Thriller Paradise

Chapter 933: 933

At 10:05 p.m., Feng unconsciously took back van Helsing's diary under Hill's leadership. [+ new ^ +

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the police car they robbed earlier has also been discarded by them. Now they are driving another stolen car from the parking lot towards the castle.

So far, Feng unconsciously has successfully excluded the main positive characters in the movie "demon subduing team" from the main plot, and the plot of "the gate to the prison" has nothing to do with them.

For him, the next problem is How to break through the blockade of the police and the army and return to the castle.


On the other hand, inside the castle, between the thrones.

"The paper in the hand of greedy wolf Is it a map of the castle? " Xiaoling looks at the crystal ball and says.

"After entering the library, their actions accelerated, and he took out kraft paper for the first time, almost at that time..." "It looks like It was at that point that he reasoned out what was going on and realized the correct use of the object. "

At this time, they have been monitoring here for a long time. From their conversation, we can know Crystal ball can only monitor the opponent from the perspective of "vision". As for what the blade players say, you can't hear through crystal ball.

"It's really much faster than expected In this hour, they have explored the underground waters and the underground deep hall, and come straight to us around the purgatory arena. " Xiao Ling walked a few steps, frowned, "and our captain Let alone whether he can come back before midnight, even if he comes back How to break through the troops outside the castle is also a problem... "

Speaking, Xiao Ling has paced to the window, tiptoed, and peeped out his head.

But see On one side of the castle alone, dozens of police cars and military jeeps were parked. Although the cars were parked far away outside the moat, the row of bright lights in the night was quite striking.

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"You have a point." All of a sudden, Dracula's voice rang from a distance, and then he said.

If rain and Xiao Ling turn their heads at the sound, they find the count's figure in the shadow a few meters away.

"I have endured them for a long time..." This vampire gentleman can be said to be haunted. After Feng could not feel it, he left. He and his minions left the throne one after another and did not know what to do with it. At this time, he appeared here quietly like a ghost.

"Though they were blocked by a border, they blocked the entrance of the castle like this. It will certainly inconvenience Mr. F. " Dracula said, "I see I'll take care of it. "

"Processing?" If the rain looks slightly changed, "do you mean to kill them all?"

"You don't have to kill all." "Until all of them lose the will to fight," Dracula said

"Are you sure you can do it?" If the rain catches up, "these 100 years. Human beings have developed more rapidly in military science and technology than in the past 1000 years. They have heavy firepower weapons in their hands that you have never seen before. "

"Hum..." Dracula snorted, "thank you for your warning, but you are obviously worried..." He confidently replied, "even in purgatory, I can see things in this world."

This line, let alone, explains why he drives, why he knows that the anti ultraviolet film can resist the sun, why he can identify the "old house" is the site of his castle, and other illogical situations.

"It's easy for me to clean up those people outside." When Dracula said that, he was suspended in place and transformed into a bat with a wisp of smoke. Then... He just flew out the window.

After he left, Xiao Ling said again: "this count seems to really regard the commander as an ally..." She shook her head and sighed Unfortunately, the "regional task" doomed us to sell him

"Shh Keep it down... " If rain a listen, immediately turned head to make a silent gesture to Xiao Ling, "careful wall has ear..."

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At the same time, demon city is at the top.

"Whoo It's really difficult... " Long aomin killed a huge demon monster with his shield, and then he took a long breath.

Not far away, seven kill and greedy wolf just joined forces to kill a white haired demon with strange wings on its back. It looks like Their physical exertion is not small.

"Ha I didn't expect It took so long to speed up the pace... " The greedy wolf gasped and said. "But This should be the last area... " Then he took out the map and looked at it. "There is no other place to explore. According to my memory of playing devil city. The room in the middle of the highest level of demon city is the location of boss... "

"Speaking of boss..." Seven kill said, "you said that we will meet Dracula, the devil mentioned in CG in the beginning of the film Still can't feel it... "

"Well..." The greedy wolf has adjusted his breathing in these seconds There is also a high possibility of both. In addition Don't forget that there are three people in the front line of hell (the blade players still don't know about Xiaotan's death)

"Then are we not going to die?" Brother long is a straight person, and he doesn't like to beat around the bush. He immediately asked a very straightforward question.

"Not necessarily." "The greedy wolf replied," I have explained the reason before. At present, the strategic focus is not on us. This is the opportunity. "

"In your opinion It's hard not to... " "Seven kills follow me," he said When we break into the last room, we happen to run into a fight between Feng and boss? "

"Yes, that's what I'm betting on." Unexpectedly, greedy wolf nodded and admitted, "let's review the whole situation again First of all, in the beginning of the game, the sudden system setting is quite beneficial to us; until the break army and I were put together by the enemy, almost killed by the blood corpse God From this point on we are at a disadvantage. Then, by the time the three of us meet, Feng can't feel that he has almost finished taking advantage of the situation Then, in the hours from the evening to the present, we are constantly exploring and fighting, while the people in the front line of hell are not moving... " As he spoke, he stepped forward, gesturing to his teammates to keep up. "On the whole, hell front is one step ahead of us in all aspects. But there must be a price for this "lead"; for "killing the army", the "blood corpse God" is the price; for "taking advantage of the situation", the price is With the most powerful "potential" of the play posss, we must hand over some material or complete some event. It's no doubt unreasonable for Feng to lead us so much in time. So... I speculate that the "potential" borrowed by him is not really reliable, and there must be some hidden danger... "

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"In case You guessed wrong... " Seven kill's face changed slightly, and he said in a deep voice, "if you don't feel it, you will be able to With almost unreasonable efficiency to obtain a huge advantage

"Ah..." The greedy wolf hasn't answered yet. But long aomin said with an open-minded smile, "do you still need to ask? If so, we can only... "

All of a sudden, a strange noise broke Long Ge's words.

It's late, it's fast! With the sound, a transparent Ray came to attack the greedy wolf's heart.

Dragon proudly saw the situation, resolutely launched the skill guard sprint, and instantly protected in front of his teammates.

At this moment. If you want to save a skill, you may pay a more heavy price Players like Longge won't make such a mistake.

The next second, I saw the flash of the shield of ollihagan, and the ray hitting the shield disappeared directly. The Dragon aomin and greedy wolf standing behind the shield were harmless.

"Oh, it's dangerous..." After receiving the move, long aomin read, "he launched this deadly attack without saying hello at all..."

Brother long said this because he knew the ray that hit the shield just now It's powerful enough to kill greedy wolves.

Although that ray did not cause any damage at last, in fact, in terms of attack power alone, this attack is no less than the special bullets fired by sniper guns. The reason why it's blocked by the perfect grid. It is undoubtedly the strength of long aomin.

Specifically Longge not only uses the defense effect of guard sprint, but also uses two special effects of orihagan's shield. One is to transform the "propulsion force" and "penetration force" of the ray into "concussion force" with the help of "ollihagan's boundary", so as to disperse the force to the whole shield; the other is to spread the force to the whole shield. It's that ray that triggers "orihagan torytos" to have 300% defense against magic and all flying props.

That is to say, with an active skill, a passive effect, and a trigger effect of subjective fine-tuning, Longge completed the perfect defense.

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The seemingly simple guard is actually a superb skill that only top players can achieve.

"Do you think more..." Seven kills a few meters away listened to Longge's words. "You see each other as if they would say hello to us?" he said with a smile As he said this, he had set out to fight against the enemies in the distance.

At this time, longaomin and greedy wolf also peeped out their heads from the top and side of the shield respectively and looked in the direction of the ray

In their opinion Standing there, it seems like an alligator with a body full of armor and a face like a running fish essence.

"Hello..." When brother long saw the monster, his expression immediately changed, "that ray just now Does it spit? "

He would ask, because he looked up and down at each other, and didn't see any equipment that could be used for remote attack, so We can only think that the other party uses his body to launch

Two seconds later, the gill man responded to Longge's question with action.

When he pouted the fish's mouth, he emitted another transparent ray. This time, he aimed at seven kills on one side.

"Ha! Don't dream! " Seven kill dodged the attack with ease and said loudly, "this kind of speed attack, even if it becomes a child I can't miss it! "

"Seven kills, then it's up to you." At this time, the greedy wolf hiding behind brother long suddenly turned his head and shouted to kill seven.

"Ah?" Seven kill smell speech one Leng, "what is" give me "? This is obviously wavelet SS level, let me deal with it alone? "

During the conversation, the gill man sprayed two rays on the seven kill again. The seven kill is to avoid it while speaking.

"Because of me and

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