Thriller Paradise

Chapter 792: 792

As for the result of the transaction between Fengbu and xueshishen, let's put it on hold.

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The answer will be revealed in ten chapters.

Let's go first

What? I beg your pardon? Play again? Last time brother Jue went to Ruoyu's house, what happened hasn't been explained yet?

That's right. That's what happened

I remember the first time I saw this kind of eye watching as if something was about to happen, but the way it was skipped was in the fight of a young man driving the first aircraft to meet the apostles. When the screen was black and bright, I saw the ceiling of the hospital.

This feeling Very bad.

I have to learn how to use such a high (bereaved) end (heart) cool (disease) dazzle (mania) treatment.

So, let's go back to the story

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After leaving the free exploration mode, Feng unconsciously disconnected and came out of the game cabin.

As soon as he opened the hatch, he smelt the smell of food and heard the sound of steam rising - you - you - Xiao - say - Update - the fastest.

"Oh, I'm not mistaken." When Feng didn't realize he was in the kitchen, he looked at the busy Ruoyu on the kitchen stove, wearing an apron. He smiled strangely, "what's the wind today?"

"I just went home to visit my parents and talked about my family routine..." If the rain is still cold, I don't even notice my brother. I'm busy with myself. "Then my mother nagged me about something So... On my way back, I stopped by the vegetable market. "

"Ha ha "Your school is very reasonable indeed." Feng chuckled, "does that mean You'll cook later? "

"You think more..." If the rain returns, "I just think As a guest, I haven't even cooked a meal since I moved in. It's a bit hard to say. "

"So you're going to make this meal, and there's no psychological burden for you to eat my 800 meals later, right?" Brother Jue said.

"Well..." If the rain thinks about it. There was an expression on his face that he was trying to think about, and only a few seconds later he said, "yes."

Feng unconsciously shrugged and smiled: "OK..." I don't know what kind of cute point he saw from the other side's reaction. His smile was warm. "Can I help you?"

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"No. Today you can rest at ease and wait for the ready-made food. " If the rain returns.

"Then come on." After a word, Feng left the kitchen.

At this time, there is no need for further politeness, and they are not the people who like fake politeness.

Back in the living room, Feng unconsciously sat at the computer desk and clicked on the official website of dream company.

He had just glanced at the situation in the kitchen. It's estimated that it's a while before dinner. It's just a few minutes to visit the forum.

"Well Compared with S1, the management and response measures are much better this time. " After entering the forum, the first feeling is this.

The special forum server, the automatic filtering and posting mechanism of optical brain, the detailed discussion area and topic classification make the forum stay in a warm but orderly atmosphere.

Even though the refresh speed of the post is still very fast, the forum layout will not be as exploded. There's no need to turn on the time limit posting function, because the posts like "Hello everyone, I'm familiar with the homepage", "I'll try to see if the posts will move to channel S2", "= o =" At the moment of click publishing, it has been directly classified as "unintentional post" by the system and deleted, which will not appear on the web page at all.

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Those who post meaningless posts, on the other hand, click post for the first time. You will receive a warning email from the system, the content of which is: [please do not post meaningless water posts in the discussion area related to peak competition S2, or post meaningless water posts with keywords such as "S2" and "peak competition" in other sections of the Forum]; if you post again for the second time. The system will give another warning email and take measures to limit posting for five minutes; for the third time, it will directly seal the account for one day without explanation.

In addition, those who publish illegal posts will suffer the same or even more severe punishment in the recent wave. Such as swearing in the reply, obvious leading to war, malicious partial reply, sincere brain damage speech and so on Once found and verified by the administrator, it can be sealed directly for more than three days.

This time, the customer service department of dream company has been given clear and easy to understand instructions by the senior management. Anyway, they are either Marines or idiots, or a combination of the two. What can he do if he is granted ten days and eight days? Can I go to court and sue you? Complaint? What are you afraid of? Colleagues who deal with complaints don't eat dry food. Is the malicious complaint still indistinguishable? All in all, meet this kind of person. He dared to send a letter to scold the moderator and directly sealed his authority to send a letter without any explanation. You need to understand that when there are fewer such people, the users of the normal play forum will have a clean eyes and a happy mood, and your workload will naturally go down. When the workload goes down, you can read novels and play games at work? ]

the above is the original "notice to employees" received by the customer service department of dream company, which was sent from the superior department the day before S2 was opened. After reading it, the manager of the customer service department made a special phone call to confirm whether it was a prank or not. The result was not

So she printed out the email, enlarged it and pasted it on the wall.

At this stage, the employees in the customer service department of dream company are like beating the chicken blood. They are passionate, eager, energetic and aggressive The office atmosphere is similar to the MLM base camp. I feel it's OK to keep it for ten and a half days.

"Let me see "Exclusive starting, S2 match system speculation, analysis and championship prediction." Feng unconsciously looked at the screen and said, "well "Skills and ideas of non professional players' team building and matching" "A real high-end strategy - a simple and rough team can win a high place." Some of the posts are funny when he reads the title These goods are really skilled. The rules of the preliminaries have not been announced in detail. They all predict that they will go to the final Even what kind of team can get the ranking more conveniently has been considered Am I too stupid... "

Every time brother Jue goes to the forum, he can see many of these "refreshing" hot posts. Go in and have a look at the contents of these posts, and then look at the following various responses that expose intelligence, and you can keep a happy mood all day.

Of course, relatively speaking, he would like to see some really insightful and level posts. It's not omnipotent either. There will always be some unknown and valuable skills and information to be explored in games like thriller park that can play countless changes. Players with different characteristics and playing methods will write various strategies, some of which have standard, or have unique views and exclusive discovery posts, which are of great reference value. Jue elder brother strolls the forum, also mainly runs this kind of post to go.

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That's it Brother Jue sat in front of the computer and watched the web page for 20 minutes. During this period, if the rain has already taken the dishes and a few small dishes out of the kitchen and put them on the table.

"It's dinner." When everything is ready, if the rain unties the apron, it will not wake up.

"Here we are." Chueh, with a smile on his face, ran to the dining table and sat opposite Ruoyu. "It looks good!"

He glanced at the table, three dishes and one soup. Although they were all home-made dishes, they were all very attractive in terms of color and fragrance. Compared with his Chinese and second dishes, they were not inferior.

"You're welcome. Eat." If the rain takes up his job, lift a wisp of hair down to his forehead, then he is ready to start.

Therefore, Feng can't wait to pick up the chopsticks, take a bite of the dish and put it in his mouth.

I never thought (to be continued) r655

... Only one second to remember this website is the fastest novel website updated by biquga!

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