Thriller Paradise

Chapter 472: 472

"It seems You are not a patient in this hospital... " Feng asked tentatively.

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His hands are moving and his mind is moving fast.

In front of her eyes, the content of the story, the tone of the statement, and the clothes on her body all reveal the same information. She is probably one of the earliest earthbound spirits in this land.

"Why do you say that?" Asked the little girl.

"I've seen the map on the first floor three or four times, and I've run many places myself. I'm pretty sure The first floor of the hospital is close to the lobby. There are only 18 rooms with door numbers, namely 101 to 118. The other end of the restaurant, building B, should have the door number starting from '101b'... " "So This room 125 doesn't exist at all. "

After hearing this, the little girl did not respond. Just sit still and say nothing.

"What's the matter Didn't my words trigger a further plot? Or... What bad events have been triggered? " Brother Jue asked in his heart, "or Is it because the head is not combed... "

"If you can't comb, don't waste any more time." At this moment, the little girl suddenly opened her mouth and changed the topic.

"Well..." He hesitated for two seconds. During these two seconds, he was thinking about whether to hold on. "OK..." He gave up.

"Put the comb down." The little girl said coldly, "I'll do it myself." As she said this, she raised her small hand and said, "according to the agreement, I'll give you this..." I don't know when there is more candy in her hand.

It was a square piece of sugar, wrapped in a piece of black sugar paper, and gave off a kind of grain fragrance.

Name: little black rabbit milk candy

type: plot related

Quality: common

function: maybe it can be used to exchange something

whether it can bring out the script: no

remarks: taste strange snacks, the favorite of white wolf.

"Whoo That's great. Just give me the comb. " Sealed not aware of the heart is also secretly glad.

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Brother Jue quickly put the comb on the bedside table. Then he reached out and took the candy.

"Uncle, you still have a lot to do..." The little girl said immediately after handing over the candy. She raised her head back and stared at brother Jue. "You'd better hurry up Your time There are not many. "

Chill, the chill of the bone

The little girl's words are like a basin of ice water, which makes her heart cool.

This is not a mental illusion, but a real cold, a cold storm that almost suffocates.

"Then I'll leave..." I can't help saying that. You can clearly see the white breath out of your mouth; open the game menu to see the frostbite state is also impressive.

These changes are sending a clear signal that we should not stay here for long.

"It seems that ward 125 is the same as the security room Once some kind of flag is triggered, the player must leave immediately, otherwise it will be a dead end. " I don't know what to think.

Since I realize that the situation is not right, I have no hesitation He picked up the flashlight, turned around and ran.

Brother Jue's movement is not slow, but it's still late In just a few seconds, he had a pair of invisible, cold hands in the palm of his hand. There was bone piercing pain in his joints, and his muscles suddenly became stiff and numb

At this time, the door is close. It seems to be a hundred miles away from him Every step is hard.

"Oh Lean on! "

I didn't mean to scold you. Look carefully In fact, he spits out the gum in his mouth, and then "shit!" A sound.

It turned out he had three times the amount of gum in his mouth. Now it's a big lump of ice. If he vomits a few seconds later, the lump is likely to freeze in his mouth and then block his throat.

"No way..." Feng did not feel that looking at their rapid decline in the survival value, it is really a little surprised.

Five seconds later. He finally gnashed his teeth and moved those steps, touching the doorknob.

Fortunately, there was no difficulty in the process of opening the door. He turned it around. The door opened smoothly.

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"It's a little short..." Brother Jue, with all his strength, flashed out of the door as if he were rushing down. At the same time, he shook his hand and took the door of ward 125 with him.

After the door closed, the cold feeling suddenly disappeared.

Feng unconsciously knelt in the corridor and gasped for a long time. The rising temperature quickly relieved his frostbite state, and the loss of survival value also stopped.

"Dangerous..." He turned over and sat down on the ground, picked up the flashlight rolling down at his feet, murmured, "this difficulty is inexplicable..." He touched the candy in the exit bag, put it in his hand and looked at it. "Obviously, it's not even a" branch line mission ", but it's so difficult Don't you... "

There was a flash of inspiration in the brain and a slight change in the face.

"Well I see. " Feng could not feel a long breath, and stood up from the ground, "in a word Let's find the key first


Half an hour passes in a flash Feng could not feel coming out of the dark corridor and said, "but the key to the pediatric clinic is not here..." After returning to the relatively bright area, he turned off the flashlight and put it in place, "fortunately, I have other gains..."

Obviously, the task given by goblin is far from easy

Just now, brother Jue came out of ward 125 and looked back. The door of that ward had disappeared. After that, he tried every door in the dark area Except for the previously entered baby room, only two rooms are accessible, and other doors are not opened.

So he rummaged through the two rooms to unpack the furniture I finally found two items. Unfortunately None of them are keys.

The first one is:

Name: the torn X-ray film

type: story related

Quality: broken

function: unknown

whether the script can be brought out: no

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remarks: only half of the film seems to show some blurred images under the light.

This was found on the back of a burnt child's body. When brother Jue was about to take down the "half" X-ray film, the system also gave a line of subtitles: This X-ray film is stuck to the burnt material, and it may be damaged if torn down directly.

With such a clear hint, he naturally followed the trend. With the aid of spray wax, it slowly faded off the back of the corpse.

The second item he found was undoubtedly the other half of the torn X-ray film.

But At the end of the day, Feng didn't even bring the two films out. Because those two things have no value in themselves. What is useful is the six digit password recorded on the film

In the dark environment, brother Jue has used a flashlight to observe these two "unknown" objects. So... When he came out, he went straight to room 109 and rushed to the treasure chest as soon as he entered.

The unlocking interface appears in front of you, please input a six digit password prompt to ring.

"Two thousand three four..." I can't feel that I've finished typing this password. I'll hear a sentence right away: the password is correct.

Click. The chest opened at the sound.

Brother Jue is full of expectation that he got the equipment, and as a result

Name: the key of pediatric clinic (emergency room)

type: plot related

Quality: common

function: see the product name by yourself

whether the script can be brought out: no

remarks: it's strange Why is the key locked in a lockbox? And the password of the password box is recorded on an X-ray? And that X-ray was torn in two and put in two places? What's going on?

"Yes! What's the matter! " Feng can't help roaring at the description of this malicious object, "the slots are all spit out by the fast system! The key is the most bizarre item in all puzzle games! Hide the key of room a in Room B, and then hide the key of room B in room C. repeat and set many puzzles Is that the most illogical thing? "

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Indeed To sum up, most horror games guide players in this way. In this way, players can explore in a certain order.

"Hum..." After the end of the roar, I let out a little bit of my displeasure, "well, at least I finished a task." He picked up the key and turned to go out. Go to the pediatric clinic not far away.

He opened the door of the clinic with the key and pushed it in. There was no light in the room, so he turned on the flashlight to search.

Although the atmosphere in this room is rather depressing, there is no fear hidden in it. Of course, even if there is For brother Jue, is there any fear.

Soon, he found the task items in the drawer of a desk.

Name: Victor's key

type: story related

Quality: common

function: open the cellar in Victor's home

whether the script can be brought out: no

remarks: many years ago. Victor ridsworks is just a second-hand dealer, an unknown little man. Until one day, he got the recipe of a mysterious drink from a distant oriental country. After that, he frequently carried out trade activities with dwarves, and became a famous upstart in the near and far. When asked about the secret of success, Victor always said, "dwarfs are generous entrepreneurs, and my cellar is like a money printing factory."

"It's you!" Feng didn't realize what he thought of when he read the complete note. He shouted, "it's you!"

That's right, Victor ridsworks, the guy who bought the blood corpse from the legendary dwarven craftsman "all must die".

"All to die" is a grand tragic epic. Because of the four words "wine, lust, wealth and gas", he has been trapped countless times. It is precisely these experiences that prompted him to create many handed down artifacts.

The appearance of Victor is the prelude of this epic

"Hey, hey, hey..." Suddenly, Feng chuckled, "I always feel You can knock him with this thing... " He sank his face and pretended to say, "Wei If you don't hand in ten or eight pieces of legendary equipment today, I will eat your precious key... "

After being there for a while, Jue was careful

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