Thriller Paradise

Chapter 64

Feng Bujue opened his eyes, and the first thing he saw was the tender and weak light inside his game cabin. His old habit was to stay up late over midnight, sleep early in the morning, then wake up and sleep again. The biological clock that he had been trying hard to form, which was to sleep at 4:00 in the morning and wake up around noon, had been disturbed.

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2:30 A.M. He turned off the nervous system connection and walked out from the game cabin as he suddenly had the urge to write.

After he had opened the cabin lid, just at the first step, he had stepped on something soft and sticky laying on the floor.

At this moment, the room was dark, and instead of a pair of slippers, what he wore was just a pair of socks. In just a blink, he made a quick conclusion. "If it isn’t cat poop," he cocked his head, "what the heck it could it be!"

20 minutes later, he had cleaned the floor and washed his sock. Now, he was sitting on his desk, facing Arthas the cat lying on his desk with the innocent face just like nothing had happened.

This year, people do care much about private space; thus, his room had good sound insulation. If not, his neighbors would have soon come and shouted at him for his screaming, washing, and cleaning at midnight.

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In the dark, Arthas’ eyes glowed in a green hue that scared people off if they stared at it for a long time. Feng Bujue stared at the cat for a while then sighed. "I’ll handle you tomorrow."

He threw the cat to the ground, turned his computer on and started to type. The draft of ‘The second-rate Detective and a Cat’ for this month was nowhere to be found. This time, since he had some inspiration, he should seize the chance to write more.

The Derivative’s story had left Feng Bujue some thoughts. "If the existence of someone in this world is a mistake, what’s the meaning of that person coming to this world?" This matter had entangled his mind.

Whenever he had something he couldn’t thoroughly think through, he would put it in his work. It wasn’t to let his readers solve the matter, but instead because he also knew that there was always something that never had a proper answer. He just wanted to make more people to think about that.

In simple words, Feng Bujue’s behavior was, whenever he encountered a problem that he had no way to solve, he would pass on that difficulty to a group of people. Then, finally, everybody would be tangled in his matter. This could be considered a really high realm of harming people but not bringing benefits to oneself.

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Of course, Feng Bujue couldn’t write what he had experienced in the game since he had to think about more details to describe the story of the Derivative in another form, making it a chapter in his ‘The Second-rate Detective and a Cat’.

Time would fly whenever a man had to concentrate. When he looked up again, he found that morning had come. There were now hopes for his draft this month. Just with five or six hours, he, of course, couldn’t finish the draft. Anyway, he had created an outline, which was the most difficult step. Since it was done, the remaining work was relatively simple. He just needed to fill the details into that outline, making it his first draft. And then he would proofread it. If everything went well, he just needed to do that once. About the editing work, he would leave it to his editor. Anyway, Feng Bujue’s drafts normally didn’t need to be edited because he was a detailed person and always cared about the quality of his work.

Today was Sunday, a nice day anyway. As Feng Bujue had acknowledged, Wang Tanzhi would volunteer at the kindergarten every Sunday as a social worker. Feng Bujue’s comment about this was, "Accompany your peers and play for half a day."

Feng Bujue’s attitude towards charity work was relatively cold; it couldn’t be compared with the good guys like Little Tan. If he went for the same charitable work, well, in flexible terms, it would be "unhealthy"; frankly speaking, he would scare the kids (or teach them bad things).

Regarding Feng Bujue, just show his photos to all officers at the police station and they could recognize him. Jue-Ge here was a man of legend. If someone went to the station and reported that the mortuary of a hospital had suddenly lost a corpse, a dog gave birth to a kitten, someone’s kid had blown up a bulb just by his thoughts, strange circles appearing on the paddy field or the fragment of meteors, etc., they wouldn’t be wrong to come for Feng Bujue. Anyway, it was neither he did that nor it was related to him. But, regardless of that, they could ask him for advice.

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Feng Bujue couldn’t see anything wrong with that. Someone who didn’t like being servile to others would always feel happy giving other people a hand. However, it was more of him enjoying the feeling of "being needed" than being of help. He would like to see people come for his help, moreover, this mental path of his wasn’t related to social works. It was just one of his hobbies.

In short, this Sunday was a leisure day for Feng Bujue. He had just slept for one hour yesterday. Moreover, it was like he was ‘dreaming’ in the game, and after that, he had been writing until morning. He felt really tired now and just after a big yawn, he immediately slumbered like a log on his bed.

When Feng Bujue woke up, he glared at the clock. It was 12:00 P.M.

Now, Feng Bujue was more alert to see if there were mines on the ground. Luckily for him, there wasn’t any. However, when he entered the living room, he saw one…

As a person who had experience in raising cats, he had his methods. First, he brought Arthas to his ‘piece of art’, and then he used both his hands to rub the kitten’s face. After which, he used a tissue to pick up that piece of art, put it on a sandbox, and then brought Arthas to the sandbox, patting its head to make the cat see where it should land its mines. When Feng Bujue was young, there were times when he wanted to train his pets this way to use the toilet, however, it turned out as a failure. Facts had proven that the toilet is not designed for cats. If they fell down, there’s nothing to think about next.

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When he was done with the ‘piece of art’, he went to make a bowl of noodles. After the breakfast yesterday, he had no change left. Feng Bujue was now exactly a ‘penniless person’. He was lucky that he had two meals with Master Bao and Wang Tanzhi yesterday, which could be considered as a small supply of fat in his tummy. In the next nine days, straight to his mid-month payday, if there was no other chance that he could have meals with other people, which he didn’t need to pay for, he had to strictly follow his pre-calculated quantity for each meal. And that meant all plain broth noodles.

"Meow..." Arthas saw Feng Bujue doing something in the kitchen, and it thought he was making something good that it wanted a bite of.

Feng Bujue cocked his head towards the kitten. "Your food is tastier than this one."

Arthas seemed to understand him as it turned away and walked out of the kitchen. It then laid on the couch before snoozing.

10 minutes later, Feng Bujue brought his homemade Yangchun noodles to the computer and logged in to the Thriller Paradise Forum. He didn’t know since when, but he had formed a habit, which was to read something or to talk to someone while eating. If he couldn’t do that, he would feel like he was wasting his life.

As he sucked a chopstick of noodles into his mouth, his eyes shifted to the screen. A headline on the forum had him almost puking out his noodles.

"Since the number of players who have reached max level is over 10% of the number of players participating in Close Beta, the Server is closed now. Update will be completed in 48 hours, and that’s when the Open Beta will be officially released. Players, please be patient."

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