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[Name: Nameless

Affiliation: None

Age: 1 second

Current raison d'être: None

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Shape and size: Small, unremarkable dot smaller than a speck of dust

Adaptations needed for Evolution: Way too many

Lifespan left: 4 minutes

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Ways to survive: 1-Eat!]



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Huh? Who am I? Where am I?....

What do I remember?...

Oh, right….

"Listen now son, there are only 18 things you need to remember at all times no matter what, and the rest will come along."

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" I, your father, will tell you 12 'Laws'. These will guide you towards only one thing: Killing!"

"I, your mother, will tell you 6 'Truths'. These will guide you towards only one thing: Surviving!"

"Know the truth, Make the law, Supreme for All Ages." @@
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