Thriller Paradise

Chapter 60

There was no light inside the gymnasium. Feng Bu Jue and Little Tan took out their flashlight, while the other two GMs had equipped themselves with a pair of night vision goggles. Pan and Hua told them that the items they had were all fixed, including the weapons they were holding or the metal shoes, the invisible defensive items or the night vision goggles. In short, GM’s equipment could be used in any scenario that they were in charge of. Those items didn’t have any equipment requirements. They were powerful but all locked. A GM had all six Specialties graded D. And, at grade D, the success rate when they launched skill was just 60%. That’s why they weren’t equipped with active skills. All skills they had were passive ones. The four of them then used the GM’s menu to locate the Derivative while getting into the center of the gymnasium. This was a large basketball court. This place also didn’t have light. Then went through the entrance, and pushed open the gates to enter the court. The dark space immediately swallowed up the spotlight from their flashlight. Feng Bu Jue and Little Tan couldn’t shine the far areas (such as the audience seating). The effects of Pan Feng’s and Hua Xiong’s night vision goggles were also reduced. At such a spacious place, the monster which had human-shaped could hide itself safely behind a chair on the stadium seating. "I want to ask, is it useful if we talk to it?" Little Tan muttered as his hands were sweating and the hand which was holding the chef knife was shaking slightly. The other three hadn’t had time to answer him, yet a grumbling sound arose from behind them. It came from where the mutant doctor Ashford was hiding as it stormed out, aiming for Little Tan. The BOSS was set up to wait for them at the audience seat above the entrance, which was also the blind spot when they came into the court. Both of his location and the attack method weren’t what an ordinary mob could do. The Derivative knew the players’ location and Ashford could smell them from the entrance; thus, it was laying in wait for them there, and its priority was the weakest player, which was the default setting for the BOSS. This ambush surprised them. Moreover, the monster attacked in silence. Besides the sound of the wind caused when it had jumped off from the seating area, there was no other sound. Let alone an ordinary player like Wang Tan Zhi, the GMs also couldn't detect it. Fortunately, this place was quite tranquil and empty. The sound of his movement had come into Little Tan’s ears faster than the actual speed of Ashford. He had turned around before he got hit with a palm. Of course, the time he had to react was just one second. Within one second, Little Tan didn’t have many choices. If he stood still or made a wrong move, his chance to survive would be reduced. About why he wouldn’t die, when he had set the bomb outside the place, he had already put on the iron helmet. Now he had something to protect his head so the situation, in which his head would be torn apart, wouldn’t happen. However, no matter whether it was the helmet or his body that would receive the attack, getting this strike would consume three-fourths of his blood. And, it would be hard to say whether it would come along with the ‘coma’ or ‘bleeding’ status. With Little Tan’s current speed, it was impossible to dodge this strike. Also, there wasn’t enough time for Feng Bu Jue to shoot or one of the GM to swing their weapon to rescue him. At this moment, he could only rely on his own. In a blink of an eye, Wang Tan Zhi’s Fear Value didn’t increase. Instead, it declined to 0. Just in a flash, his eyes changed, just like the eyes of a surgeon doing his operation with a calm, determined and attentive manners. The mutant monster was like a patient, who was in his anesthesia, laying on the operating table, couldn’t do anything with the upcoming events. Some people who are usually polite and elegant would show their coldness and cruelty in an emergency case.Wang Tan Zhi’s hand, which was holding the knife, became stable and precise. In the dim, ambiguous place like this, his knife maneuvered an arch and collided with the claws of the mutant. The result of the impact, no doubt could cause Little Tan’s knife to be blown away together with his broken or even cut off arm. However, it took time for the force to be effective, no matter it was long or short.At the moment when the blade of the knife touched the skin of the monster, before the counter force reacted, Little Tan’s figure had turned into a fading shadow and disappeared. Right after that, he reappeared around ten meters away, not even hurt one beat. However, since the stadium seating was oblique, he showed himself in the middle of the air, which was five or six meters away from the ground. He then fell and rolled away, which cost him 27% of his Survival Value. Even Feng Bu Jue was surprised. He didn’t think that in such a dangerous situation, Little Tan could be that calm to perform such a reaction. Pan Feng and Hua Xiong were scared, but their reflexes were fast. When Little Tan just disappeared, they immediately barged in, taking the chance that the monster hadn’t balanced himself yet—one spear and one axe simultaneously hacked down on the BOSS. Seconds later, Hua Xiong said, "That boy had used [Retreat and Chop rapidly], right? Ha ha ha!" He couldn’t hold his laughter. Pan Feng said, "Ah, I hadn’t reacted yet. Did he learn it or it’s granted from his title?" "Leave this BOSS for me. You have other things to deal with," Feng Bu Jue suddenly spoke up. Pang! Feng Bu Jue shot his gun. Feng Bu Jue had aimed for something behind Pan and Hua. Currently, from deep inside the dark, a sharp light had shot over from the big screen above the basketball court. It looked like it was gliding in the air, plunging down from a distance to attack Pan Feng and Hua Xiong. Ashford’s ambush was a little surprise to them. Anyway, Feng Bu Jue had expected this attack. His assumptions about the Derivative’s plan were relatively correct. If it could set up a lurking attack, it would back it up with some following moves. Certainly, the Derivative’s targets weren’t the players as it wanted to kill the GMs. The other players weren’t a big threat to it, but if it could kill Pan Feng or Hua Xiong, its chance would be increased. Thus, it didn’t matter whether the strike of the mutant could hit the target or not; it got a more important role, which was to catch the two GM’s attentions. When they laid their eyes attentively on confronting with the monster, the Derivative would definitely attack them with another trick and from another direction that was beyond their expectation. A special environment, the location of the mutant monster, the place it would reach after the attack, etc., all had been planned for this ambush. If it worked, even if the mutant was killed, it was fine to the Derivative. Because, when the BOSS died, the other two players would be teleported within three minutes. And, at that time, Pan Feng and Hua Xiong were probably hurt, which put them into a negative situation. The Derivative then just needed to use its fast speed to stealth on them. Wait until the Bloody Zombie Wolves outside flooded into this place, and those two GMs would be over. If there had been only Pan and Hua chasing after it this time, the Derivative’s plan would have worked. Too bad it had encountered Feng Bu Jue this time. After one shot, the Derivative, which was about five meters away, got hit and fell. The [Eye of Hatred] soon observed everything hidden in the dark; although the flashlight couldn't shine on a far distance, when the Derivative was moving in the air, Feng Bu Jue could still realize it. He didn’t panic; instead, he had warned Pan Feng and Hua Xiong, waiting for the Derivative to get into his shooting range then pulled the trigger. Although the Derivative was agile, it didn’t have the ability to freely change its direction while gliding in the air. The way it plunged down was blocked by Feng Bu Jue, just like facing a loaded gun. The great stopping power of the Winchester made the Derivative, when it got shot, look like it was bumping into a wall while jumping. After the gunshot, it paused in mid-air and then fell down. However, that monster was tough. Even if it was wounded with blood all over its body, it still clutched at the handrail at the edge of the audience seating. Feng Bu Jue had spent two seconds to trash out the cartridge, loaded, aimed and shot at the monster’s hand that was clutching at the handrail. "Don’t slow down. The Derivative is your main target. Leave the mutant mob for me," Feng Bu Jue loaded his gun and calmly reminded them again. The two GMs now got it clear. Hua Xiong retreated his spear, turned around and put one hand on the handrail to support him as he plunged down to the seating area to begin his attacks towards the Derivative. The area under the seating was pitch-black. However, as Hua Xiong had the night vision goggles, it didn’t affect his fighting ability. From where Little Tan was standing, he couldn’t see clearly the fighting scene as he could only see the sparks flared up in the night and the constant sounds of metal colliding on metal. He guessed the Derivative was using its ‘claws’ now. "You are tangling with it, I can’t shoot," Feng Bu Jue told Pan Feng, "I told you, I can handle the mutant BOSS alone." "Nonsense! Even if you can confront it, I’m pulling its hatred. If I leave, it will come and attack altogether!" Pan Feng answered him while fighting with the monster. "It’s easy." Feng Bu Jue put the gun away, took out the wrench and moved like he was taking risk recklessly. Feng Bu Jue came near the mutant, stood between Pan Feng and the BOSS, and didn’t use any weapons but his leg to kick the monster. Pan Feng thought that Feng Bu Jue got his mental illness burst out; however, unexpectedly, the mutant was screeching in pain and fell down to the ground with a weird posture.

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