Thriller Paradise

Chapter 179

Chapter 179: Despicable Me (11)

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Translator: Sigma  Editor: Sigma


[Current Quest, accomplished. Main Quest, updated.]

When Feng Bujue got the third chemical bottle, the quest [Find and catch Billy the Puppet in the fourth corridor and hand him to Rabbit to exchange for a chemical bottle] had a check mark.

And, the Main Quest [Find the chemical bottles (3/4)] was also updated.

This shot from Feng Bujue was somehow like killing the donkey (rabbit) when the grinding is done.

Rabbit got a headshot, and its head exploded like a bursting watermelon. Plasma splashed everywhere, coloring the desk, the floor and the wall behind red… Of course, it had dyed Feng Bujue red, who was standing pretty close.

Rabbit's body as big as a kangaroo collapsed backward, bumped on the chair then heavily fell on the ground. The curled body of the rabbit still had its legs twitching.

"Now the time is…" It was unknown how many times Feng Bujue had wiped his face. "The 65th minute." His line of sight moved to the desk where Billy the Puppet lay. It was gone.

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"But seems you guys can't play this funny drama anymore." Feng Bujue smiled.

The light in the first cell automatically lit up. Billy appeared inside the cell, still sitting on the same chair. The light shone down from above his head, illuminating the puppet's dark look. "Where were our flaws exposed? Perhaps it's because of Rabbit's one mistake…"

"Too many flaws," Feng Bujue answered. "Lately, it was just my last probe to confirm." He resolutely put the gun down on the table and poked both hands into his pockets, steadily walking to the cell. "And, since when I've had doubts… it should be right from the start."

"Hmm… Even if you have seen it through, don't you think you're exaggerating a little bit?" said Billy.

"Don't believe it? You don't buy it, or you don't want to buy it?" Feng Bujue's tone was full of provocation. "I have twenty-seven minutes left before the poison burst out. We still have plenty of time, so just make it easy and listen to my explanation."

He walked back then dragged the chair next to Rabbit's body to the front of the cell, sitting down opposite to Billy. He cleared his throat and began, "I won't cite your foreword here. In short… I deemed it as a paragraph that you've carefully arranged, which was full of traps and inducement. Moreover, they were all aimed at me. As what you've said, it's true that you can 'measure people's heart precisely'. At least you know what method to use to intrigue and guide the direction of my thought and my progress." He smiled. "However, there's one thing you shouldn't say…'You will meet some people, or see something. What you see or hear can change your actions and interfere with your judgment'."

"These things… are to—" Billy wanted to say something, but Feng Bujue had directly interrupted him, saying, "… Just wanted to make use of the reverse psychology in me and make me distrust the hallucination I'd see and the lies I'd hear." He paused for one second. "But both you and I understand that it's the truth. All the things you've said in the introduction are true, at least from your point of view. You wouldn't lie right when you were giving the rules. I think it's your arrogance. A kind of persistence."

He extended his arm, pointing at Rabbit's body. "Even when it was necessary to tell lies, you still tried to not open your mouth. In many situations, you've always kept silent or just given something ambiguous, like you were trying to hide some mysteries in your words. And, those deceptive actions were conducted by a rabbit and…" Feng Bujue pictured Alden's appearance in his mind. "… And the thing I don't know what sort of monster he is."

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Feng Bujue habitually put his index finger and middle finger on his forehead then slid them along the bridge of his nose. "Basically, there's no second timeline or something. The four corridors leading to twenty-three, forty-six and sixty-nine with the increasing or decreasing of time depended on the right or reverse ways entering the passage… All are just smoke bombs." He craned his neck forward and rubbed his temples with his fingers. "You've made good use of my hobby in reasoning and solving puzzles, creating a false set of rules to direct my thought and action.

"You're not bad, though. Indeed, you've considered my reasoning's order… The rooms, the arrangement of the chemical bottles, the lengths of those corridors, the time needed to cross the corridors… You got it clear which information you should or shouldn't give me.

"According to your guide, in fact, I have only one route to choose."

Feng Bujue held up one finger. "At the 'First' fan-shaped hall, the trick you arranged in the first corridor succeeded, indeed. That kept me suspicious for a long while. You also know that, with my train of thought, after I've seen that play, I'd definitely choose to explore the other corridors. And, the second, the third, the fourth…" His fingers changed accordingly. "Whichever I'd choose, it'd be the same, as you guys only need to adjust the rules a little bit.

"No matter which corridor I'd choose to go first, you'd probably arrange so as I'd meet Alden first. The requirement to tell a ghost story is like leaving a note at a murder scene, which is to mess up the investigation. You've used this method to bring me to the 'End.' Turns out it looked pretty normal. Because, the more inexplicable the situation is, the less persistent one will be to follow up with it.

"After I got to this place called 'Prison,' the real excellent play's started. What Rabbit and Alden said, together with your cooperative presence in this cell, all were to make me believe in your corridor-time theory.

"Thus, to not cause time-space paradox and also to prevent the map time from running out at the 92nd minute, I had only one way to choose—start from the second corridor and return from the fourth corridor, and lastly, enter the first corridor. This is the only route you guys wanted to guide me through. It's also the path that all of Rabbit's theories pointed to."

Feng Bujue turned his head, looking at the first corridor. "Intuitively speaking, you hoped that I'd use some kind of usual thinking, grabbing the gun you gave me and entering the first corridor, killing 'someone' behind the door without thinking much." He shifted his look to Billy. "In your plan, I, at that time, should have had only one Contra Medal left, but not two pieces like right now. I have three chemical bottles, about to finish this scenario. With the contribution of the first murder scene, which is a time bomb planted in my head, at the very last moment, with my characteristic, I couldn't deny that even I know I'd die, I'd definitely try to reverse that scene…" He pointed to the pistol on the desk. "In short, according to the plot and as what you've thought, eventually, I'd enter the first corridor, open the door and kill anything I see."

Billy's attitude now was like the chipped jar got cracked. He was calm, but it looked strange. "As you've come this far, why don't you guess why I had to do so?"

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"It's simple… You want to break out, right?" said Feng Bujue.

Indeed, when he said that, the puppet face of Billy slightly lifted up, but it was speechless.

"I think…The whole space here is a 'Prison.'" Feng Bujue swept his sight through the four cells in front of him. "These four cells are just decorations." He pointed to the bars of the cell. "As I've come to this, I'll tell you some obvious flaws I've found. When I saw SCP-173, I was sure that what the rabbit said was nonsense. It said all the four prisoners were jailed here… But how could they use bars to make the container for SCP-173?" He joked, "Perhaps you puppet, who doesn't blink year round, is in charge of staring at SCP-173 through the bars?"

"Moreover, Alden and SCP-173 can teleport. So what does the length of the corridors mean?" Feng Bujue said, "And, you let Rabbit acclaimed itself as the one who's replaced Satsuma Diehl. It's absolutely a faulty stroke in calligraphy. In the same room, the feeling and pressure of your existence are double the rabbit's. How could it watch over you?"

Feng Bujue shook his head and sneered. "Well, I think the real jailer's guarding the gate leading to this space. And that gate's connected with the first corridor." He spread his arm, pointing at Billy. "I don't doubt your ability in manipulating space. I think… The lengths of the corridors and all rooms in this space came from your mind. How long I need to spend to run through a corridor or when would I meet a room, all are in your hand.

"However, you and your henchmen, or your inmate friends have prepared such a game with complicated rules and the psychological hints to control me in collecting clues. You were really patient in arranging your conspiracy… All of them are just to let me do something that easy?

"And, as for the pistol you gave me, Alden has fingers to pull the trigger and so does Rabbit. Why don't you guys do it yourself?"

Feng Bujue crossed one of his legs over the other. "At first, my reasoning was… You guys couldn't open that door or basically, you couldn't even touch or approach it." He smiled evilly. "However, when I thought deeper, I found that…"

Feng Bujue didn't tell them the root of his thought. In fact, he had based on the short introduction of the plot, which said [Time and space overlap. A deadly game. Endless horror. Nightmares reincarnate.]

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This was what the system itself prompted him directly right at the beginning, not through any NPC or BOSS. These four sentences were the key to unlock the mystery of this scenario.

The sentence 'Time and space overlap' was coincident with Billy's plan, and from a certain attitude, it had confused Feng Bujue. However, from the clues these four sentences provided, Feng Bujue gradually got it.

"You've done this countless times, right?" Feng Bujue smiled, "But after you guys killed the jailer, you couldn't escape, could you?"

"Is it funny?" answered Billy.

"Then tell me why it isn't funny?" asked Feng Bujue.

Billy answered, "Killing the jailer couldn't help us escape but lead to reincarnation. The power I, Rabbit and Alden had recovered, especially to control the space, would go back to the start point as if when time returns, only memory stays.

"The 173 you've mentioned, I actually don't know what it's called. It isn't my inmate friend but a part of the punishment. Every time we break out from the prison, we will be 'reincarnated,' and we'll meet a brand new monster, the kind of 173. We then got tortured to death numerous times… Until our powers could be recovered to the point we could control the prison again."

"So, you want to borrow my power to get rid of this reincarnation, right?" asked Feng Bujue.

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