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Chapter 5. Killer acting

On the set, the staff moved hurriedly. They were fixing the cameras and the checking the audios.

Although they were all moving hurriedly, Ren could see from their expressions that they were not much interested.

They had indifferent expressions on their faces. They were not giving the scene much importance as they were sure that the rookie actor will not be able to perform the role.

They were just treating it as a warm up. They all thought that the rookie actor will only embarrass himself and the director will fire him.

Even the director wasn't giving the scene much thought. He had his headphones down and be was just watching the monitor.

As Director Zhu was watching the monitor, Assistant Director Ming approached him.

"Director, I talked to all the actors in the list and there is only Chen Tian who is willing to take his role."

"Chen Tian, he's not great but he is okay. Tell him to come to the set by afternoon and send him the script."

At Director Zhu words, Assistant Director Ming made a troubled expression as he said.

"Director, although he agreed to do the role, he is demanding a high pay and he also said that he had to talk to his agency first. He can only come to the shoot from next week."

Director Zhu frowned at Assistant Director Ming words and said in a angry tone.

"Who does he think he is? He is just a newcomer. Why is he acting like a top star? Newcomers, these days are all very arrogant."

Director Zhu said as he grumbled.

"We also can't do anything. He is from SK entertainment. That agency really have many celebrities with attitudes."

"Well, try to negotiate with him. I don't care much about the budget but he had to be here in the afternoon."

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Assistant Director Ming nodded at the director's words and started dialling Chen Tian agent's number.

"Director, we are ready to shoot."

A staff member said as he approached the director and Director Zhu gave the OK signal and the scene started to start.

"We are starting the shoot."

Both Ren and Chu Min readied their postures.

"Standby. Action!!"

A staff member shut the slate and the scene started.


Ren expression completely changed as he heard that sound. He had a blank face previously but as soon as he heard the director's words, his expression changed that of a predator.

The scene was of a classroom. Jay was acting as a teacher here as he had retired from being a agent.

Standing in front of him was Chu Min who was playing the main character, Kai, a undercover agent looking for the clues of a massacre incident.

"Secret agent Jay, 47 missions, no failures. What a good track record. It's very nice to meet you, finally."

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Chu Min said sarcastically but his eyes were loathing Ren. He was leaning against the door as he looked at Ren who was standing in front of him.

"You aren't a man of many words but who would have known that you will be a part of a massacre incident."

Ren still didn't replied to Chu Min words. Seeing this, his expression crumbled as he started walking towards Ren.

The staff members and the director smiled seeing this. Chu Min's acting was great as ever. He was able to perfectly play the role at every step but the problem was Ren.

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That hasn't seen Ren's expression yet as his head was lowered since the start of the scene.

They were looking forward to seeing his acting and the moment Ren lifted his head up, everyone expressions were of shock.

As Chu Min was coming close to him, Ren slowly lifted his head.

He had a smiling expression on his face but it was not a happy smile, it was the smile of a predator. It was a expression that only a crazy guy can give.

No, at that moment, Ren had became that crazy guy.

In his previous life, when Ren had watched the movie, he had felt that the expressions of Jay were all stoic.

After reading the script, Ren felt that the role of Jay was of a crazy guy. That's what he had thought after reading the script and after watching the movie, he was sure of it.

The actor who had played Jay mostly had stoic expressions and Ren felt that the character lacked something. That was craziness.

That's why he had acted like a crazy guy and it had also worked.

"Agent Kai, it's nice to meet you too but why are you here?"

Ren's voice was clear but it also had a craziness in it. That's why Chu Min got frightened by it. He was not only frightened by his voice but also Ren's expression that was of a predator.

At that moment, Chu Min truly felt that he was in front of a predator and his expressions crumbled because of this and he took a step back ruining the scene.


The director was somewhat stunned by the role as he took sometime to say NG.

Not only he, the whole staff was stunned seeing the expressions of Ren. They had just thought that he was a rookie but they didn't knew that he can act this good.

The most stunned out of them was Chu Min who was doing the scene with Ren.

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"You…..bastard...I, I was really frightened there."

"I gave you a scare, right."

"A scar! You nearly made me wet my pants. How did you learned to act so well."

Ren just smiled instead of answering. He was glad that he was able to do his role properly and frighten Chu Min.

* * *

"Director Zhu, Chen Tian had agreed for the role but he had said that he will come to the shooting starting tomorrow."

Assistant Director Ming said as he approached the director.

"That son of a bitch is acting like a big shot. Tell him not to come."


Assistant Director Ming was confused by his words. If he didn't do that role then who will do the role. That was the question in his mind.

As seeing the confusion of Assistant Director Ming, Director Zhu said.

"Do you watched the scene just now?"

Assistant Director Ming shook his head at the director's words. He was busy negotiating with Chen Tian's agency.

He didn't had the time to see the scene.

"Look at the monitor."

Director Zhu said as he pointed at the monitor. The monitor was playing the recording of Ren's scene.

Assistant Director Ming was stunned seeing the scene. He didn't thought that a rookie actor can give this kind of expression.

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"How is it?"

"It's killer. His acting is just killer."

"I know, right. He had made the character feel alive. I always felt that the role of Jay was missing something and after watching his acting, I understood what is missing."

"What is it director?"

At Assistant Director Ming words, Director Zhu just smiled and said.

"It's craziness. The actor had filled the character with craziness. It will surely become a iconic character if he can pull it through the end."

After hearing that, Assistant Director Ming also nodded his head and asked.

"Do you know the name of the actor?"

"I think it is Xin Ren."


As they were talking, Assistant Director Ming phone rang.

"It is Chen Tian agency. What do I do, director?"

"Do you think that fellow will do better than Xin Ren?"

Assistant Director Ming spoke on his phone instead of answering to Director Zhu.

"Oh yes, this is Assistant Director Ming. You don't need to come. Yes, yes…"

That was the moment Ren's future changed and he truly started to walk towards the path of stardom.

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