Thriller Paradise

Chapter 871: 871

When Ruoyu is ready to kill, the other side Xiazhong village underground, in a tunnel.

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"Brother Jue, is it really good for us to divide the troops? Are sister Yu and Xiao Ling going to be ok? " Wang sighed as he followed the imperceptible steps and asked anxiously.

"You might as well worry about the corpse knives." If you don't feel it, you will feel very relaxed. If you don't look back, you will say, "if rain and Xiaoling are very strong, plus the card of blood corpse God..." He shook his head and sighed sympathetically, "Alas I just hope Before we finish the exploration here, the corpse knife should not be destroyed by the regiment. "

"Well..." Little sigh thought for a few seconds, "brother Jue Are they really strong enough? Corpse knife is a professional strong team in the first line

"Ah Are you kidding? " He kicked away a piece of gravel in front of him, and changed his hand to hold the catapult. "So many games, so many scripts have been played down Don't you have an exact idea of your partner's strength? "

"Er..." Xiaotan said, "to be fair Xiaoling, I still know better, but sister Yu I really don't know her strength limit. " He paused. "I feel No matter what kind of opponent she meets, she always seems to be at ease. "

"Yes." Feng didn't realize that he said, "don't you have summed up her strength?"

"Ha?" Small sigh smell speech one Leng, "which words?"

"If it rains, she..." "No matter what kind of opponent you meet, you can be at ease," Feng said

"Hello..." Small sigh empty eyes way, "so say really good Now it's live... "

"It doesn't matter." "I said that people may not believe it." He tilted his head and cast a look of if you point at Xiaotan, "the second half of S2. In addition to the competition on the surface, it is also a secret intelligence war and psychological war Every team knows that their performance in the game will be studied by their opponents, so It is possible for each team to deliberately disseminate some true or false information in the competition to disrupt the analysis of the opponent, or as a trap... "

When Chueh Ge said this, he didn't deliberately turn down the volume. Every word he uttered was clearly recorded by the audio system of the video, and heard by all the audience watching the live broadcast.

"So say..." Small sigh immediately began to make complaints about it. With the tone of Tucao, he raised his voice. "How nice of you to remind everyone in the live broadcast!"

"Don't understand..." Feng unconsciously replied in a triumphant tone, "just because I said this clearly, all our words and deeds before and after this game On the contrary, it becomes difficult to distinguish the truth from the false. "

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Indeed, the subtext of his speech is: "even if there are some idiots among you, I will not treat any of you as idiots with fluke mentality, so I hope some of them are smart people Don't think too simply of us. "

If we put the S2 semi-final on the level of psychological game, we will be announcing the level of hell front team to the world.

"Well Anyway, you are good at psychological tactics... " Since brother Jue has said that, Xiaotan will not talk about this topic with him any more.

The two men buried themselves in the road again. Along the tunnel


Let's explain The entrance of the tunnel is located in the deep part of the tomb of xiazhong village, which is what PI pi'an said "the cave that once dug the stone tablet".

The cave is relatively remote because of its low slope and steep potential. So when we first built the village, we planned to transform it into an emergency shelter. However, in the process of actual excavation, people found that the stone walls in the cave were very hard. It is difficult to use manpower to reconstruct. With the existing size and shape of the cave, it is not suitable to be used as a warehouse or a shelter, so Just use it as a tomb. Anyway, there are not many people (rabbits) in the village. And the dead (rabbits) occupy a very small space (most of the hare and rabbit people take cremation, and they will make the burned ashes into a kind of "corpse soil" in a special way, and then place them). This hole is enough.

Not long ago, when the four members of the hell front team came here, Feng found useful information on the stone wall in the corner of the cave immediately. He interpreted it a little and opened the entrance of the tunnel.

Later, brother Jue launched another campaign to measure the movement of the enemy team at this time, and then arranged the strategy of division - he and Xiaotan went underground to explore the tunnel together; Ruoyu and Xiaoling were responsible for "defending the village".

Of course, this "defend the village" must be quoted. Because the original intention of Feng unconsciously is to use the power of NPC in xiazhong village to fight against the "potential" borrowed by Shi Dao's second team. "Defend the village" is undoubtedly to make it sound better, and by the way, to win over the hearts of the people (rabbits) who are proud of them.

But When it comes to the actual implementation, Ruoyu and Xiaoling, two team members who are more positive in three aspects, actually stand by the villagers wholeheartedly


"Hum It seems that we have reached a place. " A few minutes later, Feng stopped and smiled.

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"Eh? Where is it? " Little sigh crossed brother Jue's shoulder and looked forward, wondering, "isn't this a dead end?"

He was right. At this time, there was a bare stone wall in front of him, and there was no gap or mechanism.

"Take a closer look." I can't feel the way.

"If you look carefully, you can see..." Xiaotan just wanted to go back to the previous sentence with a natural tone, but he suddenly thought of something, so he didn't go on.

The next second, the small sigh quietly opened, his eyes suddenly lit up the golden streamer.

With the help of this A-level investigation skill, he soon saw many complicated patterns and characters on the stone wall in front of him

"Well I see... " Little sigh touched his chin and put on a thoughtful look.

"Ah..." Feng didn't realize he smiled, turned around maliciously and sighed to Xiao, "although you said the four words" so it is "and your face was also a" so it is ", you didn't understand anything, did you?"

"Yes, not at all." Xiaotan confessed very honestly. And shut it down.

"Ha ha..." In fact, I can't understand it

"You look so mean..." Xiaotan squints at brother Jue and says the line without any violation.

And The system didn't block that.

"Ha ha..." Brother Jue doesn't care about this kind of scolding. First, he has a thick skin. Second, he has a thick skin to admit that the other side is right. Anyway After a careless smile, he took something out of his luggage.

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"Eh? This is not... " Little sigh saw the props in brother Jue's hand, then he said loudly.

"Yes!" Feng didn't realize he had finished saying before he interrupted, "to be honest I didn't think so. It should be used here. "

At the moment, brother Jue is not holding his things, it is.

This "other" and "legendary" item has a very short special effect description - "open the treasure of black beard".

"Hello Don't you understand? " Small sigh immediately chases a way.

"I can't understand the message of these patterns and words..." When Feng didn't realize it, he lowered his voice and went to a small sigh. "But I can read the code."

"Oh ~" little sigh nodded.

When brother Jue said that, he understood. Even if you can't use "knowledge" to crack this information. We can also know the answer from the perspective of data.

"Well, it's not too late." Two seconds later, Feng turned around and held his skull. "This is a legendary business. Let's hurry up In case that they kill all the corpse knives three or two times in the rain, which leads to the loss that we haven't finished the search here. "

The voice is still on. He had raised his skull and stretched it a little towards the stone wall.

Then, I heard a "buzzing" Rune surging from the stone wall. The same second. A stream of stone dust sealed on the surface of the stone wall suddenly spread out, pasting brother Jue and Xiao sigh all over the body.

When they were still there choking on the earth, they heard another sharp sound. Then a golden awn came out of the stone wall, which made them blind.

"I'll go Er cough... Cough... It won't trigger anything What... Cough... Are you trapped? " Xiaotan was choked by the stone dust and coughed. He couldn't speak very well.

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And Feng didn't even answer him, because Less than a second after Xiaotan asked that question, the two of them had been "transmitted".

At this moment, the figure of the two players disappeared from the live video of the game; the audience who chose to watch their actions from the perspective of the third person follow were all forced to switch to observe the state of other people, and the post game video did not record where the two people went in the next period of time


"This time Is it a man of the earth... "

When brother Jue and Xiaotan reopened their eyes, they heard such a line.

At this time, two players have stood on the deck of a pirate ship

This is a large, complex structure of the huge multi mast sailing ship. She has a black hull and a big black sail. There are nailed human bones everywhere on the ship. There are dark blood marks on the sail.

She is magnificent and beautiful, like a giant beast on the sea. She is a legend across the seven seas, which has frightened countless pirates.

"Anyway Welcome to Queen Anna's revenge. " The voice quickly added another sentence.

They turned around and saw a rabbit star man.

Look at your face, you should be a middle-aged person (rabbit). He was wearing a sailor's jacket, overalls and a red scarf around his neck.

"I thought it was a parrot with a black beard..." Feng can't feel talking to each other while observing the surrounding environment, "I didn't expect that he still kept Rabbits..."

"Brother Jue Compared with that brother rabbit, don't you think the surrounding situation deserves more attention... " Xiaotan is also looking around, but he

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