Thriller Trainee

Chapter 88

Ch88 - Offer Him the Utmost Delight

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The classes called were all smiles, celebrating with those seated in their vicinity—in sharp contrast to the other two classes.

With eighth place announced, the ninth place would soon come. 

The two classes yet to be called were Class 7, which Tsuchimikado was in, and Class 8.

The trainees in these two classes were seated taut as a bowstring. Their palms were sweating, and their eyes were fixed anxiously upon the movement on the flag-raising platform.



Elimination by class didn’t take the personal standing of the top in the class. Even if the top was first in the year, the punishment was the same.

Class 10, which didn’t have a student among the top ten, still placed seventh. Its overall strength was still stronger than classes with students from the top ten. 

Both Class 7 and Class 8 had students who did well on their papers, yet would still receive punishment with the class. It was only natural they couldn’t reconcile with that in their hearts. The top students in Class 8 even started cursing and swearing, blaming those at the bottom for dragging them into the mud.


Especially Tsuchimikado, sitting at index 99 of Class 7. Everyone could see how nervous this S-ranked bigshot was.

He wouldn’t cower in the face of ghosts and monsters; it was only exam results that could put him so on edge.

Not only was he afraid of pulling the entire class down, but he was also afraid of the humiliating death just around the corner.


[I’m so nervous, what do I do? If something actually happened to Tsuchimikado, then wouldn’t one of the S-rank thrones be empty?]

[This instance is completely unreasonable. How can there be such a thing as elitism according to academic performance?]

[Ugh, isn’t it up to the system anyway? Did the system ask for your opinion when it pulled you into the infinite loop?]


[You can’t just put it that way, bro? Isn’t this the way survival instances are? This exam is a test of trainees’ ability to organise and work together, but it’s just a shame there were maggots in the previous co-op attempt.] 

Seemingly enjoying the atmosphere of anxiety and fear, the teaching director paused theatrically, even taking a sip from the thermos at his side. Only then slowly announcing the result under everyone’s gazes.

“Ninth place… Class 7.”

Zong Jiu could see Tsuchimikado heave a sigh of relief; his tightly clenched fists imperceptibly unclenched, his elbows showing deep scarlet imprints.


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“Don’t just sit and accept your deaths! It’s time to fight back!”

All at once, the trainees of the eliminated Class 8 moved.

They prepared all their special props in advance and immediately acted the very moment the teaching director read out the ninth placing.

No one would want to be eliminated in such a ludicrous way, nor would anyone be willing to submit to fate. This was an absolute consensus shared by everyone. 

Since they’d die either way, if they amassed everyone’s strength to revolt altogether then, however slim, they could grasp a chance of survival.

In a split second, Zong Jiu had a hunch.


After all, as an S-rank, it was impossible not to have means of protection or hidden trumps.

Tsuchimikado was in the same hostel room as them. He always studied late into the night with the light on, and when too sleepy, he’d draw a Yin-Yang spell or stick a talisman onto his face. There were times when Zong Jiu was scared by him, getting out of bed for water, thinking a zombie had hopped out of the school’s Corpse Pit. 

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Although the Yin-Yang Master didn’t usually talk about it, it was apparent he was going bald from his inability to raise his grades. Hearsay said he silently made Yin-Yang talismans for his entire class – just in case.

Po ijra qijmf kjr Jijrr 7, Kremtlwlxjvb rtbeiv jirb tjnf qijccfv ab ifjv j mijrr gfnbia.

Aera ilxf Jijrr 8 ja atf wbwfca.

“Cii ecgfijafv qfbqif jgf ab fnjmejaf ogbw atf dejvgjcuif lwwfvljafis. Ccs gfwjlclcu bc atf dejvgjcuif lc olnf wlceafr klii yf fzfmeafv.” 

Ktf afjmtlcu vlgfmabg kjr ecregqglrfv ab rff Jijrr 8’r vfmlrlbc ab gfnbia.

Every year, there’d always be such students acting smart, time and time again, refusing to listen to discipline.

The faceless people immediately stepped forth, brandishing their whips, and students from other classes evacuated in an orderly fashion at the sight.

After all unrelated people left the quadrangle, the scene changed again. 

Trainees shrank into a circle with their backs to each other, whilst the faceless people unceasingly enclosed them, tightening the circle.

There were a few B-ranks in Class 8 who did have aces up their sleeves. One of them could even pull off invisibility for a few minutes.

“Their special props are useless.”

Zong Jiu stood behind the railing on the third floor, his eyebrows furrowing. 

A few other class monitors were also standing near him, observing the situation on the quadrangle.

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Class 8’s concerted defiance was also a result of their prior deliberations.

After the failed attempt to hand in blank scripts, the class monitors had decided to privately discuss alternative measures among themselves.

In general however, it was never reliable to pin all their hopes on a group, so the primary objective for this brainstorming session was to consider the worst-case scenario. 

Though it was a long shot, it was worth a try. The outcome was mutually beneficial for all.

The trainees not on the receiving end of the punishment also kept a close eye on Class 8’s resistance. Even one breaking out would provide a valuable experience for everyone.


“The situation doesn’t look promising. Props are likely useless.”

Watching the present situation on the quadrangle, Black Shaman spoke quietly, “Ultimately, this is a collective instance. The goal is to weed out the weak; the system wouldn’t allow any last-ditch attempts at survival.” 

Just like those ten B-ranks back then.

During the placement exam, the bottom ten of the year were executed without being given adequate preparation. This time, it was a whole class ready to pull out their special props. 

The bullet chat was still cheering them on.

[Though it’s a collective instance, can a miracle happen when a class combines efforts?] 

[I’m wondering too. 99 people combined, what if it does work?]

[They’d die if they don’t try, and they’d die if they tried. In that case, everyone will surely choose to try!]

[Cheering Class 8 on in spirit; fight, fight, fight!]

However, it was still useless. 

As soon as the teaching director announced the results, all of Class 9’s special props were rendered useless.

It was still a unilateral massacre.

Further, due to the attempt at resistance, the scene turned even more gruesome.

Distorted visages, blood flying, splattering tattered flesh, pulverised internal organs and eerie white bones lay exposed under the leaden grey sky. After most heads were cleaved, eyeballs stained with blood and tissue fluid rolled to the fetid gutter on one side, instantly swallowed by viscous black sewage waters. 

Tar-black vultures emerged from nowhere, crouching on bare branches, ready to feast.

The sun finally broke the dark clouds.

The cold winter sun shone on the concrete quadrangle, sending chills down the spine.

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Before everyone’s eyes, a whole class lost their lives in this striking and tragic manner. 

Some trainees had already returned to the classrooms from the hallway, unable to continue watching on.

If they had the time for this, they might as well think about how to improve their grades to prevent dying in the next exam.


Finally, the last breathing trainee had his head severed from his body.

The pungent smell of blood caused Van Zhuo’s eyes to turn even more inscrutable. 

All in all, half-vampires weren’t perfect evolutions. It was difficult to remain indifferent in the face of blood.

He said hoarsely, “There are three more exams to go.”

The class monitors were utterly silent. No one expressed a stand.

The inability to unite as a whole was still the biggest obstacle between them. 

The snitching that happened last time might still see a repeat performance.

There were even a considerable number of trainees who, despite not voicing it, secretly felt this was a good opportunity to get rid of their rivals.

Those who performed well in their classes were naturally free of worries, but many vicious thoughts surged beneath this worry-less veneer. After all, it’s a free for all at the end of the Thriller Trainee competition. Now that a chance to effortlessly dispatch your opponents had emerged, well, why not?

Even if they could come up with an arrangement that benefited everyone, these people might not be willing to cooperate. 

Shortly after, teaching assistants brought out a hose as thick as a thigh, twisting the facet, washing the severed limbs and bodies from the quadrangle down the gutter by the side.

The blood-stained corpses were too many to move individually to the Corpse Pit; it would truly be an arduous undertaking. So, this was their only solution.

The teaching director announced the arrangement for the next examination.

“The midterm exam is scheduled for thirty days later. We have compared the average scores of this year’s candidates and felt it falls far too short of the scores from previous batches of students. As such—” 

“In the next exam, classes whose average score does not meet 600 marks will be executed altogether!”

Zong Jiu’s gaze shifted from the bloody quadrangle.

He gazed at the shade cast by trees a short distance away.

The black-haired man still had his poser gold-rimmed glasses perched on his nose. It subdued the treacherous, sharp aura permeating the air around him, instead, giving a more sedate and bookish look. 

The shadows of the foliage blotted him out perfectly. Like a black hole, any light reaching him was annihilated.

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Facing such a scene, No. 1’s expression was dismissive and cold.


However, in the fleeting moment before Zong Jiu’s line of sight shifted onto him, the Devil lazily lifted his gaze, dark golden irises capturing the eyes of the white-haired young man standing behind the third-floor railing with unerring accuracy.

The wind picked up, gently lifting the loose white hair on either side of the young man. 

Even from this distance, the Devil could guess the look in the other’s pale pink irises.

It was the same disregard as his, yet completely different.

So alike, yet so contrary.

In a sense, Gui Guzi’s prophecy was indeed terrifyingly accurate. 

For example, from the very moment he set his eyes on Zong Jiu, all the blood rushing through the Devil’s veins screamed this was the man destined to be his nemesis.

No. 1, with his partial privileges as the instructor, was well aware of the tampering Zhuge An was up to in the other C-rank instance.

Perhaps by the end of this instance, the tempestuous tide raging beneath the calm surface would be completely shattered, or as the prophecy foretold, moving irrevocably to confrontation.

To be honest, the most cost-effective solution would be to finish off the enemy before his wings had grown to maturity. 

Yet maybe it was in that narrow space, those eyes as dazzling as a magnificent meteor trail made his blood that lay dormant for age-old to boil—and so, he chose to indulge.

Such an interesting existence was difficult to find.

The pleasure the Devil had obtained from his many years in the infinite loop couldn’t hold a candle to the singular presence of this white-haired young man.

He was like a giant gift box that gave the Devil a different surprise every time it was taken apart. 

It would truly be a waste if he were to destroy it.

So, he hoped… before it broke, it would offer him the utmost delight.

The corners of the Devil’s lips hooked upwards. Suddenly, he closed his ring and little fingers and formed a finger gun, firing a shot at the young man behind the railing.

From afar, Zong Jiu could distinctly read No. 1’s lips. 

In the wind, the black-haired man was roaring with excited laughter.



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