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Chapter 120. Unexpected return

"Chief, what happened? Why am I called suddenly?"

Ren said as he looked towards Jiang Wan but he just shook his head instead of replying.

After a while, he said with a cynical expression.

"I don't know much. It was the CEO that called for you. It looks like she wanted to make you do something."

'CEO Xu? What happened now?'

Ren thought inwardly. Just yesterday, he was filming for the «Heirs» but he was abrupt told to come back to China.

From airport, he had immediately went to the Top star entertainment office.

It seems like the CEO had called for him but he didn't knew why.

"You didn't do anything wrong, right."

Jiang Wan said as he looked at Ren and then, White bear behind him, as if asking him the same question.

"I don't thought I have done something troubling."

Ren replied and White bear also nodded along with him.

"Chief, you know Ren, he is not the type to do something concerning."

White bear said and Jiang Wan also nodded his head, as if agreeing with him.

He then looked towards Ren and said.

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"Anyway, go to the CEO office. She wanted to meet you as quickly as possible."

Ren nodded and headed towards the top floor, where the CEO's office was located.

Going there today, he didn't felt much nervousness like last time, maybe it was because he had already came here a couple of times.

But he was less nervous today.

Maybe it was the effect of him getting more fans and reputation but he had gotten more daring somehow.

He walked in the lobby and saw the CEO's secretary who led him to her office.

"Ah, you are here!"

CEO Xu said as she looked at him from the corner of his eyes.

She gestured him to sit and after sitting down, she glanced at him and asked.

"Have you come directly from the airport?"

"Yes, you wanted to see me. That's why I hurriedly came here."

No one knew that he was in China right now.

If the media even had a clue that he was here, they would swarm him with interviews and questions.

His popularity has gone up slightly since he was swarmed at the airport. There were various articles about it on the internet.

Media outlets had already started calling him the next international star from China.

As if she was impressed by his answer, the CEO's lips curled into a smile.

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"That's good. How is your shooting going on?"

"It's going well. We have already filmed most of the inside scenes, now we were going to shoot the outdoor scenes."

'Until you called me abruptly.'

Ren didn't said the last part out as he swallowed the words.

"That's good."

"CEO Xu, I don't think you called me just to ask about that."

Ren said as he glanced at CEO's Xu expression. He wanted to know why she had called him here.

"You know, I started this company ten years ago. At that time, I don't have anything, I was called a naive girl to try to set up a company when I was just in my 20s."

Ren nodded when he heard that.

He didn't why she was telling him all that but he still listened intensively.

"I had many problems at that time. I spent countless nights just to make the company more profitable and now, I am here at the top. The company I worked hard for is one of the top entertainment agencies now."

Ren obviously knew all that. He had heard that from Jiang Wan before.

The reason CEO Xu was called a witch was also because she had set up a top entertainment agency in just ten years.

It was not a normal thing to do and no normal person can do that.

'Why is she telling me all that?'

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Ren thought as he looked at her. She didn't have a reason to tell him that, or did she have a reason?

Ren was not sure about that but CEO Xu's words continued.

"In those times, there were rarely some people who helped me and I want to repay those favours."

'Did she want me to do something?'

Ren felt like that when he heard that.

"CEO Xu, what do you mean by that?"

"You still haven't accepted any new projects, right."

"No, I still haven't."

Ren said as he scratched his head.

He had not selected any new project and that was troubling him also.

He didn't wanted to become choosy but he wanted to select a project he really wanted to do.

He wanted to feel the same feeling, when he had selected «The stars above».

He had not felt the same feeling in a long time.

"I want you to do a project."

'A project? Is that the favor CEO Xu wants from me!'

"What type of project?"

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Ren asked curiously.

"It is a big budget project of over 50 million dollars in budget. The production house has already selected most of the main roles but the director wanted you to play the second male lead."

"A 50 million dollar project? That's a really huge budget."

A 50 million dollar budget was too big. The budget was even bigger than some Hollywood movies.

"Yeah, it's a big budget movie called «Vagabond». What do you think about it?"

Hearing about such a big project, anyone would be excited but Ren was trying to keep himself calm.

He knew that if he became too excited, he will become hasty.

"I want to see the screenplay before that."

CEO Xu smiled when he saw that. She liked that Ren was not over excited by the offer.

"I don't want you do the project at all cost. You can reject it if you want but think carefully about it, I think it will be good for your acting spectrum and it will be your first time acting in a big budget movie."

"Okay, I will think about it."

Although Ren said that, his mind was in thoughts over the project.

He tried to think of the movie called «Vagabond» and he founded that it was a hit.

Ren had also watched it and the acting and the cinematography was really praised in it.

It was even nominated for some awards but Ren didn't liked it much.

He felt that the story was really weak and it only worked because of its worldwide release and the star power in it.

He was not sure if he want to do this movie but it was the offer from the CEO.

He have to think carefully about it. He can't afford to offend CEO Xu.

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