Thriller Paradise

Chapter 408: 408

"Audience, thank you for waiting in the game on time. I'm Hua Xiong, the commentator. I'm Pan Feng, the commentator

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Tonight, for the first time, the two men showed up

At 12:58, the two GM faces appeared on the main screen of the mall.

Their image is different from what Feng can see in the script, just like changing into a formal suit. If they choose the role of the ancient military generals in the script, the scene will become very happy

"Half a month passed before I knew it." Hua Xiong road.

"Yeah, I feel like I'm just getting used to what I'm talking about, and it's going to end." Pan Feng answers.

Both of them laughed, and Huaxiong immediately said, "ha ha To be honest, today's final is in the form of a big fight, so the way of broadcasting will be different. "

Pan Feng said: "today, we are very relaxed. After the game starts, you will not hear our voice." He said mysteriously, "why Keep it secret for a while, and you will soon know. "

"In order to prevent the audience from missing what you want to see, let's briefly talk about the way of live broadcast..." said Hua Xiong During his speech, the screen switched to a kind of PPT slide show, "the release form of the final is to focus on the fight for follow-up shooting, that is to say, where there is no fight, we can't see what the players are doing.

So after the game starts, the main screen will first play the basic situation of each part of the script, and use subtitles to play the world view of the script and other information The screen will not switch until a player enters the battle somewhere. "

Pan Feng took the lead: "the next point is the" broadcast rules when multiple battles happen at the same time. " He paused, and the slide on the screen also turned a page. "As you should all know, the game mall is a multi-phase space with several areas. Today, from 1 a.m., we will adjust the name of the phase region. At that time, when you go back to the landing space and open the selection menu of the shopping mall area, you will not see the options of "area 1", "area 2", but the options of "player a's broadcast area 1", "player a's broadcast area 2", or "player B's broadcast area 1"

Huaxiong said, "if you want to pay attention to a player's game, please choose to enter his / her exclusive broadcast area. If you want to join an area with more than one person, just discuss the number in advance. "

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Pan Fengdao: "every contestant has the" priority broadcast right "in his own broadcast area. When he / she is not fighting, other duels in the script will be played on the main screen of the area; once he / she is in fighting state, the screen will switch to him / her immediately. "

"If you don't have a player to pay special attention to." Huaxiong said, "you can also select" random broadcast area 1, 2, 3... In the landing space Wait a minute. "The broadcast screen is distributed by the system in chronological order. It will play a relatively complete battle. After one battle, randomly switch to another fighting place until the battle is over."

Pan Feng finally said: "of course, you can still watch the game in the landing space or on the screen in the conference room. In private space, you are free to switch the broadcast priority as you would for a TV station. And... The commentary of this final will not be interfered by these factors. The voice and picture of the commentary will be played synchronously. So, to watch outside the mall, the difference is that the screen is smaller and the surrounding area is relatively cold. "

Before the introduction of these two guys is over, the players in the mall have been rushing towards the elevator. Whether you want to watch the game in the broadcast area or go to the conference room, you have to change in the landing space.

In fact, players don't need to worry. The script map of the final is quite large, and it's not likely to fight at the beginning. They went early and also stood in front of the screen to see the scenery


Early morning, one o'clock.

Fifty top masters of "Thriller Park" are all standing in the landing space, ready to go.

At this moment, no one dares to say that he is not nervous. Even brother Jue can't help pacing back and forth in the elevator, singing "hero's song" softly in his mouth, and his steps still match the rhythm of the song To relieve tension.

The excitement of the contestants is beyond words

[the peak battle is about to start. Your data will be loaded in 30 seconds. Please do not leave the landing space. ]

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count down 10 seconds before loading, nine, eight, seven Two, one. ]

at the end of this countdown, there is no opening speech or transmission. The elevator is moving.

[the loading is completed. Currently, you are in the peak battle. ]

[this mode provides a brief introduction to the script, no branch / hidden tasks and special world view. ]

[script victory reward:??? ]

[the script introduction will be played soon, and the game will start immediately after playing. ]

the elevator is still moving at the foot, and the introduction to the script starts like this:

[nine quests in the clouds and mist, and the first one in the blood rain is Xiaoxiao devil. ]

[who will decide the good and evil in all realms? ]

"feed feed How could you start with a poem Let's not talk about the standard first. Why do these words remind me of some bad things... "

[this is a modern and prosperous city, just like all the first tier cities in the world today, with high-rise buildings, traffic, overloaded population and turbid air quality ]

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[until one night, the sun sets, but never rises again. The dim moonlight behind the wandering dark clouds reflects the lonely city. ]

"Hello! These two sentences are familiar! I really want to hear that! "

[a fallen man named samodil has occupied the city and killed all the people in it. It obliterates this place from the long river of time, making it a sub dimensional space free from the inherent space. ]

[the Lord of time finds out its behavior and imprisons it. ]

[but The land can no longer be restored. ]

[the distorted time and space release huge energy at any time. The dead who have nowhere to go roam around the city, and the land polluted by the curse breeds countless evil creatures They devour, kill and regenerate each other There is no end to the cycle. ]

[many years later The Lord of chaos scorched earth peeped through the crack of a devil's gate at the land he had not yet touched. ]The king of the kingdom of the dead found his subjects here. ]

[as the ruler of the long river of order and former master of Samoa, the Lord of time has long regarded this place as its jurisdiction. ]

[the court of truth as the arbiter of all things Also in the dark observation, ready to move. ]

this is the introduction of the play, so far.

The next second, the elevator stops. Whether you want to or not, the door opens itself

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Brother Jue's position at the moment should be in a building. A long time ago, the decoration of this place might have been pretty good. But now, the walls and the ground here have long been unable to show the original colors and materials. There is a layer of gray dirt everywhere, mixed with a little brown

There are also many fine cracks on the floor tiles and walls. When you look at them, you can see something like blood vessels And they're obviously squirming.

In the corner of the wall and on the ground, there are some black skeletons everywhere. Most of them are only skeletons, and only a few of them remain visceral like things. No matter how you look It's not like human bones. The key is that the number and structure of bones are not right The skulls of these corpses are quite similar to those of human beings, except that some of them have horns, nostrils and tusks

In short, the map environment of this script is enough to make ordinary people feel creepy. Of course, Feng didn't feel that way. At most, he felt a little sick.

When it comes to nausea I have to mention another thing. When the elevator door opened, there was a disgusting smell.

Even though elder brother quickly covers his nose, it's too late for him to "lie in the groove That's enough Is this the body odor of a skunk who eats durian and grows up after swallowing excrement and committing suicide? "

make complaints about the lift.

At the moment of stepping out of the door, the system prompts: "the main task has been triggered]

turn on the game menu to observe. He thought he would see the task of" become the only surviving player in the script ". Because the rules of the game are basically the same as the scuffle in the Cape. It's just that the number has changed from six to fifty

However, what he didn't expect was that the task was: "kill other players to get points"

the word "points" was also highlighted. After selection, an annotation window was opened with detailed rules written in it: "kill one other player, you will get two points; kill seed players will get three points; multiple players will cooperate For the completed killing (one or more people can be killed), their points will be allocated by the system at its discretion; with the help of the killing completed by the forces of the world, they will get a point. When there are only two players left in the script, they will get five points no matter how they kill each other. ]

at the bottom of this note, there is another relatively simple rule: [when there is only one player in the script, the peak battle is over, and the system will publish points to get the final ranking. ](to be continued. )Genius a second to remember this website, the fastest updated novel website!

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