Thriller Paradise

Chapter 623: 623

The next day, three in the morning.

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It was only 15 hours before the match, and five of the ten contestants were eliminated. They are Warren Baquette, Lindsay Lohan, Baron Solomon screwchard, Barack Hussein oguanhai, and ISTE Koo.

Among them Luohan, aoguanhai and Gugu were all eliminated by the role of Stephen carbon, while bajit was eliminated by Luohan.

As for the Baron Solomon screwwood They abstained. After finding the first hiding place for marijuana, he stopped and smoked two marijuana in the plastic bag, then announced to a nearby camera that he wanted to quit the game.

Objectively speaking, the Baron's move is quite wise. In the case of not winning consciously, abstention is undoubtedly the most rational approach; with luck, the situation will only get worse. Compared with "being smashed to the knees" or "playing hard for 72 hours and failing in the end", you can at least suffer less if you quit early.

In addition, among the five survivors, one is almost semi eliminated. That's number 10 - John Winston. Split pus.

Like the Baron, Mr. cleft pus finished smoking the first batch of marijuana as soon as he found it. But when he finished, he neither gave up nor continued to explore

He just stayed where he was, resting silently for hours

His attitude was so negative that he didn't seem to plan to do anything.

However, the program sent a staff member to ask if he was in any physical condition. As a result, cleft pus replied that he was meditating for love and peace. His behavior is a protest against the show and the world.

So the staff left again, because the director decided Let him continue to protest

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To sum up, there are only four competitive players on the island at present - namely, the top four, bubo, bin Laden and carbon.

If it develops according to the elimination rhythm of the first day. I'm afraid that by sunset the next day, the survivors of this episode of "wild for poison" will be born.

And this It's a situation that I'm extremely reluctant to see.

Now looking back at the two main tasks of the play: [living 72 hours on canabis Island] and [completing at least six of the challenges given by the program group], you can see a lot of potential information In other words, potential "difficulties".

First of all, the saying "to live 72 hours on canabis island" It's a huge trap in itself.

Under the common misleading of CG and the second main task in the beginning of the film, players are easy to generate a kind of inertial thinking. It seems that the purpose of this play is to win the victory of "wild for poison".

However As the script unfolded, Feng realized that This is not the case.

If we look at the first main task separately, we will find that There is no absolute causal relationship between living 72 hours on the island and winning the game.

Second, there is an obvious limitation to "complete at least six challenges given by the program group" - you have to wait for the program group to actively "give" you the challenge. But... How about they give it to you? Or They don't think it's necessary to give it to you anymore?

See here. I think you all understand

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If the player quickly knocks out all nine opponents and wins the game, the play is equal to game over.

Because from the moment you win, there is no reason for you to stay on this island

If you don't leave on this desert island, there are usually two results. The better one is that people only think you are arrogant for a while, go back to the ship and wait for you for a day and a half, and then leave after you have figured it out. One of the worse and more likely outcomes is that people catch you as if you were crazy. Drag on the boat and leave the island

To put it another way, even if you've successfully stayed on the island for 72 hours, the program group can't give you any more challenges.

So the real difficulty of this script is In fact, there is a certain conflict between the two main tasks, and the basic setting of the plot also has a certain conflict with the two tasks.

This kind of conflict does not run counter to each other, but is a relationship of mutual restraint. For example Players can't win the game too early if they want to finish the main task one. But I want to finish the main task two. We have to do the challenge. If we can do the challenge, we will expand our advantages and win the competition faster

Also, how to deal with those "opponents". It's also a rather tangled and contradictory thing. If they're all eliminated, you win the game, you lose the script But if you keep them, it's a potential threat.

Any opponent can cause a fatal blow to you in an unexpected moment (JUE Ge was almost eliminated by Rohan before, but for Kevin, he would be finished), and their threat will become more and more serious over time.

Because By the end of the game, the situation must be: there are only a few people left on the island, among which the player is the one who has completed the most challenges. And it's unlikely that other people will accomplish more than six challenges (after all, they don't have any hard targets in this area) Well, there's only one way for them to win - to get rid of the one who has completed more challenges.

Imagine, in the early morning of the fourth day, about ten hours before the end of the game. Anyone who hasn't been eliminated will surely have "it's done, I want to win!" This idea. And they are usually in a state of hunger and poverty, addiction to drugs, eager to win, irrational

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At that time, the program team will mediate, they will go to those who are behind to stir up the flames, disclose some information about the leaders, and give a choice: "you want to take another challenge here and try to surpass him Or do you want to know his current coordinates and do something? "

Then, one of the most interesting parts of the reality show will be staged - all kinds of heartbreaking duels, swearing and scuffling will appear.

This is the guarantee of ratings. This is what the audience of that era wants to see

You can say it's morbid, degenerate or vulgar, but in their eyes, it's a normal thing without any need to explain.

Once upon a time, people looked at everything on the screen in good faith and were moved by some unskilled but sincere performances.

Later, people take a relatively objective attitude to treat entertainment products and enjoy wonderful creativity and dazzling visual effects.

Later, people began to pursue being out of position and weird to show their so-called "personality" that no one cared about, or to meet some of their inner needs. As a result, peach propaganda, idolatry culture, vulgar hype and shameless plagiarism have emerged and gradually become the mainstream.

But in the 25th Century, in an era of peace, an era where no one has to worry about starvation, what kind of things are people eager to see

The answer is simple - conflict, violence, competition.

People have seen enough fake tears, fake smiles, fake compliments and fake surprises on the stage. They want to see "chiluo" naked, unadorned, real reality shows.

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This is the wild for poison.


In the cave.

The fire on the ground has been put out.

The rainstorm outside the cave gradually turned small and became continuous drizzle. The thunder stopped around midnight and the wind weakened a lot.

Last night, when juegao and Kevin went to hunt Gala crocodile, the crew of the program came to the cave in the rain and carried away arhat who lost his mobility after being injured. So when brother Jue came back with crocodile meat, there was no one in the cave.

Due to the rainy day, these people left a relatively obvious trace, and they came back to speculate about what happened just now.

He didn't care about it, but he lit the fire again, dried clothes, shoes and socks, and enjoyed a delicious meal that he had never tasted in real life.

A night without words

In the early hours of this morning, after several hours of rest, I have basically recovered my physical fitness.

And that means he's going to start Genius a second to remember this website, the fastest updated novel website!

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