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Oh no not another inner voice.

We are you, and you are Us.

Nothing new there. I have no time for this. There is a more pressing need right now, and that is to survive. What do you want to say?

We are the Virus Root and specialize in defeating the Strong as the Weak. You may call Us the most resilient of Roots. This sort of situation is not difficult to resolve should you use Our powers.

That sounds fine, but how?

You must enter your inner Tree and find Us. Once you do, try to understand Us. Worry not, the inner Tree is in your consciousness and the time flow will be much slower. There shall be no danger.

Again, how?!

We do not know such basic things.

... How rude.


'Minis, how do I enter my consciousness?'

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...Why am I not surprised? But this is fine. I can't keep relying on inner voices to guide me through everything. Let's see, let's start with the most basic and idiotic options.

'Enter consciousness!'

[Entering consciousness... Complete.]

I am simply amazed at how simple that was.


Woah, what is happening? The darkness is twisting and turning, and I think I can see some... colors? Yes, there are colors! They are forming a shape...

A Blue World.

.... ....

.... ....

'This is... A sea?!'

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I can feel myself moving.

All I can see around me is blue. There is... water? Yes, there is water everywhere... a sea, or maybe an ocean? And also a... sky and the... sun. This feels so strange yet also so familiar.

So all this time, I have been living in the sea?

I am getting infinitely closer to that sky... Wow, there is land floating in the sky. Is that... a tree?

I can feel myself moving closer to that tree. It seems weird, a sphere of liquid leaving the sea and flying close to a giant tree on top of a floating island.

How amazing, this whole consciousness thing. So is this tree.

If there is one word to describe this Tree of Life, it would be 'Huge'. It is simply gigantic and grows so far into the sky I can only speculate about its age. Now, let's try moving towards the base of the tree... Good, closer... Oh, there are the roots! They are so thick they upturned the whole area. I wonder how long I will have to search if I need to find the Virus root among these...

D--p-r...-Om- -eep-er...

Oh for the sake of- Not another voice!

Y-- -u-t ad-an--

Wait... Isn't this the same voice of earlier? It is! Ok good, it's not a new voice. Whew.

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Now, what is it saying? It keeps getting cut off in the middle of words, and it's so hoarse too... Uh... Deeper? Perfect, it seems to be giving me directions...


Delving deep into the earth, I keep following the increasingly clear voice inside my head to find the Virus root. After what seems like an eternity, in the deepest depths of the earth, I can see six giant roots.

We are the crimson root. The other five roots do not concern you, as they have their own Chosen.

So the Tree of Life has six Chosen?

That would be incorrect. Only Us disdain having more than one Chosen, the other fools do not care for this.

Ah, I see, so there are many Chosen from the roots, but only me from the Virus root?

Correct. Let Us tell you about the roots:

The blue one is the Water Root.

The orange one is the Fire Root.

The black one is the Death Root.

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The green one is the Life Root.

The yellow one is the Holy Root.

We, the crimson one, are the Damned Root.

But weren't you the Virus Root?

We are a damnation, a plague, a virus... These are all Our names. Try moving towards the crimson root.

Okay... Now that I reached it, I feel so...refreshed.


Unlocked the Titles: Summoned Existence, Chosen of the Tree of Life, Virus

Unlocked Virus properties

Unlocked Brave New World Evolution Patterns and Predestined Affiliation

By having an Affiliation, you have unlocked Karma despite not possessing a name.]

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