“Your job is simple. Just take a theology class and discuss it with other Angelias to gain more knowledge. Also, please provide a clear summary of the stuff you learn.”

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“Actually, as an Angelia, you need to stay close to the saint, but for now, the other Angelia can do that task.”


“As you know, there are other candidates as well. Choosing you is actually my whim.”

Seeing Erich’s slightly embarrassed expression, Ellin smiled.

It was generous of him to be given this role when she was a mere commoner.

Also, it was fortunate that Liliana and her did not have to face each other alone.

When it comes to becoming Angelia, Ellin thought of Lady Wendy, who was her Angelia.

Wendy was not openly kind to Elena, but worked silently.

However, she was always obedient and faithful.

The rest were also just like that. 

They didn’t become friends with the saint, but became friends among themselves.

Perhaps it was because of her identity.

But they weren’t all that bad either. At least they mourned for her at the end.

Ellin came out of the stupor at the sound of Erich’s voice.

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“There are maids to bring out tea and other miscellaneous things, so you can order them. The job won’t be that difficult. Don’t feel uncomfortable because you’re not a noble, and treat yourself like any other Angelia.”


To Erich’s explanation, Ellin responded obediently. Seeing this, Erich smiled brightly.

“Any more questions?”

“Ah, I didn’t know that a high-ranking person like the High Priest was in charge of selecting Angelia.”

The high priests manage a temple. 

As they are directly under the Pope, they do not do these kinds of chores.

“You seem to be familiar with the inner workings of the temple.”

“Oh no!”

Ellin was startled.

In her previous life, Erich didn’t come in to intervene, therefore it was an unintended statement, but it was presumptuous. She already made a mistake.

“She’s a saint who appeared with difficulty after a few years, and she’s someone worth paying attention to. I have to do this so that I can relax.”

Erich smiled mischievously.

As expected, Erich is a nice person. 

In a more relaxed atmosphere, Ellin asked carefully, thinking that it was this time.

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“High Priest…… Why did you help me?”

“Why can’t I help you?”

“No, it’s just… As Sir Maynard said, I was actually trespassing.”

Erich opened his eyes wide and looked at Ellin, then smiled even wider.

“Why would you tell me that?”

“It’s just… I feel like I’m lying to you.”

“You’re a very upright person.”

Erich laughed.

Erich smiled softly as usual. His lips were delicate as feathers.

Ellin felt nostalgic. How much suffering did Erich endure before she died?

“Actually, I happened to see you praying at the Dazak statue. Then I saw you in trouble.”


“Are you really here to see the saint?”


When she saw Erich in her first life, it seemed like he didn’t know anything. Or maybe he was an easy-going person. But it always felt like Erich could read her thoughts.

“Actually, there have been some people like you before. I wanted to prevent bloodshed because Sir Maynard was overly sensitive.”

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“Is Sir Maynard such a scary person?”

“Yes, he is a knight without blood or tears. He hates people breaking the rules, so be careful.”

At Erich’s warning, Ellin nodded.

She still couldn’t believe Maynard seemed so different.

“You’re so kind.”

“Thank you. But I guess I made you into Angelia on my own. Are you fine with it?”

“No, I was just surprised. I never thought I would be an Angelia. I thought I was going to fail, so I sent a letter to a place I once worked at.”

Pricked by conscience, Ellin lied.

She went to see the saint, and this lie wasn’t too outrageous. 

“Oh, I didn’t know about it…”

Erich had a troubled expression on his face as Ellin looked at him. 

Apparently, since Ellin was chosen out of whim, it might have given him a bad reputation.

“I figured you’d be interested in being here.”

Ellin was overwhelmed with nostalgia as she saw Erich sighed.

No one here knows she was a saint who lived here. Isn’t it normal to miss home?

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She misses the people here. She suffered a lot, but she also missed this place.

Furthermore…she was worried. 

They couldn’t find a saint, and eventually they brought a fake saint. 

The Liliana she knew was by no means a good person.

“No, I want to! But I’m not a noble… Are you really okay with me?”

“Why wouldn’t it be fine?”

At that question, Ellin’s heart raced.

Erich had always supported her, despite her status.

‘Erich always stated the same thing,’ 

He was always warm and kind. 

Unlike Maynard, he treated Ellin regardless of whether she was a saint or not.

“Oh, what’s your name?”

Ellin hesitated for a moment but she said her fake name.

“Ellin, my name is Ellin.”

“Nice to meet you, Ellin.”

Erich held out his hand, and Ellin took it.

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