Thriller Paradise

Chapter 654: 654

"Shout... At last I can breathe normally. " This is Xiaotan's first words after she took off her breathing mask.

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At this time, Chueh Ge and his party have come to the end of the river. There are no more black roses and poisonous pollen here. There is only a waterfall upstream.

"Another waterfall..." Looking at the retrograde water in front of him, he immediately recalled the experience of the last time when he came to reason about the club, "is it necessary to make that strange brain crossing setting again..."

Although he has some scruples, he has no choice. After all, there is no fork in the river, and it is impossible for him to turn back.

"Folks, let's go straight up the water." When I came to the edge of the waterfall, Feng unconsciously slowed down his speed, put away his pipe and went back to his teammates.

"I don't mind. It's just a change of weight..." Boo said.

"Ah I don't care. I've been underwater Little sigh.

"I don't mind." OB also agreed.

But Two ladies who have not yet fallen into the water seem reluctant to jump down the river.

"Don't you mind if I stand on your shoulder for a while." If the rain asked.

"Ha?" After a pause, Feng replied, "do you mind if you don't mind But... Is that necessary? "

"Of course there is!" If the rain hasn't answered, Xiaoling snatches, "although it won't lose any value when soaking in the water, the clothes and trousers that get wet after leaving the water will be too sticky on your body." She paused. "Besides, we haven't touched water all the way. When we get here and jump down the river, we always feel like we've done nothing."

"Well..." "Then Like rain standing on my shoulder, sad words Little sigh, you can carry it. "

"Er How to carry... " I can swim. But I'm not sure I can keep my body from shaking when someone is standing on my shoulder. "

Feng chuckled: "ha ha It's very simple. Let her ride on your neck, but... "


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Thirty seconds later, the players entered the waterfall. The direction of gravity action here is different from the area just now, so people don't have to worry about "falling" after leaving the current. For them, the "below" is now the "rear". The "former" is the "next".

"Well It really won't fall down... " Brother Jue squats on the water, stretches his arms to both sides, tightens his muscles, and reads with a constipation like expression, "clearly bears the weight of three people. Still hasn't fallen... "

At this moment, Xiaotan, boo and OBO are floating on the water respectively; only can they not feel it Squatting on the water like a juggle, and standing on one person on each shoulder

"We are girls." Xiaoling, standing on brother Jue's left shoulder, answers.

"It depends..." "If that person is boo," Feng replied

"Miss Jue, I can be very light." Boo, who just drifted by juega, received (mended) a sentence (knife) in time.

"Alas..." Seal don't feel a long sigh, impromptu chant way, "don't sigh Huang Lianku. It's sad to talk and laugh. "

"Er What do you mean? " Asked Obi, who was treading water not far away, turning his head.

"The core idea is..." Standing on brother Jue's right shoulder, Ruoyu said, "he realized The situation I am in at the moment is completely caused by my humble mouth. "

After hearing the words, boo showed admiration: "well It's worthy of being teacher Jue, and the poems sung are so deep... "

AUB also said: "it's worthy of teacher Jue When doing introspection, they are a little bit more literate than ordinary people... "

"Isn't it true that the author specially sent these two goods to gather the number of words How many times do I need to use the same sentence pattern to be satisfied... " It's hard to say on the surface. But I make complaints about it.


All the people rode on the current to move forward quickly. Not long ago, the golden river behind them disappeared from their sight, and then disappeared And light sources.

There is no gold or silver jewelry at the bottom of the waterfall. No light came from the bottom of the river. Players have to take out the lighting again to light up the road in front of them.

In a few minutes, players seem to drift from dusk to night. And it's the kind of night where you can't see your fingers without turning on the lights.

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Of course, think about it They are heading in the direction of the "darkness" that was not long ago

At the time of hindsight, a thick shadow, if any, has surrounded them. Even the searchlight in brother Jue's hand can only shine for less than five meters.

The torrent of water pushed them forward, and the unknown darkness approached them like a beast.

In this situation, players' scare value is naturally rising

Xiaotan, boo and OBO all swam to juega's neighborhood and held each other. In their hearts, there was a strange idea that as long as they were swept into the darkness by the current, they would never find their teammates again

"Er Did you find out It's like it's getting cold. " A few minutes later, Xiaotan suddenly said.

"Is it because we have been immersed in cold water for a long time that our temperature has dropped?" Boo said.

"No, it's really getting cold." "If the rain with a firm tone," the temperature dropped from 20 degrees Celsius to about five degrees

As a person who has never been underwater, her words are very persuasive.

"And The stone walls on both sides have disappeared... " Xiao Ling answers. She also swept her flashlight to both sides.

It is true that the two stone walls, which were three meters apart, are now gone Instead, there was only darkness as thick as black velvet.

"These I noticed it all. " Those who can calmly respond to these problems are not aware of it at present, "and have noticed it for a long time."

"Then why didn't you say that earlier?" If the rain asked.

"I thought you all knew..." Feng unconsciously replied in a natural tone, "the darkness is getting thicker, the distance between stone walls is getting wider, and the air is getting colder. These are things that can be known by vision and body feeling. We haven't met any monsters or special things along the way. You should be aware of them... "

"Well When we realized it, it seemed too late... " Little sigh.

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"It's all the same..." Feng said in a lazy voice, "even if I found the changes in the first time. It didn't change anything, did it? At most, I will be more calm than you in spirit, and I will not have that kind of panic feeling after knowing. "

"Given that you don't have a sense of panic under any circumstances." If the rain answers, "what can you find next time Say it as soon as possible. "

Feng could not feel the energy to answer: "OK Next time I...... "

[find, find, find a friend ~ find a good friend] suddenly, a strange childish voice rings, interrupting brother Jue's words.

[salute and shake hands ]Singing here, the voice suddenly stopped

"Ah!" At this moment, Obi shouted and sank into the water.

"What's the matter? Didn't he catch you? " Feng did not feel that immediately turned to look at buou and small sigh asked.

"I I don't know... " Boo was so scared that he looked at brother Jue with a dull expression and replied with hesitation. "He... When the song rings He seems I let go... "

At this time, the boy's voice began to smile strangely, and then he sang: "hee hee Find a good friend ]

"find you [beep]..." "Don't follow me, give me the man!" he scolded

Brother Jue is very clear that in a script of ordinary difficulty, there can never be such an unpredicted plot of instant killing. And he opened the game menu at the first time to confirm In the team bar, AUB is still in the "living" state. So... The scene in front of us is likely to be just a spooky plot. From the previous atmosphere to the content of the lyrics It's all part of psychological warfare.

In this case. It is necessary to press each other on momentum and destroy the horrible atmosphere created by the other side. In this way The enemy will show his flaws.

After a few seconds, the boy began to sing again. It seems that "it" is to want to have no vision brother, repeat what just happened.

But Can't you make him do what he wants

"Sing you Brother Jue immediately used a voice twice louder than the other side's, and shouted at the darkness ahead, "I'm talking to you!"

This time The sound didn't go on. It had to pause for a few seconds before continuing: "find a good friend ]

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"you are the deaf star!" Feng could not feel the cry, "there is a kind of you sing a try?"

After a brief silence [salute ]

"Shaolin Kungfu is awake, good, strong, strong! I'm the iron head skill ~ invincible iron head skill! You are King Kong leg King Kong leg! " I can't help but use such a song. The next verse of "it" is in the throat.

Finally, when brother Jue sang the phrase "Shaolin Kung Fu is good", it was unbearable

"Stop!" "That childish voice shouts loudly," bad to hear dead! "

This roar proclaims It has been brought into the rhythm of Jue brother make complaints about it. In a sense The game is divided.

"Ha ha So you can hear me? " Feng didn't realize that he stopped singing with no morality and said with a smile, "that's easy to say. I want to talk about the conditions Give my companion back first. "

"How about not paying?" It asked.

"I'm King Kong leg! Diamond legs! "Woo - woo" is a high pitched libretto that answers its question.

"OK You are cruel... " It was shocked by the helpless tone, so that people can intuitively realize that its mood at the moment is egg pain.


next second, AUB's figure suddenly emerges from the water near the players.

"Ha Haha...... " As soon as he put his head out of the water, he gasped, "ha ha Just... Just now... What happened? "

"It's nothing I think You should also be glad that you were not here just now. " When Ruoyu said this to AUB, his eyes fell on brother Jue, and his eyes were full of contempt.

"I'm crazy I thought those

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