done. " When I attacked the body at high speed aiming at all organs, joints, and bones on his skeleton, if his reflexes were fast, he should have corresponding reactions to dodge. If his signature is defending, continuously attacking him can help identify his weakness.

"However… He didn't make any defending moves or dodge the strikes, but a group of data has blocked my attack. Moreover, when my punch approaches him with a certain distance, the invisible wall appears and covers the exact point that's about to be hit… In short, it's the effect from some item.

"Although this kiddo has a brighter ‘light' than other players at level 18, surely his fighting capacity isn't as strong as the other two GMs. And even that Zen In Scary Dream's stronger than him. Why… just why I can't kill him?"

A series of assumptions crossed through K3's head in a very short moment. As an AI, what he could reason was also limited, but his reasoning speed was absolutely not slow.

Seeing his attack was ineffective, he seized the chance and decided to launch other stronger strikes to solve this opponent.

The dragon tattoo on his right arm radiated dazzling light as they could even see the tattoo through his sleeve. A formidable flow of air burst out just like a pair of invisible arms pressing Feng Bujue down, keeping him from moving.

"You’re tougher than I’ve imagined…" K3 still wore a sneer. "I really want to see how long you can endure."

K3's fighting style was simple, direct and yet tyrannical. If his previous strikes didn't work, he would hit more; if it still didn't work, he would use stronger attacks... With this train of thought, he would consistently increase the power in his attacks. However, up to now, the one who could make him use his best hadn't appeared yet. In the past, whenever K3 increased his power, the opponent had to follow him to that certain point. However, all the monsters, players, GMs, including Vahiru, had to die in K3 – Hematite's hands when they faced the one who was getting stronger along with the intensity of the fight. They couldn't survive his ‘Scarlet Dragon Fiery Fist'.

"Still coming?" But was Feng Bujue the one who would let someone break two precious items of his? Absolutely not.

When K3 just raised his arm, Feng Bujue moved his body in an odd angle and stepped forward, using the skill that even the ghosts had to be afraid of – [Lower Side Kick of a Brat]. It was the last kick of this consumable skill. After that, it disappeared from Feng Bujue’s skill bar.

"Are you kidding—" K3 wanted to retort, but he couldn't make it, as he had to stop his rhetorical question when he tumbled face down.

The [Lower Side Kick of a Brat] worked only with monsters. Feng Bujue had just hoped that he was lucky this time using the skill. Then, according to the current situation, the system seemed to deem the Derivative's entity a kind of ‘monsters.'

Feng Bujue slid sideway then took out a weapon from his bag. He didn't take the wrench or the steel sword, but a much more wicked one—the Folding Stool.

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Zen In Scary Dream also stormed over at this moment. Seeing K3 fall, he was confident that he had n ways to solve this Derivative.

"You like this?" Feng Bujue swung his [Folding Stool of Eighteen Bronze Statues (Number 5)] while talking. "My equipment is broken. My skill is over…" His tone was unhappy. "I will accompany you until you feel satisfied."

As his words were let out, the folding stool also pounded down. Feng Bujue was crazily beating K3’s back. Zen In Scary Dream didn't let his sword be idle as he accurately slashed on K3's nape with some effects from his skill.

[Name: Unyielding Blade]

[Skill Card Attributes: Proactive skill; permanent control.]

[Type: Fighting]

[Effects: The power of the next hit will be increased by 30% (must use weapons with blades to launch the skill. Cool-down time is 5 minutes.]

[Consumption: 5% of the maximum Physical Value]

[Learning Conditions: Fighting Specialty Grade D, level 20 or above]

[Remarks: A slash with formidable power sometimes can change the result of the battle.]

This was a skill that conformed to the norms of the society, also very practical. Although it wasn't the ability granted from his title [Stern-faced Killer], it was the skill Zen In Scary Dream used more frequently. In general, the effect, consumption and learning conditions of this skill were balanced. At a higher level, it would have been replaced by some similar passive skills, however, before reaching level 30, to players with sharp blade weapons, this was absolutely the best skill.

If not, how could he be the stern-faced killer? At the critical moment, he could always strike fast, accurately and ruthlessly. Moreover, his face didn't have any significant emotion. Such a proper cold face of a true killer.


When his sword hacked down, a strange sound echoed. This spoke up the fact that K3’s head wouldn’t be chopped off that easy.

A layer of red air appeared above K3's skin. This kind of defense was different from the Echo Armor in the method, but it gave the same effect as it could parry Zen In Scary Dream’s sword. K3 didn’t even have a small scratch.

And, Feng Bujue was still using the folding stool to bang at K3's spine cruelly. His attack wasn't stopped by anything, however, he didn't hear the crack from breaking bones or see blood under K3's clothing. It was like Feng Bujue was massaging a man who had mastered Iron Shirt technique, and that guy didn't feel hurt or even got hit. He also thought that if his Folding Stool didn't have the unbreakable feature, it would have been broken soon.

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This short change in attack-defense role lasted for less than ten seconds.

K3 had never experienced such a bitter fight. He had to finish the ‘face down fall’ completely before he could be able to get on his feet again. And, during this time, Zen In Scary Dream and Feng Bujue had immediately attacked his back and nape impolitely.

However, K3 could still endure it. He understood that when he could get up again, he could take the initiative of the battle. Although that tripping skill was nasty, it spoke of the fact that these two players didn't have the ‘killing strike'!

K3’s supposition was correct. Indeed, Feng Bujue and Zen In Scary Dream both didn’t have any significantly strong proactive skills (for example the Devil Piercing Killing Light Cannon) to bet for once. If they had some, those past seconds would have been the best chance to use them.

Unfortunately, they were all players with professional fighting styles, as they knew when to storm forward or when to retreat. These two actually never thought about learning such skills. That's how we got the previous scene. Anyway, Zen In Scary Dream had used some buffs for his attack while Feng Bujue had just used a common way to pound the opponent.

It was normal that K3 didn’t die. Zen In Scary Dream’s slash had damaged his air shield a little bit while Feng Bujue, with his Fighting Specialty degraded to E, was holding something not different from a toy to hit him. Even though Feng Bujue had been pounding K3 for a while, in fact, he could take around 5% of the other’s blood.

"Ah… Simply ridiculous." K3 was now sure that the two standing in front of him couldn't kill him. Even if he stood still for them to hit him, it would have taken a long time to do that. "Go die!"

K3 suddenly shouted, slashing his right arm horizontally. A sharp air current was released. Although it wasn't as fast as his finger bomb, it was absolutely not the speed that the two players could dodge easily. The power of this strike was even more frightening. When it had just been released, it was a big as a cutlass, but when it was fully flying in the air, it gave people a feeling of a cement pipe sweeping through…

We have to say that Zen In Scary Dream was really awesome as he could instinctively and reluctantly duck under this strike in just a blink of an eye.

Facing a slash at around their chest, most of the people would bend, turn or kneel down… In short, they would lower their body to dodge. However, Zen In Scary Dream didn't do that. His first reaction was to jump backward, leaping onto a tree nearby, as agile as a monkey. Even though the big tree was cut down afterward, Zen In Scary Dream didn’t get hit.

What about Feng Bujue… he also dodged it. How did he dodge it? The Protagonist's Halo led him.

The process could be described unimaginable. At the moment K3’s arm started to move and the visual signal was still on its way to Feng Bujue’s brain, the Protagonist’s Halo had already worked. When Feng Bujue's brain had reacted to the situation, delivering the command for the action, he suddenly tripped… The ground at the shrine's gate was relatively flat, and he tumbled even when he didn't step on anything.

It was like the friction force between Feng Bujue’s feet and the ground had disappeared at that moment, so with just a tiny force, he then lay stiff as a corpse on the ground within one second. Even if he wanted to do it actively, he could have never made himself creep on the ground faster than this move.

A gust swept over. Feng Bujue was dazed, lying there to dodge K3’s attack. And, only if he stayed within the clearance of half a meter like this, he wouldn't be affected. However, what Feng Bujue was worrying about still happened. Right when he fell down, the system's notification arose.

[Your Survival Value Supplement (medium) has been used.]

[Your Survival Value Supplement (medium) has been used.]

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The two identical notifications successively sounded. Feng Bujue felt a headache was messing around in his head now. Even though he was in a dangerous moment, he still remembered that he got only two medium bottles of Survival Value Supplement.

Each Survival Value Supplement medium bottle could recover 50% of the Survival Value. Anyway, if players used them continuously during a short period, the effect would be reduced. Feng Bujue checked his blood in the menu. Indeed, it was just 89%, not full.

Although Feng Bujue could successfully duck the other’s slash, the Protagonist’s Halo had used his Survival Value Supplement bottles.

Because he had slipped, he should shed some blood… According to the rules of being immortal, he should be recovered a little bit.

"Curiosity kills people…" Feng Bujue flexed his body and jumped up. "If I left here before I’d met you, I wouldn't have met so many things… But now… my loss is increasing steadily."

K3 looked at Feng Bujue and coldly snorted. "I don’t know what loss you’re talking about. Quite the contrary, I’m surprised that you’re not dead yet."

"Anyway… It's really awesome." Feng Bujue laughed. "Thanks to so many conditions in this scenario, I can confront a strong monster like you."

At such moment, a fanatic would risk his life with K3 to ease his distress of losing items and skills. People who were calmer would leave the scenario to prevent further loss; moreover, he would be more logical to reverse his original plan.

Feng Bujue’s thoughts were bizarre as he felt this situation was ‘rare’ to meet. Without the Protagonist’s Halo, K3 could kill him as easy as flipping his hand. Without Zen In Scary Dream’s assistance, he couldn’t have any time to counterattack.

It was really rare to meet up with the Derivatives. Being able to put forth everything and fight against a super strong opponent for a long time, to someone who had his Fighting Specialty graded E like Feng Bujue, it was an experience that he could only wish for.

"I’ve told you, if you want to fight, I will accompany you till the end." Suddenly, Feng Bujue's entire body was glowing in red light, but the hue was a little bit different from K3's, more like the color of blood. The temperature around him was somehow increasing abruptly, and the ambience became hazy.

Once his Survival Value was recovered, Feng Bujue determinedly activated [Body-Spirit Congegration Technique]. The [Death Poker] also appeared in his hands.

"Oh… You can also use this type of power?" K3 was a combative person, so when he faced an opponent with high fighting spirit like this, he, of course, got excited.

Level 3 Derivatives, of course, had ‘personality.' Although the Four Divine Pillars and their henchmen, the monsters with high positions and uniqueness, all had personalities, those characters were programmed by the system. However, the Derivatives' personalities were like that of human beings. With memory and experience, they were ever changing and developing.

K3 wasn't the only combative Derivative. This feature was popular among the Derivatives. To them, fighting is when they survive and the others die or vice versa. They were the data materialized to be obliterated. This wasn't like when a player died, he would return to his login space. Facing an opponent, no matter how strong he was, they had only one choice, which was to find the way to destroy the enemy.

This style of thinking and acting pattern was imposed on the Derivatives by someone much higher than them. If the Derivatives had a life, from the time they were born, the only value of them was to kill anything blocking their way. Moreover, no one could say that it was wrong. Only did they follow this set principle, they could survive and evolve…

"Good… Come up here," said K3 excitedly, "kill or be killed is our fate. Do you want to understand more about the Derivatives? The best way to communicate is to let the blood from your phony projection exhaust."

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