Thriller Paradise

Chapter 807: 807

"What do you say?" Sheriff Li immediately frowned and snapped, "where do you think this is?" He clapped his pen on the table and tapped it with his fingers. "I'll cuff you there Did you tell the story? "

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"What? Officer, are you in a hurry to get off work? " Feng Bu Jue said, "anyway, after I have finished the record, I have to go to the hospital to check (whether I have infectious diseases or a history of drug abuse). Only when the result comes out can I send it to the detention center You can't go back and forth until dawn. " He looked up at the ceiling, "ha ha I think you have plenty of time. "

"I'll tell you that you always eat and do..." Sheriff Li stared at brother Jue and said, "you are more familiar with our case handling process than some novices I have brought!"

"I repeat..." Feng unconsciously calmly replied, "I So far, there is no criminal record. "

Sheriff Li didn't eat dry food either. The second time he heard this, he heard something: "ha ha That is to say... " He paused for half a second. "You don't have to be guilty, do you?" He sneered and said, "again Just because you don't have a criminal record doesn't mean you haven't been in the bureau? " He looked around subconsciously, "I'll tell you You open your mouth and ask me if I'm new here? You're not looking at the alarm, are you looking at your face? "

"That's not..." Feng unconsciously shook his head and said, "the personnel transfer of your bureau is relatively frequent, and I haven't been invited to be a guest for a long time recently, not every face can recognize it For example, the old Jang, the porter, has recently changed his appearance as a new apprentice... "

Pa -

Sheriff Li stood up as soon as he patted the table, put his hand on the closed collar and said, "I advise you to find out what's going on!"

"I'm very aware of the 'present' situation." Feng didn't realize that he was still calm when he was grabbed by the collar. "That's why I'm not afraid." he tilted his head and looked at the camera probe at the corner of the ceiling. "As far as I know, after 2030, the composition of police officers in s city has been basically shaped as - 90% of the police school graduates. Plus 9% of personnel from the army and other government agencies. Less than 1% of specially recruited personnel from the society Compared with the past period when the personnel structure was more complicated, the overall quality of the police force has improved a lot. In terms of discipline and norms It's very reassuring. As for the phenomenon of beating and scolding prisoners at will at the end of the last century, or even resorting to fighting for help in order to make a difference, "now" sounds like a fabulous story

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When brother Jue said that, Sheriff Li had released his hand, but still looked at him angrily.

"Ah..." Feng chuckled, "I know. Now it's more and more difficult for you to enforce the law, even if you really meet a rascal, you can't do it; in a case of big farts, you have to tell the evidence, or you'll have to let people go according to the principle of presumption of innocence. " He shrugged. "It's true Some social scum just owe a lot of money, and the "court system" has its disadvantages and advantages, but it's more helpless to discuss this topic in depth Let's face the reality and sit down and talk calmly. "

When brother Jue spoke, Sheriff Li looked into his eyes, but he could not catch the slightest timidity. The sheriff knows Even if it's a habitual offender who often gets in. Under the surface arrogance, the bottom of my heart is also "empty". The eyes of brother Jue at the moment generally represent two situations: first, he does not commit a crime; second. He thought he would never be punished by law.

In the former case, it shows that the seal is innocent; in the latter case It shows that he has a certain "background". Of course, there is another possibility The man is a lunatic.

"Hoo..." Sheriff Li sat down again and lit a cigarette for himself. After he breathed out a breath, he said, "tell me I'll hear you tell me a story. "

He didn't write. It's about the smoke. Obviously, when the word "female ghost" came out, there was no need for him to make any more written records. But since the client is determined to tell such a story based on the supernatural theory, it's OK for him to listen.

"What do you call it, officer?" Feng didn't realize he was sitting down, so he asked with a smile.

"Surname Li." Sheriff Li replied.

"Officer Li." "Do you believe there are ghosts in the world?" Feng said

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"I believe what I see with my own eyes." Sheriff Li's answer was very astute.

"Ah All right. " Feng didn't realize he was smiling. "Actually Most of the ghosts who roam the world have nothing to fear. Ordinary people can't see them and they can't interfere with our world. Most of them can't even maintain their own existence During the day, they are in a state of invisibility and unconsciousness. The time when they can incarnate as "tangible ghosts" is from midnight to 3 a.m. every day. And even in this period of time, their spirits are bound in a certain area For example, the graveyard where he died, the place where he lost his life, or the place where he used to go before he died In short, ghosts can't run around the world to harm people. "

"It's a novelist. It's quite like that." Sheriff Li replied noncommittally. When filling in the information, he knew brother Jue's occupation, so he had this answer.

Feng unconsciously ignored Sheriff Li's sarcasm and continued: "the one I met today is different from the general ghost..."

"Ha ha Is that right? " Sheriff Li took another smoke. "Can you tell?"

Feng's attitude was still very calm, and he went on without hesitation: "those ghosts who are stuck in the world and cannot die are usually wishful thinking. There are two kinds of situations when 'wish is not fulfilled' One is the attachment to some people or things before death, the other It's just that there's hatred or resentment that hasn't gone away... " He paused for a second and said, "there are many reasons for resentment, such as The person who killed this ghost did not receive the proper punishment, or the villain who once bullied this ghost did not get any retribution, etc. I think you've seen horror novels or horror films, and I won't enumerate the specific plots one by one. "

"I've read a lot of reasoning novels. How about the case?" Sheriff Li replied.

Feng still ignored his interference and said, "women are more likely to be ghosts than men. Because they are more emotional, many things are not easy to put down. " His tone slightly changed. "If there is a woman who dies in the dark and wears red clothes that are easy to provoke resentment, what will she become I don't have to say you should have guessed. "

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"Fu -" Sheriff Li puffed out his cigarette. "What did you meet today?"

"To be exact, it was yesterday." "It's past midnight now," he said

"You go on." Police chief Li flicked some ashes on the ground with his hand.

"According to the book of death, people's souls will return to visit on the seventh day after their death..." "This night, whether it's a fierce ghost or a lone soul or a wild ghost, it will have considerable magic power..." Feng said

"Wait Why is that? " Maybe it's the role of nicotine. Sheriff Li seems to be gradually attracted by Jue GE's topic. There was interest.

"Because there are many people who believe in the saying of" the first seven ", especially our Chinese Whether or not they admit it on the surface, but in the heart of the vast majority of people, there is a glimmer of fantasy about these superstitious things. " "You need to know The act of "believing" is itself a kind of "power". The essence of many "urban legends" is also just some magical essence. But it's been widely spread and believed by more people They become more and more powerful. This is the so-called "power of faith" In theory, "God" is the ultimate expression of this power

"Hum..." Sheriff Li scoffed at this. "I still believe in Marxism. Why didn't I see the old horse turn into a monster and come out to eat people?"

"Are you sure?" Feng can't feel a strange smile.

Sheriff Li's face changed.

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"Maybe, as early as many years ago, it has become something with substance. And there's more than one It has been existed till now, devouring countless lives. And its rejection of other 'Beliefs' has also been shown in a very extreme form... " I can't feel the way.

"Enough!" Sheriff Li interrupted him, "bewitching the public."

"There's no crowd here. It's just you, and you've come up with this example yourself. " You have to think I'm talking nonsense. When I fart. " He didn't wait for Sheriff Li to say anything more, so he took the initiative to return to the previous topic, "anyway What I met today is a female ghost in red who came back for revenge in the night of her first seven days According to what she said, she was killed in that market. "

"Ah..." Police chief Li smiled. "According to what she said?" He repeated brother Jue's words, "can you still talk to ghosts?"

"Of course." "I'm quite sure," Feng replied

"Then tell me What did she tell you? " Police chief Li asked again.

"In fact, I didn't say much, which is to say The owner of the antique shop, the "wounded" in this case, was so angry that he deliberately drove her to death because he was refused to pursue her. But after the incident, the boss had a relationship and decided to be an accident. He came out of the Bureau in two days. It is estimated that... At the end of the day, there is a maximum of probation and no need to go to jail. She had no choice but to do it herself on the first seven days... " As for the details, I really can't ask Generally, earthbound spirits are more rational, some of them don't even know that they are ghosts. But the fierce ghost is different Although they know what they are, they are in a trance, most of them are difficult to communicate, and they are very aggressive, "he said helplessly." after a fight, I subdued the ghost, she said this vaguely. "

"God horse?" Hearing this, Sheriff Li is more and more sure that the boy in front of him is neurotic / psychotic. "Are you still fighting with the female ghost?"

"Yes." Feng unconsciously answered the question as if nothing had happened, and gave the relevant explanation, "what about the thing like the fierce ghost It will create a "ghost land". The human beings who have not yet awakened to the spirit enter the ghost land, just like walking into the snow with only underpants They are vulnerable, both physically and mentally. Most of them were scared to death by hallucinations, and some were killed by "hallucinations attack". Anyway, the brain thinks

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