Thriller Trainee

Chapter 132

Ch132 - The Prop is Prepared

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Zong Jiu: “…”

What was this duo doing? 

He glanced at Zhuge An, who was also hesitant and speechless.

In fact, if you wanted to consider the clown as a good ghost, it wasn’t necessarily true. Because Zong Jiu saw him fight with the mummy in the next area a few days ago, beating the other party into the trash can and shattering the mummy’s bones. It was quite frightening and made all the trainees in the park stay far away.



But to those who were willing to play with him and be friends with him, the clown was very nice.

At least the clown was not bad to the Mad Hatter and Zong Jiu. He never allowed Zong Jiu to see the scene of him beating someone. Once, he beat someone just to quickly wash his hands and carefully hid his injured hand behind a handkerchief. 

But there was one thing to mention. After meeting the Mad Hatter, a good friend who was also crazy, the clown’s schizophrenia seemed to have been effectively curbed and it was not as serious as before.


Maybe these two people were being crazy together, robbery and arson in the park together, and they had common grounds for misbehavior.

“Oh! Wait, Clown, Mad Hatter, and Magician, that’s a really nice combination!”

The Mad Hatter suddenly seemed to realize something and shouted excitedly.


Previously, many trainees around the port didn’t notice these two who were eager to do performance art. Now they were so frightened that they ran as if their butt were on fire, afraid that these two lunatics would come make them miserable.

“Yeah, it’s a really good combination.”

The clown applauded and pulled out a bunch of balloons from behind him like he conjured them, “Dundundundun! We have brought the props that the Magician lacked!”


The Mad Hatter hummed the prelude to the opening of a good show with great fanfare behind his back. 

Zong Jiu looked at the bunch of balloons that even the clown himself could barely hold, and had a rare bad premonition.

This premonition reached its peak after the Mad Hatter smiled and held out his top hat.

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“Don’t panic, don’t panic.”

The Mad Hatter’s hat itself was much larger than ordinary hats. It was also made of some unknown thick animal hide. It was very sturdy and had a string of hooks around the edge. 

Zong Jiu noticed that these hooks didn’t seem to exist on the hat before.

The clown bounced down in a squat, wrapping the balloon strings around the hat as the Mad Hatter held the hat on the ground.

The two ghosts were clearly the type with extremely good handicraft skills. The exaggerated oil makeup on their faces was all painted on by themselves after all, and the garish outfits they wore were not sold on the streets, so they probably tailored them by themselves.

At an incomparable speed, a hat tied with balloons was manually made. 

The clown cautiously let go, and after finally confirming that there were no traces of the balloon strings falling off, proudly shared their latest creation with Zong Jiu.

“Look, the prop is ready! The magic can start!”


We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Ibcu Ale: “…”

Iteuf Cc: “…” 

Cevlfcmf lc atf ilnf ragfjw gbbw: “…”

Cii yea atf veb tjv atf rjwf fzqgfrrlbc.

Pc atf ilnf ragfjw gbbw, atfgf kjr j ibcu rfglfr bo defralbc wjgxr atja oibbvfv atf rmgffc.

[This?? This??? I, I’m speechless] 

[Upstairs +1, my current thinking is that the Magician and the two lunatics have exchanged feelings for so many days, does he feel a little regret now]

[Hat and balloons, amazing, this is the road of no return to heaven, why can’t these two just go ascend!]

[I’m dying of laughter! ! Look at Boss Zhuge’s expression, it’s the first time I’ve seen someone who can stifle Boss Zhuge so much that he can’t speak hahahaha]

Cmaejiis, atf lcvfrmglyjyif fzqgfrrlbc bcis ijrafv obg j rtbga ktlif bc Iteuf Cc’r ojmf. 

Coafg j wbwfca, tf cjggbkfv tlr ibcu jcv cjggbk fsfr jcv vfmlrlnfis yfujc ab atlcx jybea atf qbrrlylilas bo erlcu atlr rlwqif qgbq ab ub ab atf rxs.

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Although the clown and the Mad Hatter looked very unreliable, they were still two variables that could be used to Zhuge An. And they could be used to get unexpected benefits.

The more Zhuge An thought about it, the more reasonable it became. He nodded to the white-haired young man and said, “Try?”

Zong Jiu looked at the balloon hat being held to the ground by the Mad Hatter and the clown. 

The hat was dark brown with a large string of balloons hooked on either side like handrails and a space thoughtfully left in the front.

The clown was tirelessly introducing the new invention that he and the Mad Hatter had joined forces to make with high spirits and raised eyebrows.

“Look, this gorgeous color, and the size of the hat is just right, just enough for a person to sit on it.”

The Mad Hatter added, “That’s right, it’s an excellent tool for aerial performance for a Magician! Oh, don’t doubt our craftsmanship, it’s absolutely solid, zero problems!” 

That made it even more worrying!

After the two ghosts marketed their prop, they looked over together with anticipation in their eyes.


“So, quick, sit and give it a try!”

The Magician was silent for a moment, and under the encouraging eyes of Zhuge An, he walked towards this newly-baked flying object. 

Do or die.

On the Ferris wheel on the other side, the Exorcist and Black-robed Azan were fighting hard.

The Exorcist was usually a master of stable impartiality and he would not offend anyone. Although his reputation had always been good, he had few bosom friends. 

Black-robed Azan and he were old friends who had known each other for many years, but Black-robed Azan was in the Curse Team, so it was impossible for them to do instances and missions together as often as ordinary teams.

This time, after learning that Black-robed Azan was likely to be controlled, the Exorcist was a little skeptical.

In fact, compared to being manipulated, the Zhuge An who claimed this was much more suspicious.

As everyone knew, Zhuge An’s credibility was in jeopardy. Whoever believed him would be considered unlucky. Those trainees who were once screwed over by him were living examples. 

The Exorcist didn’t like to beat around the bush either. If he was suspicious, he could find a place to fight, and he’d be able to personally confirm his identity.

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Just so, the two of them stepped on the Ferris wheel and fought.

To stay on top, they jumped from the top of one carriage to the top of the next.

Black-robed Azan had a calm expression and he waved the Spirit Summoning Streamer in his hand. Ghostly figures swept up from the shadows under their feet, turning into spirits and lashing out at the Exorcist. 

The Exorcist looked solemn, took out a bottle of holy water for purification, and chanted something.

After this fight, he was 100% sure that his old friend was indeed controlled as Zhuge An said. But in the end, this was his friend, and the Exorcist couldn’t be completely indifferent and objective.

The other trainees watched their fight in fear. Watching these two S-ranks flying over the eaves and walls in the air made them sweat.

A little further away, a scene like the Ferris wheel could also be seen on the carousel. 

Everyone was curious.

“Aren’t the Exorcist and Black-robed Azan close friends? Why did they start a fight after a disagreement?”


“I’m also curious about this. I saw the two of them team up and play cards together when they were in the Las Vegas casino.”

“Indeed, I also remember that the two bosses have a very good relationship, but now they don’t seem to be messing around. Forget it, who can understand the affairs of top bosses.” 

Fighting or not was secondary, everyone was still more concerned about which S-rank would receive this special clearance mission prize.

Now it seemed that No. 4 and No. 5 were on equal footing on the Ferris wheel and it was just up to who stood higher at that last second. And the trainees who came back from the drop tower brought back the news that the Holy Son was at the top of the drop tower. Even at the water park, there were many people who said that they saw No. 6 Poseidon with the ability to control water sending himself directly to the top of the sea temple.

Compared to these powerful people, how could ordinary trainees compete?

Many people sighed, “I know that although this task sounds simple, it’s still an S-rank show. If I knew it earlier, I wouldn’t join in the fun.” 

“Indeed, no matter how simple the task is, it has nothing to do with us.”

As more and more trainees rushed to the carousel, a considerable number of ghosts loitered beside it.

Even an A-rank like Lin Guoxing took a lot of effort to get in from the outside, much less others. Many people died in the last hour of the Halloween event because of their greed, it was completely not worth it.

While everyone was chatting, a trainee suddenly said in surprise, “Wait, look at the sky… what is that?” 

“Isn’t that a hot air balloon?”

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A trainee who had been to the port replied, “We went to see before. All the hot air balloons took off long ago, and there was no one on it.”

“Huh? There’s someone on that hot air balloon.”

After such words, many people also noticed the sudden appearance of a person on the hot air balloon. 

The hooded Warlock stood on the edge of the gondola, his dark hair waving in the air and his face pale.

Dawn was about to break and the night sky gradually revealed a pale white light, which was just enough for people to take this scene into their eyes.

“Didn’t all the hot air balloons fly away, why is there a person?”

“My God, isn’t that the No. 8 boss, how did he get up there?!” 

“The hot air balloon is so high, could it be that he flew up?”

Before the trainee who had experienced the collective instance could speak up, Lin Guoxing’s eyes widened.


He said blankly, “…Maybe, he did fly up.”

“Like, uh, that.” 

There was a tree in front of the carousel, but now, the thing in the sky finally passed through the treetops and was revealed to everyone.

A dark brown hat hung between two massive clusters of balloons.

Because there were too many balloons, the hydrogen balloons slowly and steadily lifted off with the hat, heading for a higher place. Although the mechanism was simple, it seemed unexpectedly stable in the air and was not affected by the turbulence.

What surprised everyone was not the balloon hat, but the person sitting on it. 

The young man was sitting upright on the hat, holding the balloon strings in both hands, and holding playing cards between his fingers.

The white hair fluttered behind him as he raised his head, his light pink eyes full of provocation, and looked at the Dark Warlock higher up.

Everyone rubbed their eyes in disbelief.

“You’re joking, a hat can take off with balloons attached to it, the Magician is indeed a magician, really performing magic!” 

T/N: Sorry for the delay, I’ve been very busy at work so I had much less time than usual for translating

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