Thriller Trainee

Chapter 143: 143

Ch143 - Gege Is So Mean

After explaining the basic situation, the next step was the confession.

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Many trainees looked at Zong Jiu enviously. 

The Magician had completed the main quest without any effort. He didn’t need to hunt down the residents of the City of Evil with a purification gun, and he didn’t need to go to the confessional to confess to the little Pope.

No matter how difficult it was for other trainees, whether there were hidden traps in the two main quests, the truth of this town… everything had nothing to do with Zong Jiu.




Because when he entered this instance, he was destined to have only one purpose no matter if it was an S-rank or a low-rank instance, and that was to give experience.

It was as if the instance was made just for him. 

Facing the envious eyes of others, the white-haired Magician did not speak, only lowering his head, his light pink eyes solemn.


Zong Jiu still remembered that not long ago, when he was in the broadcast hall of the horror trainee dormitory, the spacial door opened by the system for their team had a dark purple border.

However, just half a minute later, another black-haired man passed by him without a glance and stepped into the dark purple door first. Thus Zong Jiu could only lead his team to the space door in front of Zhuge An’s team in exchange.

At that time, the teammates and others who saw this scene thought that Zhuge An accidentally made a mistake. After all, the two teams were so close to each other, it was possible to make a mistake.


But Zong Jiu was different, Zong Jiu understood Zhuge An.

Although Zhuge An did not abide by chivalry in his daily affairs and liked to engage in infernal affairs, he was indeed a person who respected his teacher and respected his teachings. Guiguzi left him the Taiji Eight Trigrams in the Canonizing of Gods instance, so he worked hard as a beast of burden for the teacher he had never met, even willing to die.

He took that prophecy very seriously.



He also sincerely assisted Zong Jiu, putting him in the position of the savior in the prophecy. 

It was not difficult to deduce from this that Zhuge An and Guiguzi belong to the same group. They were more like the savior than Zong Jiu, the prophesied savior, and they really wanted to rescue all the people in this infinite cycle.

He would have to apologize here first, if Zong Jiu and Zhuge An had no conflict by the end of the thriller trainee competition, he may really consider using the universal wishing ticket to make a wish to liberate everyone in the infinite loop.

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Because he had promised the old nun, Zong Jiu couldn’t refuse other people’s pleas.

But if there is a conflict of interest between them and the other party violated the agreement, Zong Jiu would immediately turn the ticket. Zhuge An basically made a money-losing business. He was so smart that it was impossible not to think of this, but he still allowed Zong Jiu to take advantage of the situation without hesitation. 

Including this time.

And now, Zong Jiu could be 100% sure that Zhuge An deliberately entered his previous space door.

The simpler the instance he was experiencing now, the more dangerous the other side’s instance was.

It was a pity that the trainees and the live broadcast room couldn’t communicate with each other in the middle of the thriller trainee competition. They didn’t know what was going on around them, and they didn’t know what kind of instance the space door that Zhuge An insisted on grabbing without notice in advance led to. 

Maybe Zhuge An vomited blood in the bathroom earlier because he used the Taiji Eight Triagrams to calculate the key information of the next instance, which caused a serious backlash.

It was a pity that it was useless to worry about these now.


Everything had to wait until the instance was over and returning to the broadcast hall.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Zong Jiu stared at the floor tiles under his feet with some rare irritability, then raised his head again, watching the trainees in the distance file into the confessional. 

Ktf rlaejalbc bo atlr ilaaif Gfnli kjr jirb kbgats bo rmgealcs.

Mlgrais, Ibcu Ale mbeiv geif bea atf qbrrlylilas bo atlr ilaaif Gfnli yflcu lc vlruelrf.

Pa kjr ubbv atja atf Gfnli’r jmalcu rxliir jgf nfgs ubbv, yea tf mbeivc’a mtjcuf tlr lccjaf afwqfgjwfca ja atf rjwf alwf.

Dea atlr Ubqf kjr lcvffv atf Gfnli. Pa kjr pera atja rbwfatlcu tjv mtjcufv, tf kjr cba atf rjwf jr yfobgf, jcv atfgf kjr j ragbcu rfcrf bo yflcu boo xliafg jii bnfg. 

What changed?

On the other side, the trainees were waiting in the cathedral.

The first trainee to enter the confessional came out with joy on his face, “The black line on my hand has disappeared!” 


“It seems that confessing is really useful!”

“Yes, it does work, but the second confession is useless. I just tried it with the Pope, and it can only remove one black line at most.”

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Seeing that this method is useful, at least it could eliminate a black line, the trainees were overjoyed and began to search for the sinful things they had done, thinking about the content of their confession later. 

It was naturally impossible for a person to escape from the quagmire and live in the world innocently for so many years. Even angels would make mistakes when they come to this world, let alone humans.

So without thinking for long, everyone walked into the confessional one by one and confessed the crimes they had committed to the little Pope on the other side of the divide.

Xu Su went in and stood there scratching his head, but he couldn’t remember the bad things he had done.

“Your Holiness, I don’t seem to have done anything particularly regrettable.” 

“It doesn’t matter.” Behind the wooden board, the little Pope said gently, “Think about things that you are confused by or sincerely want to confront, and you can confess.

“But the Sacrament of Confession requires sincere repentance, and then taking practical actions to change oneself. If it is just confession, it only needs to confess sin.”



Xu Su nodded, lost in thought. 

Maybe it was possible that his character itself was carefree, cheerful, and lively. He was very direct and he seldom thought about a problem over and over again, adding stress to himself.

So for a while, he couldn’t think of anything to repent.

Oh… maybe one thing.

Thinking of the figure in his mind, Xu Su’s voice suddenly became as thin as a mosquito, “Then, then I’d better choose to confess.” 

“Oh? Is it because you can’t sincerely repent?”

Xu Su blushed and nodded slightly.

Fortunately, the little Pope didn’t seem to want to get to the bottom of this issue, which made the other party feel relieved from the bottom of his heart.

After all, people like Xu Su were of course in the minority, and most people had a dark and ulterior side in their hearts. 

The trainees came in one by one to confess.

Some said that they stole a neighbor’s chicken when they were young, some said that they had used improper means to commit financial fraud, some said that they reported and exposed their friends for cheating in exams because of jealousy, and some said that they used money to find a job, using unfair means of crowding out competitors… etc.

The Pope sat on an ottoman on the other side of the confessional.

He put down the heavy golden scepter in his hand, crossed his legs with disinterest, and let the heavy cloak behind his back hang on the back of the soft chair. No matter his expression or sitting posture, he showed no respect for Christ in a sacred place. 

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The little Devil propped his head on one hand, as if he had heard the confession on the other side, but he didn’t seem to hear it. After the trainee had finished stating his guilt, he lazily said, “The merciful God will absolve you for all your crimes.

“My child, God has heard your confession and your sins will be forgiven.”

After the twenty-nine people confessed, the sun was almost setting. 

When the last trainee came out of the confessional, the nuns who had been waiting for a long time by the side nodded to them with a smile. “The church has prepared communion and accommodation for guests from afar, which may be a bit coarse, please forgive us.”

When the matter developed to this point, the trainees in the live broadcast room who had been watching were also numb.


[To be honest, there are more than 120 team instances, but the style of the Magician’s instance stands out…]

[Indeed, at least one person died in other instances, but this one is so great. They not only eat and sleep well, but also all the townspeople give them advice on how to complete the main task. I have seen so many instances in the infinite loop. None of the instances are like this, I was really dumbfounded] 

[Is this really an S-rank instance… The Magician and his team are so lucky, they just picked the easiest one, so jealous]

[Slipped away, this instance only has a team camera, and the Magician passed the level so simply, sigh]

The other trainees followed the nun’s lead to the restaurant at the back of the church. Only Zong Jiu waved at them and deliberately stayed.

When the cathedral returned to silence and there was no one left, the white-haired Magician stepped forward and lifted the curtain of the confessional. 

He looked down at the little Pope who was sitting leisurely inside, with a moody expression on his face.

Now even two Devils were not as tall as Zong Jiu, and the feeling of looking down from a high place gave Zong Jiu a little bit of pleasure.

…Who made the adult No. 1 so tall, he had to look up every time.

Who knew that the little Devil would turn his eyes, suddenly stretch out his two hands, and raise a big smile. 

“I’m so tired listening to confessions, my legs are numb from sitting, big gege, please pick me up.”

Zong Jiu: “…”

He was really glad that the live streaming camera was not turned on when he was alone, otherwise, everyone would see his hideous expression for a moment.

“Who are you? What is your relationship with the Devil?” 

The white-haired young man’s expression was cold and there was a hint of disgust in his eyes.

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“Can’t gege see it?”

The little Devil tilted his head, and his black hair slipped from his cheeks, covering the sly gleam in his eyes.

“Although I really don’t want to admit it… but I am indeed the juvenile body of that scumbag.” 

He pretended to sigh, “The grown-up me is so annoying. There’s obviously such a beautiful big brother who is willing to play with him, but he doesn’t know how to cherish it at all.

“Obviously… we all like gege so much.”


“Get to the point, what is going on, don’t say so much nonsense.”

Zong Jiu crossed his arms with a stern face, like a dark-faced dean who was lecturing elementary school students. 

“Gege is so fierce, not even wanting to give a hug.”

The little Devil withdrew his arms slowly, “Forget it, who made me like big gege so much.”

Next, Zong Jiu realized what magic reality was.

Because No. 1 was also a mentor, he didn’t need to enter the instances, not even as an NPC. The previous entries into the instance were just for fun. 

The Devil had prepared a big gift for the Magician early on in the original Death Maze instance, but unexpectedly Zhuge An stepped in, so he had to change the entry point of the instance, and turned to Judgment Day.

The S-rank instance was its own small world, and it was difficult to manipulate it in general.

However, Judgment Day was very special, because the NPC here was fixed. There were only the relatives of the trainees with basically no vacancies for outsiders who wanted to come in.

Because of the rush, No. 1 didn’t notice this either. 

As a result, in order to comply with the regulations of the instance world, the Devil was forced to return to the age of six by the world’s laws.

This six-year-old did not only refer to age but also character and behavior patterns.

Generally speaking, it should be the six-year-old who belonged to this body.

Now in the body of the Devil was a Devil with only a six-year-old’s personality. 

The little Devil spread his hands, “The grown-up me probably didn’t expect the laws of this instance to be so strong, so he pitted himself.”

That guy, he shot himself in the foot.

Zong Jiu wanted to laugh for a moment.

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