Thriller Paradise

Chapter 805: 805

"Hello... The "spirit monster" man over there Before the smoke and dust from the explosion had gone away, the blood corpse turned to look at mellontix and said, "I don't know what you have to do with these two guys, but..." He glanced at the primary school dog and loneliness, " They are my prey now. "

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When meilongtix heard the words, he also looked at the blood corpse God: "you..." He didn't find out when he was in the sky. He realized something when he came near What is it? " Out of doubt, the question was asked by melintix.

"Ah..." The blood corpse God sneers, "what do you think?"

As a monster with the word "God" in its name, the blood corpse God is extremely powerful both physically and mentally. Even if he is now in a different world, he is also a very high-ranking creature. So... He could see that he was a "spirit monster" and lived longer than himself, but he could not see the depth of the corpse.

"No matter what you are..." For a few seconds, he thought, "if your goal is to kill them both..." He paused and looked at the two players. "I have no opinion at all It can even help you. "

"No need." The blood corpse God said with a smile, "it will be over soon..."

Listening to the dialogue between the two immortals, the blood of brother dog and brother lonely is cold.

When the idea of "running away" germinated in their hearts

"It looks like I don't think I'm going to use it anymore. " A cold voice suddenly appeared in the direction opposite to Xiaoling and Huajian.

The two men of the corn fruit team turned their heads and saw a female swordsman whose face had been blurred.

If the rain appears, it will directly overturn the previous assumption of primary school dogs. It looks like Liu Sanfeng can only spell out one member of the other team at most

"Cut It's terrible... " Brother dog stood rigidly on the spot and thought to himself, "there are two enemies blocking the fire in front, and there is a super summoning creature and an enemy in the back to block the way. Beside... There's another NPC who wants to kill us to assist the other side... "

"Captain!" Lonely shouts to the primary school dog, "now Let's do it! "

"Spell?" Primary school dog way. "Does it make sense? The so-called "fight" is not to fight for another death when you know that you are going to die. "

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"Captain! Don't hesitate! " Lonely see primary school dog didn't answer, immediately said again, "even if lose, also should fight to the end!"

When the voice falls, loneliness no longer waits for the captain's order, takes out the weapon selfishly, rushes toward the blood corpse God.

At this moment, the primary school dog's mind Suddenly something flashed by.

He seemed to see something in his loneliness that he didn't have. Or What he once owned and now has been discarded.

Seven years ago Isn't that the same with the young teenager who just entered the professional circle?

Primary school dogs still remember At that time, I was not afraid of any opponent. Even if his opponent is a world champion, he doesn't think he has no chance of winning. Even if he is abused completely, he will not be discouraged.

But With the passage of time, the growth of age The sense of frustration, the pressure from real life and the face of being a senior all the time made the young man with high spirits disappear and take his place He is a pretentious and indifferent youth.

When he has an advantage, he will only keep it in a safe way and never venture ahead; when facing adversity. He will easily choose to give up, and after failure to pretend that a not very concerned attitude.

He hid behind the ID with self mockery and satire, but in fact He's just a man who can't hurt.

Superiority and confidence in the face of the weak, tension and retreat in the face of the strong It all comes from his character of winning even though he is afraid of losing.

He didn't have the courage to "move forward.". There is no awareness of "back"; waiting is the priority he will make in most cases, so he stays at the threshold of star level players, and can never take that step.

However this moment. In this desperate situation, he suddenly realized

"What if it doesn't make sense?"

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Maybe this dying resistance doesn't change the end result. But even if it's a failure Try our best, fight to the last moment, and give up early, pretending to lose There are also differences.

In the face of the losers who fight to the end, the respectable opponent will be respected, and the ridiculous opponent will be ridiculed.

When the primary school dog looked at the response of the lonely little brother from the perspective of the onlooker, he finally figured this out. He finally understood What I lost was just the stubborn, stupid and never say die fighting spirit.

"Good! Fight them! " A few seconds later, brother dog's expression also changed. In his eyes, there was an unprecedented sense of War: "kill one without company, kill two for a steady profit!"

While talking, his body shape has been moved, and the shadow of his axe is attacking the rain more than ten meters away.

"Not bad."

"Not bad."

When loneliness and primary school dog attack, blood corpse God and Li Ruoyu use different tone The same assessment was made.

These two members of the corn and fruit team have put all their efforts together. Unfortunately


At the same time, the eye of amossos was in the stone chamber.

"Ah! I found it! " Little sigh stared at the eyeball for a long time, then cried out, "she is locked in the statue of King shafenus!"

"What?" Tupalesson and his brother amosos both shouted in surprise.

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"Where is it?" Amos said, "which statue?"

"It's the leaning statue in the center of the ruins of the white kingdom." Sighed little.

"How could it be?" Tupalesson said, "we've found the ruins countless times, and we can't feel the power of a goddess at all We even carried some temple stones there and used murals to tell people what we were doing. But until there are no survivors of the kingdom of Bai, no one can... "

"Because of the curse." This time, it's Xiaotan's turn to interrupt each other. He can hear that these old people don't know the content of "Curse" in the brief introduction of the script, so they say, "King shafenus cursed the goddess before he died, imprisoned her in a place you will never find, and she can't escape by her own strength In this way, you will... "

[the main task has been completed] suddenly, the system voice rings beside the small sigh.

[the main task has been completed]

[you have completed the script, and it will be sent automatically after 180 seconds]

the prompt in succession makes Xiaotan's brain short circuited. Five seconds later, he realized that The situation is that before we finish the branch line task, our teammates have killed four people in the enemy team.

"It's not too late! Brother, you're going to rescue the master... " Tupalesson didn't ask for anything because of the pause of little sigh's words, he said directly to amosos.

Amossos also nodded and rushed out.

Xiaotan didn't stop him. He knew No matter how fast these two actions are, the possibility of successfully rescuing the goddess and letting themselves complete the task in three minutes is also very low. His branch line is doomed to be finished in time. So, he just relaxed and turned his attention to his teammates through the eyes of amosos


"Cut It 's gone. " The blood corpse God just wanted to tear up the body of the lonely little brother, and the latter turned into white light and disappeared.

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On the other side, when the rain collected the sword, the body of the primary school dog also disappeared: "don't you know I didn't tell you?" She looked at the blood corpse deity and said, "players like us are all in the form of projections in these multiverse, so you can't eat them."

"Well?" The blood corpse God said, "is there such a thing?" He felt like he had been put on the line, "this bastard In this way Don't I always... "

"That won't happen." If rain knows what he's going to say, he steals, "in addition to players, there are many other creatures in many universes that may become our enemies.". Then It depends on whether you have the ability to finish eating. "

"Hum I hope what you said is true. " The blood corpse God snorted, "otherwise I'm sure I'll find the crazy kid to settle the bill. "

"Ha! He said he wanted to settle accounts with me... " Jue, who was watching, said with a smile, "if I hadn't come up with a win-win deal, would you have been made into rougamo by Galaxy level heroes?"

"Eh?" I don't know why, the blood corpse God then shrinks his neck, "strange What's the matter with this feeling of stabbing in the back... "


Three minutes later, Wang sighed in the conference room.

"Well, everyone, it's so fast." When Feng can't feel going in, his teammates have arrived.

"You're too slow." Already sitting on the sofa between the flowers should be said, "this model has no reward, a glance at the settlement screen can take how long?"

"Well..." In fact, I stood in front of the touch screen and calculated the reward proportion of this mode You forgive me that I didn't learn mathematics well in junior high school. It's slow. " He paused, "but then again There are really few rewards for this model. "

"It's said that it's a 'practice mode'. Can we practice and get equipment like a normal script?" Xiaoling said, "and This model seems to be unfair Judging from the strength of the team just now, the system should use the principle of random distribution, rather than the principle of matching as much as possible according to the strength of the killing game. "

"Tut tut..." When Feng heard this, he waved his fingers and put on a face that he owed a dozen. "Don't be complacent if you win. There are so many problems..." He said in an enigmatic voice, "fortunately There are still 20 days to start the official competition. I have enough time to point out and correct one by one... " (to be continued,

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