Seeing her suddenly lower her gaze and say nothing, the expression on Xiller’s face eased slightly. Under the crystal chandelier, her profile still carried the youthful vibrance of a girl. After all, she was only a young girl of fifteen or sixteen. 

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In the past, every time he mentioned her sister in front of her, she used to get riled up like a lion cub, glaring at him with anger, but her eyes would always contain that innocence. However, she wasn’t the same as before. It seemed that, no matter what he said, she would just sit there and smile lightly. Her impassive expression made him feel a certain strangeness. 


But in just a few months, what had happened to her?


He frowned slowly, and suddenly thought of the man outside the door.

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“What is the origin of the man you were with? Was he the reason for your sudden disappearance?” From the moment she stepped into the casino, the monitoring equipment had been recording her every move. When the two talked, they always walked side by side. Only in front of others would she take a step back. It seemed that they were quite close…


“Him?” Leng Yiyao flicked her fingertips and shook her head gently: “I only got to know him yesterday.” Of course, the depth of this “acquaintance” was superficial to say the least. She didn’t even know his real name. And she wasn’t naive enough to think that he was really called “Zhai Mu”.


“You just got acquainted with him, and you’ve both become inseparable? Don’t you know what the Leng Family wealth means to outsiders?” Xiller stared at her fixedly. Although Leng Yiyao had been pampered since she was a child, she was born and raised in the Leng family and knew the ways of the world. She only met him a day before. Would she swagger into this place with him like this?


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“Some people don’t necessarily know the true thoughts of the other person even if they knew each other for a lifetime. It doesn’t matter even if I’ve known him for only one day, after all, he… saved my life.” She raised her head abruptly causing his pupils to shrink as she smiled coldly. 


“While you were under the impression that I ran away from home, I was nearly gang-raped outside.”


“Who dares!” Xiller stood up suddenly, and without even noticing it, his eyes became gloomy. Although he never had any other affection for her, he had seen her grow up since she was a child and almost regarded her as a half sister. No matter how arbitrary this sister of his was, if she acted recklessly he was always around to help her clean up the mess she made, and never let her suffer. In City D, he prided himself on his ability and status, and no one dared to say “no”. Unexpectedly, in spite of his warnings, someone dared to touch her!


“The two people won’t be able to see the light of the day anyway.” She smiled leisurely, not reacting to his changing expressions.

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The anger on Xiller’s face slowly subsided, and he followed her eyes for a moment. After a long time, he asked quietly- “He killed those two people?”


So, she indeed seemed to have been acquainted with that person in a single day. Only, it would appear that they were exceedingly familiar with each other?


“What do you think?” Leng Yiyao played Tai Chi smoothly, but it only made Xiller confirm his guess. Except for that man, could it be that Leng Yiyao was the one who killed those two people? That was bullshit.

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Xiller pondered in his heart for a while, before finally saying straightforwardly: “You’d better never have anything to do with this man. Right now, the entire city is under the martial law. You must’ve heard of it- it’s because a member of the royal family has been assassinated. He dared to kill someone, which clearly means that he is not an ordinary person and he might have something to do with His Royal Highness Lu Ming’s affairs. Him likely being in the center of the storm means that it is best to stay as far away from him as possible. As for him helping you? I’ll help you return the favor by paying him back on your behalf.”




Payback with what?


Leng Yiyao leaned back on the sofa lazily and gave a smile with evil intentions. If that Zhai Mu is so easily found, then his abilities are for nought!(talents are wasted)

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