Thriller Paradise

Chapter 784: 784

Sloe, located in the southern Milky way, has a population of about 7 billion. Its volume is slightly smaller than that of the earth, but the land area on the surface of the planet is about 40% larger than that of the earth.

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The climate conditions are very similar to the earth.

There are only 15 countries on the planet, and they have formed a federation for many years. They have done a good job in coordination with each other. Therefore, the distribution of population and resources on the planet are very average.

In short, it is a peaceful and prosperous planet.

Of course, the absence of war and famine does not mean that no one has committed a crime

Slovenian is a kind of highly intelligent life similar to human beings on earth, whose biological nature has determined their criminal motivation, form and content.

The gap between the rich and the poor, the level of social status, and even the appearance of the spouse, etc., may become the inducement of the crime; driven by the original motive of "", it eventually evolved into a crime fact.

Where there is a crime, there are police

Sloane's police are excellent. No matter the number of people, quality, equipment, efficiency It's all top level. You can never see a Slovenian cop eating doughnuts in a police car. You can never find a Slovenian cop who is overweight or whose IQ is not up to standard.

Because there is no war on this planet, and the federal system is very stable, 99% of the people can at least have enough to eat. In such an environment Words like "arms race, financial confrontation, racial discrimination" It doesn't exist in the Slovenian dictionary at all.

The "crime rate" is the top priority of the fifteen governments. "Public security" is the most concerned livelihood issue of every ordinary Slovenian resident.

As a result, the police department has become the most powerful and vital institution in the countries of the planet.

However It is on such a planet that "super criminals" emerge one after another.

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I don't know if it's the opposite of the opposite In the case that the general crime detection rate is close to 100%, high-end criminals have come forward. We forced the crime rate up and the overall crime rate down And many of them don't even have a "motive.".

Abnormal killers, robbers and addicts, kidnappers and murderers who call themselves "judges", and "revolutionary" organizations in the late stage of the second middle disease A group of people who are fed up or have mental problems put on strange clothes and commit crimes everywhere. Some of them are highly educated and intelligent people, elites with professors' titles, or tycoons in business circles

For a variety of reasons and purposes, these wonderful flowers finally went to the "super criminal" road, which brought huge pressure to Sloane's police.

So, another group came into being, that is, "Justice Police".

To put it cool, that is, superhero.

Folk expert, second police officer, eccentric inventor, super power person, chemical accident victim, etc All kinds of people with unique skills are also dressed in strange clothes. On the street, on the edge of the law It's a fight against the super criminals.


It's Japan, slouchin, sloughness, Eastern 15th region.

A spaceship sailed into the airport of the slough alliance.

When the ship landed, five of the Slovenian alliance's resident heroes were already waiting. They are back somersault, police man, doctor u, seduction girl and disfigurement man.

There are two heroes coming down from the spaceship. They are all from the super hero alliance. They came after receiving the support application from sloe alliance.

These two people. One is a star hero. He was a mud star (a member of the same clan as the foil man), dressed in a grey windbreaker and combed his back. There is a striking X-shaped scar in the middle of the face, with the main ability of "30 times of jumping physical quality" and "super hard style".

The other is the new city level hero, poker man.

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"I've kept you waiting." Tough hero and these five colleagues (five city level heroes of slough League) have registered with Yuchao Union. But they usually stay on their own planet) have met several times, but they are not very familiar with each other.

"It doesn't matter. You came just in time." A man wearing a light blue police uniform (the real Slovenian police uniform is dark blue) and an eye mask answered. "It's going to take us another hour to launch the operation. Now you can just listen to the doctor's deployment." As the policeman said, he raised his hand and motioned to a man in a white coat with a round metal headdress on his head.

Forcing Dr. u to answer, "well I haven't seen you for a long time His voice sounded from the head cover, as if it was difficult to breathe, and there was not a hole in his head cover (at least it didn't seem to be), and he didn't know how to look at things, "by the way, I don't know this is..." His metal head slowly turned a little bit, it seems that he was "watching" it.

Hello, I'm poker man After half a second, Feng didn't forget to add that "..." City level heroes. "

"Nice to meet you."


The five members of the Slovenian League also said hello to brother Jue.

A few seconds later, the tough hero said to them: "although the application for support submitted by you is to deal with the crisis of level C (enough to destroy a planet, usually the League will send at least one star level hero to lead the team), considering that the Slovenian League itself has a relatively strong force, so the league only sent us two I hope you don't mind. "

"It doesn't matter. We submit our application just for the sake of insurance." A guy with a hoarse voice and a bandage all over his face, who looks like a mummy (yes, he's disfigurement Xia) immediately said, "the doctor's plan was already in place. He applied for the star level hero to come here just in case."

When hearing this, Feng could not help but say, "cut Is it superfluous for me to quarrel for a long time Well, I can get credit by beating soy sauce. Why don't I do it? "

"That's good." The tough man replied. "Then Doctor, are we going to change places and talk about plans? "

"Well..." Force Dr. u to answer, raise his arm, "two, this way, please..."

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In this way, after a simple exchange of greetings, Feng unconsciously followed the other heroes to the command center of the Slovenian League.


At the same time, East 20 District, a base.

A tall figure was carrying his hands. Standing in front of a huge screen, I watched the operation of all parts of the base.

He is the maker of the C-level crisis of slouch.

Quebec is obviously different from other Slovenians in body shape (Slovenians are similar in body shape to human beings, with lavender skin and more open and protruding facial features than human beings). His height is more than twice that of ordinary people, his body is broad and thick, his weight is amazing, and his body strength is hard to estimate. And... He also has superpowers.

Quebec, one of the most powerful super criminals on the planet.

"General, the detector shows. There's a spaceship that just landed at the Slovenian base At this time, the intercom on the console, sounded such a sentence.

"Hum Did you come... " Quirk snorted and went back. "Send the order down, take the guy's prison device to the ground, and prepare the wake-up procedure."

"Yes." His subordinates replied loudly and ended the communication.

After a moment of silence. Quirk sneered and said, "ah Those guys in the League think they can stop me if they find the support of Yu Chao Lian...... " His eyes moved. Looking at a corner of the screen ahead, "how do you know that I still have this trump card..."


Fifteen minutes later, slough union command center.

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"The above is the general situation of the crisis." Forced Dr. u forced Dr. u to explain the main contents of the crisis to brother Jue.

Feng unconsciously stared at the table in front of him with a face AChE expression and said in a deep voice: "that Let me make sense of the whole thing... " He unconsciously held his temple with his right index finger to relieve the pain of logic being raped. "The guy who called himself" general Quebec "was born in a rich generation, handsome, highly educated, married a movie star, had two healthy children, and lived happily.

As a result, one day, he didn't know whether he had a top or a top or a top Suddenly he felt that "such a life is meaningless", so he left his wife, abandoned his son, scattered his family wealth, ran to the universe alone to wander, and just found a mysterious lost ship of the universe - "the dak". And in that spaceship encountered some kind of weird thought "missionary" and physical transformation.

Then he went back to Sloane and formed the "Quaker army" in an attempt to conquer the whole planet and enslave the people here. "

Feng can't feel a breath and said, "so far, I've summed it up right, haven't I?"

"Er Except for some strange ambiguity in the wording, it's all right. " Force Dr. u to return.

“ok……” Brother Jue went on to say, "not to mention how Quek, who has returned to his hometown, has re accumulated the huge amount of money needed for terrorist activities, nor why so many people who have no worries about food and clothing are willing to follow him in those desperate activities Let's talk about the C-level crisis... " After a pause, he said, "this guy directly intimidates the federal government, claims that he has" enough force to destroy the whole planet ", and asks them to recognize that the" Quebec army "is the only legitimate government of sloe within 48 universe weeks, otherwise he will use that force to destroy all countries one by one..." He recounted what he had heard, and then asked, "you don't think In this matter Any questions? "

When they heard the words, they looked at each other and no one answered. Although most of them are wearing masks (except for "tough man" and "seductive girl", the other four are masked), it can be seen that At this time, all of them showed their doubts.

"Alas Let me ask... " "Don't you know the existence of sloe alliance?" Feng sighed

"Yes." Force Dr. u to return.

"Do you know where your base is?" Chueh asked again.

"Although to the people

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