Thriller Trainee

Chapter 70

Ch70 - All Roads Lead to No. 1

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Tsuchimikado had a headache from the laughter of the Exorcist. Turning his head, he saw that the card in his hand was a red three of hearts, and instantly, he became enraged: “Fuck you. You’re just as unlucky. What are you laughing so loudly for?”

The Exorcist was still laughing, “Only one round has passed, and your A-rank misfortune absorbing charm has become useless. Why don’t you tell me if I should be laughing?” 

Tsuchimikado moved, looking as if he was about to kick him. 

The bullet chat was filled with people laughing their heads off.



[Hahahahaha, these two people are too hilarious!!]

[I’ve found out that the great Exorcist is truly the sea king himself. Earlier, he was all brotherly and close with the Black-robed Azan. Now he’s also able to get along well with No. 6. It feels like there’s no S-rank who he doesn’t know.] 

[His personality is good, very carefree and generous. And he’s rather funny. He even dares to chat with master Zhuge An.]


[No, no, no. The commenter above the one upstairs, you’re wrong. The Exorcist definitely doesn’t know No. 1]

[That great master basically hasn’t interacted with other trainees before… Oh, other than giving the Magician a rose at the casino.]

Laughing was one thing, but everyone was still a bit worried inside.


Tsuchimikado had the five of hearts, and the Exorcist had the three of hearts. Out of the two of them, one of them had an unlucky physique that could make people hold their stomachs in laughter every time. The other one, because he was approachable and had an interesting personality, held very high popularity among the normal contenders. 

Although there was no time limit, the task stipulated that only the first trainee to reach the lawn could live. This was undoubtedly a huge stone weighing on everyone’s hearts.

[Sigh, I really like these two great masters. If something is destined to happen to one of them… Sigh]


[Don’t be so pessimistic, everyone. They’re all S-ranks. Remember. In Las Vegas, for the sake of getting five thousand chips, normal people were already using their lives to fight for it, yet these S-rank masters could casually throw out chips in the ten of thousands.] 

[That’s right. The amount of life-saving props they have is definitely innumerable. After the casino opened, as long as they had the chips, no one wouldn’t have exchanged them for the Substitution Doll.]

The bullet chat wasn’t wrong.

S-ranks didn’t lack chips. In their backpacks, they all had countless props of all types and even more methods of saving their lives. During the time when they were in Las Vegas, many S-ranks didn’t even gamble. They directly used their props or other rare items and information to exchange chips, then used the chips to exchange for props. 

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As one of the props most worth redeeming, no S-rank would pass up the Substitution Doll if they had enough chips.  

“Why are those two great masters still standing there not moving? Why aren’t they running?

“It might be because they are friends? If it was switched to anyone else, they would’ve probably run the instant they got the card. Wasn’t Cao Hongtao like that? He rushed towards the D-rank as soon as the cards were announced.”

“Could this command also have another solution like the command earlier?”

“It wouldn’t be using the Substitution Doll, right?” 

The trainees watching were all quietly discussing. Many people, like the bullet chat, had thought of the existence of Substitution Dolls.

Immediately, someone rebuked, “But the system said obliteration. Then the Substitution Doll is also useless.”


Everyone else was all anxious despite not being involved. On the contrary, the two people in question didn’t look anxious at all. 

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

The Exorcist pulled the Yin-Yang Master, ran to the edge of the pool, and then looked down. 

They were on the top floor of the trainee dormitories, a few dozen meters away from the lawn at the bottom. Standing there, they could only see a stretch of lush, green grass. 

The island wasn’t big. The other side was all filled with steep cliffs and jagged rocks. Logically, the lawn on this side should be sparse and coarse. However, the system can freely shape the island. Thus, the lawn was like a field where international tournaments could be held this instant on. There was even a sea golf course drawn with white lines.

The other people at the game table curiously looked at the two, wanting to see how they solved this situation.

Unexpectedly, the Exorcist directly pulled out some rope from the system backpack. Back to back, he tied it around Tsuchimikado and himself. 

After seeing their actions, many people came to an epiphany. 

“I know now!” They exclaimed, “As long as they both reach the lawn at the same time, then they would both live.”

This idea wasn’t bad, but executing it was extremely difficult.

First of all, if they didn’t know each other, the first reaction would be to turn around and run, first making it there before considering anything else. Even if they were trainees who were familiar with each other, encountering such a situation, if one of them had second thoughts, this would be the best way to eliminate the other person.  

Therefore, the two people drawn had to be friends who knew each other well enough, had strong enough ties, and had good enough characters. 

Finally, the two people stood by the door and stretched out their feet. If the system wanted to calculate, it would be able to calculate the difference in milliseconds and judge the first to reach the lawn from that. 

For that, the Exorcist thought of a way stupid idea. 

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After tying the two people together, he enhanced a large, transparent acrylic box from the system. The size was barely enough to contain both of them.  

Tsuchimikado went up. Dipping his brush in cinnabar, he drew many talismans on the surface of the box. One of those is an immobilization talisman. If it was drawn onto the surface of a box, it could make the box maintain its orientation even when in a free-falling state. This way, their feet are fixed onto the same horizontal line. After falling down, they would naturally reach the lawn at the same time. 

He also took out some strange and weird special props from who knew where and pasted them onto the box, saying that they could reduce the recount and make the box studier to ensure they wouldn’t die falling from this height. 

After all this, the transparent box became all colorful. Not only was its surface covered in patterns and drawings, but it was also covered in talismans with balloons hanging above it, making all those watching dumbfounded. 

“All set!” The Exorcist clapped his hands in satisfaction.  

After doing all this, the two S-ranks shut themselves inside and asked the other trainees to push them off the side of the infinity pool. 

Xu Su, flabbergasted, “This also works?”


The other trainees who had watched this whole process: ???

As expected of S-rank trainees. Normal people wouldn’t even think of such an idea. Even if they could think it up, they wouldn’t necessarily have the props and abilities to carry it out.  

[Maybe this is the wisdom of humans!]

[Frick, I would’ve never thought in a hundred years that such wild and outrageous ideas can be realized. S-rank, forever gods.]

[The system would have never guessed that I could still complete the task this way!]

[You can’t blame the system for not thinking of it. It’s already accurate to the milliseconds. In the end, it was still defeated by human wisdom.] 

[System: You sly humans!]

Everyone pushed them off and saw the box with a large bundle of balloons slowly fall.

The acrylic box containing the two people slowly landed on the ground after about five or six minutes of floating in the air. Tsuchimikado used his spiritual energy to control the box and made it land on an even area of the lawn, ensuring the entire plastic bottom touches the ground at the same time. 

Everyone nervously held their breath, waiting for the final result. 

[S-rank trainee Tsuchimikado and S-rank trainee Exorcist have completed the task.]

[Reward: number of blind box selections x1]

After the elevator opened, the two unlucky brothers, with their arms around each other’s shoulders, received everyone’s cheers. 

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Applause came from the open-air bar. Ribbons flew in the air. Many people raised their beer and champagne towards them as a form of respect from afar.  

The Exorcist concluded, “Actually, although I saw your luck is bad every time, your luck in certain things is not bad.”   

In Las Vegas, the Yin-Yang Master got the worst cards, but he pulled out in time. Instead, it was the remaining people who were out of luck. In the King’s Game, although he was chosen in a game that seemed to only have a 50% survival rate, the other person chosen was an old friend who had strong ties with him and a good character. Great fortune in misfortune. 

[The second of the game is over. The next round of the game will start in ten minutes.]

After this round ended, the atmosphere was much better than after the last round. Two players both surviving gave the surrounding tables that were engaging in other games at the same time a shot of optimism.  

“After seeing the task, don’t panic too much, everyone.”

The Messiah said while smiling, “As long as we calm down, think, and consider others, we can find a path to survival in this game where death is seemingly unavoidable.”



The other people all echoed their agreements. Zong Jiu indifferently glanced at them and then lowered his head. 

His goal has already been accomplished. He could leave now after a job well done. Unfortunately, there was still the last round. 

It had to be said here, the Devil’s acting stills were indeed very impressive. 

Before Zong Jiu used the tarot cards, he had only suspected that the Messiah pretended to be kind and hadn’t guessed that he had already been controlled by the Devil.

Thankfully he found out early.  

Thinking of this, Zong Jiu inexplicably had a bad premonition. 

No. 1 would definitely not randomly make his puppet participate in a useless special activity.

He kept feeling like the next round wouldn’t be as simple as the previous two rounds.

[Currently shuffling the deck…] 

[Card dealing has finished. King, please raise your card]

As expected, that bad premonition reached its peak when the Messiah raised the joker card in his head. 

[This round’s order: Take back something that was once given to others. Time limit: Three days. Failure will result in obliteration.]

[Note: If the player is certain that they have never given anything to others, they can apply to the system for a change in order.] 

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What kind of order was this?

Everyone exchanged glances, confused and unable to wrap their head around it. 

This order seems to be a lot easier than the previous two. In fact, not only was it simple, but it also had no difficulty, okay?!

Many people joked. 

“As soon as it came to the Holy Son, even the order became milder.”

“It really does feel milder. It even has a note? If the trainee is a miser, they can have the order changed. It’s really not bad.”


“Actually, you only need to offend the other person a bit. If you explain that it’s the requirement of the King’s Game, everyone understands. It’s not like the previous two tasks, which both had to do with life or death.”

The golden-haired Messiah thought for a moment, “Then let’s go with the nine of hearts and ten of hearts.” 

He flipped over his card and froze for a moment, “I actually picked myself.”

Across from him, Zong Jiu stared at the ten of hearts in his hand, some gloom 

The white-haired young man turned his head, his expression bad, “Which of you have still kept the fruit I gave you from the last instance.”

Xu Sen was bewildered, “Jiu-ge, we ate them all. Not even the skin is left.” 

Zong Jiu: “……”

“System, I apply to change the order.”

[It has been detected that the trainee has given items to others. The application is rejected.]

It’s over. 

Zong Jiu thought. 

His bad premonition came true. 

Author’s note: 

No.1: Flowers that have been given out need to be returned. (smile) 

Jiu Jiu: Scram!!!

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