Thriller Paradise

Chapter 886: 886

An hour later, the wood and stone force headquarters.

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"What the hell is going on!" Ted was sweating up and down the headquarters. "Why are their plans so different from what they had previously agreed?" As he spoke, he grabbed a messenger's collar and shouted.

"Long Sir The messenger was also wronged, "this We don't know. " He paused. "What's coming from the wiretap You've heard it in person. It's impossible for us to convey it incorrectly. "

"Buggers..." When he heard these three words, Ted seemed to think of something! It's a bug! " He suddenly showed a furious expression, "yes It must be like this! Those bastards lied to me! What's the "alien traveller"? They are clearly spies sent from the "sharp arrow" side! "


At the same time, in the forest.

"Captain, I don't think these NPCs can last long. Let's withdraw ourselves before the enemy's encirclement is tightened When we get back to the headquarters, there may be hope of a turnaround. " He is hiding behind a bunker to change bullets. He is in a rather anxious mood beside him.

At this time, four members of the second team of the Warring States period were trapped in the enemy's fire net together with a team of wooden and stone soldiers. Although the players were not in danger of their lives for the time being, the soldiers of those wooden and stone soldiers were basically doomed.

"Strange It's not right... " With a dignified look on his face, Feng Shiping could not be sure what he had noticed in his heart When you went to install the bug, did you encounter any abnormality? "

"Ha?" Now Sichuan was shocked, "what's the exception? No, the whole diving process went well, and I didn't even meet a member of the faggot League

"Well..." Feng Chenping frowned and thought, "this..." He suddenly thought of something, his face suddenly changed

Bang -

a bang interrupted his thoughts.

It turned out that the lizard army of the sharp arrow army was approaching more than 10 meters away, and began to use short-range rockets to attack.

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The force field used by the wood and stone troops to block the light beam weapons can't carry that kind of thing. In a blink of an eye, several flying shuttles were hit and turned over.

"Captain! If you don't, you can't Beitiao and Jianzhi immediately urged.

"Yes, captain." Tokugawa also advised, "it's no good for us to spend it here. Although we can't beat the mechanized troops on the opposite side, we can't underestimate the number and firepower of the other side, plus we are familiar with the terrain If we really want to open the fight, we must pay a certain price. "

"Well Well... " Although fengshiping's doubts were not dispelled, the current situation did not allow him to think too much, so he decided to Withdraw! "


The process of their four evacuations did not experience much hindrance. They basically passed through the enemy's flanking fire net easily.

After all, it's a planet that is well-known for its technology-based capabilities, rather than the place where rabbit star sometimes comes out with "wet fist". In terms of individual combat capabilities, players have absolute advantages.

About twenty minutes later, the four men of the second Warring States team returned to the headquarters of the wood and stone troops.

Just when they thought they could take a rest and make a comeback, they were met by

"Don't move!"

Several bright lights came from the towers around the base and focused on four members of the second team of the Warring States.

Ted's voice also sounded from the loudspeaker: "hum You guys How dare you come back? "

"Colonel Ted..." Fengchenping was shocked and angry, but on the surface, he was still on fire and said in a deep voice, "what do you mean?"

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"And what do you mean by me?" I can hear that Ted's tone is a little angry and anti laughing. "There must be a limit to playing people as idiots!"

Along with his shrill voice, a group of soldiers in light combat armor surrounded four players with guns, and several heavy firepower units at the height were also laser locked on them.

"I'd like to ask you a few..." Before Ted could wait for the response, he continued to ask through the broadcast quality What about the troops that went out in ambush with you? "

"Here..." As a result of half a second, Feng replied, "the enemy seems to have changed their attack plan, causing us to suffer..."

“…… Ambush, right? " Ted didn't plan to let him finish his speech at all. He said, "ha ha Then I will ask you again, since it was ambushed, why did my troops die, and you came back unharmed? "

"Hum Do you want us to bury your troops? " At this time, jinchuanyi can't help it at last. He snorted loudly.

Even if Feng wanted to stop his teammates talking, it was over

Of course, things have come to this point, and the results are the same if Kawabata does not say this.

"Ha! Ha ha ha ha... " Ted laughed a few times, then suddenly turned to scold, "you spies And the "sharp arrow" group of how to join hands, acting in front of me And then I'll trick my men into going after themselves. " The more he said, the more excited he became, and finally he growled, "since you ask now, I'll tell you I want you to bury my troops! " Roaring and roaring, he gave the order to attack, "brothers! Kill them for me! "

The Colonel made no secret of his warlord and bandit style. The lines behind were full of sense of seeing.

But in any case, the soldiers of the wood and stone army still eat this set. In addition, the profession of "spy" is disgusting to people, so the soldiers around did not hesitate to kill the four members of the second team of the Warring States period.

Outburst -

the sound of guns, machine guns, guns, guns All kinds of noise declare that there are countless powerful firepower in a short time against the four players launched a total attack.

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Even if the players have all kinds of abilities, it's not realistic for them to retreat from such a Siege


Forty minutes later, the coastline.

"Damn it!" Gasping for breath, he sat down on the beach and spat fiercely.

Those who fled here with him include the wounded Chuanyi today and the dechuanzhong who has lost most of his life value. As for Beitiao and Unfortunately, he was killed in the encirclement of those NPCs and failed to break through.

"Captain Is colonel Ted brain pumping Jinchuanyi was also very upset to read, "can we be blamed for the temporary changes of enemy forces? What came from the eavesdropper was what he heard, not what we made up. It can also be said that we colluded with the enemy and let us carry the pot? "

"Stupid!" Feng Shiping turned back and shouted, "don't you understand? We're in the middle of it! "

"What What? " Jinchuanyi is stunned by the captain's drinking, but he can't think for a while when he got the trick.

"When you go to put the bug I'm afraid it's already been discovered. " At this time, one side of Tokugawa Zhong deep voice received.

"Nonsense!" Now Chuanyi can't accept that it's his responsibility. He said in a high voice, "how can I..."

"How could we have found out?" For a moment, a voice sounded from a distance, joining their conversation.

The three remaining members of the second team of the Warring States period got up in a hurry and followed their guard.

Soon, they saw four figures riding mechanical lizards coming out of the forest and onto the beach.

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Come No doubt four members of the FAW League. And the one who just interrupted Who is not a swan?

"Captain FengChen, let's meet again." Honghu looked at fengchenping with a smile on his face and said hello, "remember last time you said I hope I can have a chance to experience my wisdom in the competition. I want to come Now you have done what you wish. " He repeated the words of the other side at that time, and then he said with a smile, "it seems that I'm not just a talker, am I? "

"Hum..." Feng Chenping snorted, "your strategy, Feng Chen really has learned But... " He stood up and glared at the swan. "We haven't lost yet!"

"Ah That's nature. " "When I set this game, I guessed that" wood and stone "people can't kill you all. It's good to kill one or two."

"You don't have to do it one by one. What have you done?" I haven't understood the questions just now, so I can't keep up with these people.

"Ha ha I didn't do anything. " Honghu smiled, raised his hand and pointed to his teammates beside him. "To say the credit, it's mainly him."

"I just collected some information with the summoning creature." "Those intrigues are all his thoughts, and have nothing to do with me," he said calmly

"In short Your "sneak in" action was already watched by us as early as the trip Honghu said to Jinchuan, "that's why Your operation will be so smooth that we have successfully installed the eavesdropper without even seeing our faces. "

When kongawa heard this, he suddenly realized it.

"The next thing to do is just to put lines next to the bug." "Even if general Reeve doesn't want to help, I can do it by myself with the voice changing device." He held on to his glasses. "As expected, the commander over there believed in the" wiretapped information "and fell into a trap. When things went in a bad direction, Colonel Ted's first suspect must be you Because you are a group of suspicious people who come out suddenly, you can't believe it. Besides The whole bugging plan was put forward and implemented by you If you think about it all together, it's not hard to come to a conclusion - you four are spies sent by sharp arrows and have played a good play in front of him, Ted. "

"Plan on everything, plan against each other, and kill people with a knife..." At this moment, the former's attitude returned to calm, "OK It's worthy of wisdom. "

The voice did not fall, Feng Chen stretched out his hand to empty grasp, but saw a white light, a long stick has appeared in his hand.

See the captain is ready to fight, Tokugawa loyalty and Yaskawa Yaskawa also sacrifice their weapons, ready to fight with the four men of the waste wood alliance.

"But I don't know Apart from your scheming, you

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