Thriller Paradise

Chapter 973: 973

Late, nine o'clock sharp, from the start of the game There are three hours left.

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S City, in front of a residential area.

"Sir, all the entrances and exits of the community are now closed, and the streets around the outer walls have been watched." A leading police officer came to Baoqing's car and reported the situation.

"All right, stand by and wait for my orders." Bao Qing nodded at each other and raised the walkie talkie.

The officer answered and went back to his post.

"Then..." Two seconds later, Bao Qing turned to the man in the back of the car What are your plans for the next step? "

At this time, Wang Shenzhi and Meng jingchan sat side by side in the back seat of the Huiteng car; Bao Qing sat in the front seat, while the one in the driver's seat It's Bao Qing's colleague, and it's also an agent of the ninth division.

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"Wait." Feng didn't realize he had only one word back.

"What are you waiting for?" Before Mr. Bao asked, Xiaotan asked.

"Wait for the call." Feng unconsciously said, clapping his coat pocket with his hand.

In his pocket It's Zheng Xian's cell phone.

"You mean..." Bao Qing said thoughtfully, " The planner will call Zheng Xian again? "

"Not necessarily." So I'm going to wait and see

"Er Brother Feng. " Brother Chan is a little anxious at the moment. "Is that really good The purpose of the other party is to let guixiao break before midnight... "

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"Hum You are so naive... " At this moment, Feng could not feel the cold hum, interrupting the two people's words, "as early as Zheng Xian was brought into the interrogation room, we had already started to scare the snake, this matter had no way back..."

"What?" Bao Qing was shocked at this.

"Is Zheng Xian looking for an opportunity to report?" Xiaotan and brother Chan also have similar reactions.

Feng can't help but look at the three of them and say in a deep voice: "ah Have you forgotten Before that, Zheng Xian received a call from the planner, and then passively carried out the task. So... Before that, how did planners know the progress of the investigation? How does he know where you have reported and where the police have set up a task force? "

As soon as this statement is made, everyone in the car looks changed.


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just at this moment, a cell phone vibration In silence and amazement.

Feng unconsciously picked up Zheng Xian's mobile phone, which had been taken out of the evidence bag, looked at the caller's number, and then picked it up: "you finally called, I'm impatient."

"In fact, I don't need to make this call, just..." At the other end of the phone came a clearly processed hoarse voice, "I'm curious Where are you holy? "

"I don't dare to be sacred. The madman is almost the same." Feng chuckled back.

"Ah..." The voice also smiled, "OK, Mr. crazy..." He then asked, "it looks like you're going to have a game with me?"

"Yes." I can't feel the answer.

"Ah..." The other side sneers, "this kind of situation, do you really feel that you have some fun?"

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"Of course." Brother Jue replied, "I'm afraid you dare not play."

"Ha ha Ha ha ha ha... " After hearing the words, the planner laughed, "you are very interesting..." "But just because you're funny doesn't mean you're capable," he said

"You're interesting, too." "I'm beginning to look forward to your reaction when you fail miserably," Feng replied in a lazy voice

As soon as this remark came out, there was no voice at the other end of the phone

Three seconds later, the hoarse voice said again, "I'll give you 15 minutes to find out the exact location of the target and text it to my number." He paused for half a second. "In 15 minutes, this number will be invalid. Then If I haven't received a text message, or you sent me the wrong answer, then we have nothing to talk about. "

"Ah..." Feng unconsciously chuckled and said, "you are not afraid that I will directly lead people to break in when I find the target Hold a tear gas before you give any instructions? "

"You can try." The planner said this and hung up To be continued.

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