Thriller Paradise

Chapter 609: 609

If human beings want to survive in the wilderness, they need several things besides the most basic material conditions

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First, a healthy body.

Second, strong psychological endurance.

Third, enough survival knowledge.

Only those who have these three qualities can be qualified to compete with nature in a dangerous environment.

And now the characters played by Feng unconsciously are obviously not up to the requirements

Second, third, it may not be much for brother Jue. His mind, nature and wisdom are his own things. The problem lies in the first, healthy body.

I thought The people who come to this program should not be addicted to the extreme, but now after experiencing it, he understands Drug addicts, let alone survive in the wild, you just let them stay in a relatively comfortable civilized world, he is also a mess of mud that can't do anything.

"Ha Call... He is so meow... " At this time, Feng was gasping for breath, staggering in the jungle, "it took 20 minutes to walk out of such a distance..." He glanced at the game menu again, "but his stamina has dropped by a thousand points..."

Brother Jue leaned against a tree and gasped: "Hoo Physical fitness is worse than that of ordinary people, and it's much worse... " He shook his head. "The worst is This' withdrawal reaction 'doesn't stop at all Ha... Ah ~ "he said, yawning, and Tears, saliva and tears flow together.

"Drink - bah!" Brother Jue spits out the unknown salty liquid in his mouth and wipes his face with his sleeve I can't go on like this It's getting worse. Dizziness, chills, fever Even if I can bear it, the pain in my limbs will gradually turn into numbness, and the nausea in my stomach will develop towards pain This is not a good omen; and this huge amount of perspiration It will cause excessive water loss... "

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Feng didn't realize that at present, he had two options: first, to rest in place and use his will to support the peak of the withdrawal reaction; second, to find something that can solve the addiction as soon as possible and relieve the physical pain.

"Well Although I really want to choose a more active strategy... " Brother Jue's vision is a little blurred at the moment, but he still tries to observe the surroundings. Trying to find some traces of spider silk and horses, "but what kind of clues are there nearby..."

Just as he was about to sit down, suddenly

"Zhe zhe --" two animal murmurs came from the forest.

Feng didn't dare to be careless. He looked at the source of the voice immediately.

However, what came into his sight made him doubt Are you hallucinating because of drug addiction.

Dada ...

The animal walked slowly in front of brother Jue. It doesn't have any interest in the human being nearby, and it doesn't mean to be afraid at all.

"Are you kidding..." Feng didn't realize that he was blindfolded. He rubbed his eyes quickly, but it turned out He is not mistaken.

An animal pacing past his eyes. It was a zebra (once distributed in South Africa and extinct in 1883). Its whole body is brown, and the same as the general solid color horse, only the head, neck and shoulder long zebra stripes).

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"What kind of horse is this..." Jue brother has never known much of this extinct animal, and make complaints about it.

As he thought about it, he had already picked up his shovel and crept around the horse's flank. And slowly approaching.

"Brother Ma, don't blame me..." Feng unconsciously whispered to himself, "after I have finished you, I've got my three-day grain reserve. At the beginning of the game, the food worries were solved. No doubt it will give me a big advantage. And superfluous food can also be used as chips to trade with people... "

He had leaned two meters to the side of his prey.

Just when brother Jue is about to start, but he hasn't yet All of a sudden, the zebra appears to have noticed something. The next second. He raised his head and hissed. He plucked his hoof and ran.

I saw the 350 kg guy running out of the room, turning around and running through the forest Between the eyes. There is no trace, only sporadic hooves are still in the ear.

At this moment, Feng suddenly realized What I have just done is extremely dangerous. If his first strike doesn't succeed (in terms of the physical quality of a drug addict, it's quite possible), instead, he injures and infuriates the beast, which weighs more than four times the weight of human beings, then he will be in danger It's light to be knocked over or bitten. If the horse kicks back, I'm afraid it will kill itself on the spot

"Not good..." Brother Jue covered his forehead with one hand and tried to adjust his breathing. "It seems that the 'withdrawal reaction' has affected my thinking..."

At this point, the real horror of "abstinence reaction" is that its symptoms will not only bring discomfort on the surface, but also affect the nerve level.

For example, in the three minutes just now, the "memory and behavior" that I couldn't feel was disturbed The memory, attention, calculation and judgment of the brain have been temporarily reduced. His thinking became dull, unadulterated, and accompanied by the confusion of memory.

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This leads to During that time, he subconsciously thought that he still had unrestricted combat ability. That's why he would like to kill a horse without thinking

Of course, the thought interference effect of [abstinence response] will not disappear

This debuff is actually very interesting - it has randomness, periodicity and uncertainty. Although it contains all the drug addiction reactions, these effects will not be all at once.

Anyway Every few minutes to ten minutes, its effect will change, as for how it becomes Only God knows. By the next time it changes, maybe it will only have the "anorexia" effect, but it may also Will attack seven or eight kinds of effects at the same time, just like the state that brother Jue is currently experiencing.

"Well In this way, I can't stop to have a rest... " After thinking for about a minute, Feng decided to move on, "we must find a hiding place for marijuana as soon as possible Otherwise, you will become an idiot... " He didn't know that the debuff had the effect of change, only thought that the situation would worsen further

Then, brother Jue tried to concentrate as much as he could and stumbled toward the depth of the forest.

More than five minutes later, his physical strength has dropped to 1734 / 4600, and the effect of "withdrawal reaction" has been refreshed just at this time.

"What's the matter After a walk, I feel better. " The unseen mind, which was freed from the interference of thinking, soon realized this point, "is it not The effect of this debuff will Lying trough! "

This moment, he did not suddenly realize, but was interrupted by a sudden stench.

"Body..." That's the first reaction.

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His reaction also represents that of most players Any player who has been in the thriller park for a while has basically possessed the ability to instantly identify the smell of corpse and blood (no matter in the game or in reality). In a sense, he has mastered a skill

"Ha ha Great... " When brother Jue smelled the smell of corpse, he immediately stepped up and ran towards the source of the smell.

Not surprisingly, he found a body by a big tree tens of meters away.

It was a man's body with only one underpants and a pair of handcuffs on his wrist. At the moment, the corpse is also seriously rotted, and the skin and flesh on the body are also the traces of being eaten by animals.

"Suffocation death Green spots... Abdominal distention There are no human footprints nearby... " When Feng unconsciously examined the corpse, a lot of information was fleeting in his brain, and was instinctively transformed into a clue like a puzzle piece, "two kinds of bite marks successively Hyenas... Unidentified creatures Scavengers? "

Just a few seconds later, brother Jue has preliminarily completed the investigation of the site, and he spat in a little displeased way: "cut It's too hot, the body has been destroyed by wild animals It's hard to judge the time and cause of death... " At this time, he could not help but read, "Alas If only Xiaotan was here, after all, it's professional... "

"Wait..." Two seconds later, Feng was slightly shocked, "hum Why do I analyze those It's a TV show. " Thinking of this, he suddenly said, "the whole island is under the surveillance of the program group, and everything on the island Naturally, they are all arranged by the program team. "

After thinking about this, brother Jue went to look at the dead body in front of him again, and he found out, "ha i see. No wonder there are only the footprints of beasts nearby, but no footprints of his own... " His face changed slightly. "The body was carried here And the porters had their footprints removed before they left

"Then What's the intention of the program team to put a male corpse here The message they want to send to the players is... " Feng unconsciously stroked his forehead and bridge of nose with his fingers and thought, "well The posture of the corpse is obviously meaningless. When they leave the corpse here, they should know that in all likelihood he will be turned over by wild animals. " After a pause, he read again, "follow this line of thinking Tattoos, blood characters, meat carving and other ways to provide clues are undoubtedly unreliable. After all, no one can predict where the beast will bite the meat. "

In the end, the blind eye locked two things - underpants and handcuffs. (remember this website for one second before you finish. is the fastest novel website updated by biquga!

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