Thriller Paradise

Chapter 579: 579

Two hours ago, bat cave.

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"You're a smart man and you should be able to understand my plan." He said to Joey as he dressed in bat clothes.

"I understand, but Is that really necessary? " Joey is doing the same thing. "In my opinion, without Gotham, there's enough chaos."

"Ah ~ so you're far away." Feng unconsciously replied, "Gotham, who has been controlled by the milk with faith for so many years, will not change in a day and a night. It will take time, patience, and... " He spread out his hands, " Fear. "

"Then your behavior What's the difference with what the "milk CE" does? " Maya is on the way.

"Yes, he is showing off with offerings that have no resistance." And I It's to give you real opponents. "

"To succeed, you need friends." Small sigh at this time unexpectedly in the side of the mouth to say, "to great success, you need the enemy."

"Look, even he knows." Feng unconsciously shrugged and smiled.



Da da da da da steps in the empty bat castle.

A figure dressed in bat clothes walked slowly through the corridor towards the core power room in the castle.

At this moment, in this huge fortress, it is silent - because the body will not make any sound.

"Well Most of them were killed by firearms. Judging from the position of the bullet and the shape of the wound, more than 90% of the people died under Xiaoling's gun... " Feng didn't feel that he was still walking. His eyes wandered around, catching all the information coming into his eyes, "come this way The visible death toll is only 81, which is far from the figure given by clipper. It seems that most people choose to surrender or escape directly... "

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"Tut What does it smell like? " Brother Jue smells something at a corner. "Oh... It's the internal organs that come out... " Around the corner, he saw a corpse lying on the floor. "It should have been killed by Ruoyu. The cut of bone and muscle fiber is very flat. The sword Qi cuts from the neck, passing through the lungs, heart, stomach and intestines..."

Feng can't feel that he has obtained such information almost at the same time of observation. He can't call it "thinking".

In the eyes of juegao today, the data world of thriller park has become different from the past. As if The world he once saw in the state of "devil fighting".

Just stare at something long enough. He could vaguely see some flowing matrix codes; when he walked into a mess environment, he could classify every object in a very organized way in an instant; when he came to such a crime scene like place, he could quickly restore the general situation of the death in his brain just by looking at the body. If there are enough clues and information left at the scene, he can even play back the whole killing process in front of his eyes.

If someone stands beside Feng at this time, he will find Brother Jue's eyes flashed with streamers. It looks like It's very much like the derivatives.

However, in the eyes of the derivatives, the floating data stream is white, while in the eyes of juega, it is black

"Please enter your password."

When Feng comes to the laboratory gate of the castle. The voice sounded on the operation panel of the electronic door.

"Long live the bat." Brother Jue took out the cheat pocket watch from his knapsack and said in the voice of the breast CE.

"The password is correct, and the voice print is being corrected Recognition success, welcome. B Mr. milk CE. " The electronic door should open.

After walking into the lab, Feng didn't even know he had opened his mouth. If it rained, he said, "how can it be so slow?"

"Haha Why, miss me at that moment? " Chueh replied with a smile.

If rain doesn't answer this boring question. Instead, he said in a solemn voice: "the system has just prompted that the hidden task is completed. In case that Joey has successfully killed the" milk CE "in the process of your dawdling. That leaves us only a few minutes. "

"It doesn't matter." "Even if we only bring back the resources from the bat cave, we are worthy of this trip," Feng said

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While talking, Chueh Ge had come to everyone's side and said to clipper, who was busy at the experimental platform, "doctor, how is the progress?"

"It's all formulaic programs. I've done them many times. It's very simple." Kleiber's work continued. He opened his mouth (he had a cigarette in his mouth) and said, "the plastic surgery can be finished in about five minutes. As for the brain chip..." He glanced up at the electronic cabinet on his right hand side and said, "this batch of goods is made by me in secret. It has no tracking function. The accuracy of knowledge and character is close to 95%, and it will permanently erase the original personality and memory, ha ha..." He smiled. "I call these cute little things devil's souls."

"Very well." Feng didn't realize that he stepped forward and stood side by side with clipper. He looked at the "Robin" lying on a dozen experimental platforms in front of him and smiled, "you really can bear the word" great ", Dr. clipper Your talent can be said to be a wonder. "

"Hey hey Ha ha Ha ha ha ha... " The two of them stood there, making the evil laugh that the villains in the cartoon would use.

Now, in front of them, lie more than ten captured "Robin". But soon, these people will no longer be Robin. They will become clowns, double faced people, penguins, black masks, poison rattan girls

"Brother Jue, I don't understand..." Small sigh, "we have got enough benefits in bat cave, and the hiding task has been finished Why do you have to do these unrelated things? "

"Why..." "If you look at it, you will know..." said Feng He said, raised his hand and pointed to a certain display screen on the side of the room. In the picture, there was a live fight


On the other side, above the castle.

The bat battle suit of the "milk" has been completely destroyed and lost kinetic energy support. And Joey's blood of Bain has lost its effect.

In the light and shadow, there are only two men in ordinary bat clothes, who are engaged in the most primitive and powerful fight.

"The super stimulants on you are almost over..." When Joey said that. A punch went to B milk CE's face.

B CE was hit on the cheek. A tooth flew out and spattered blood, but he still insisted: "ha ha Almost... " He sneered a few times and suddenly turned back to kick on one side.

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Joey hurried to stop the blow with his hand on the chest rail and took a few steps back: "Your persistence is admirable..." He took a breath. "You know, even if you win me, you can't be God again."

"I know..." B CE put on her mask. His "Mask" is bleeding because it's not a mask, it's his face The baby herself had clipper's operation many years ago. In order to keep her face young, he directly integrated her face with the bat mask.

"But you're still fighting." Joey said.

"Ah..." B CE smiled meaningfully, "I'm helping you, Joey..." He raised his arm and pointed under the platform. "There's only more to show. So that the mob can be more devout and awed of you. "

"I don't want their faith!" Joey took another breath and stormed up. "I just want to stop it!"

He gave a loud drink, then rushed to B milk CE with the catch of an American football. It was successfully bumped into the railings on the edge of the platform.

At this time, the "the breast" is already at the end of the line. The side kick just used up his last strength. He can't resist any more.

"Then kill me. Ah... Ha ha ha... " B milk CE said with a smile. His cloak has been lost, and with a little bit of force Joey will fall and die.

This second. A glimmer of light on the horizon suddenly opened the sky. The bloody king of Gotham turned his head slightly and looked back at the city he loved.

"No!" Unexpectedly, Joey let go. He stood up and said firmly, "I don't kill people! No more killing! Because... I'm Batman. '

Of course he remembers Before the battle, the eyes of the clown, his foreword and postscript.

"Gotham, will witness The birth of Batman. " Joey said, pulling the "baby" up. "The dark knight is the guardian, not the judge, or the tyrant."

"Asshole! Kill me! " All of a sudden, the baby was furious. He seemed to be shining back. He surged up with a huge force, suddenly attacked the killer, and cut Joey's neck with the fin blade of his forearm.

And Joey's side It was a surprise. It never occurred to him that a man who had no intention of fighting in his eyes could be in trouble again in a second.

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Squeak -

it's too late, when it's too fast, a beam of light appears from Joey's side and back, hitting the "baby" on the trunk.

"Er Er Er Er -" a scream sounded.

In the morning sun, the head of the breast was smoking heavily, and the body turned over from the platform and fell

"Ha Haha...... " Joey gasped and looked back. It wasn't someone else who shot Blake. It was Maya who landed on the castle not long ago. She saved her life again.

[the game is over] the system narration rings again at this time, and the crowd falls into a strange silence. ]

[this scene symbolizes the end of a dynasty, as well as The beginning of another legend. ]

[a god falls, then The mob went crazy. ]

"bats! Bat! Bat! " The whole city shouted.

"No! I'm not a god! I'm just a person! A mortal! " Joey raised his hands and shouted to the live camera.

He tried to silence those prayer like cries, but found himself in vain. He thought he could change these people's lives, and as a result - he just let them change their praises.

But the praise didn't last long because

"Hahahaha Ha ha ha ha ha... " Feng's face appeared on the big screen again, and he said with a big laugh, "Gotham citizens, it seems that the game has already had results, and the new Batman has been born..." He said, "but You don't think it's a little bit of an ending like this

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