Tower of Karma

Chapter 65

“He is an incompetent commander. I must apologise for letting that happen.”

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Anatour lowered his head. Both Ywain and Nikka were surprised. As for Volf, seemingly like he was pondering over other things in his mind, he was.


Anatour recognized the strength of the Noir Guard. Not only was their individual strength strong, but so was their prowess when they acted in group. That same strength was never shown in Nehderks’ troops. Let alone recognizing their strength, Anatour was also resolved to let them be the focus of their operations. That was what he had been intending to do.


“But for something like this to suddenly happen… Even though we are very close to winning the war.”


Ywain tilted his head in puzzlement. The war has been on their favor ever since the Noir Guard took command. But despite that, something like that ended up happening at this stage. This was something that Ywain found difficult to understand.


“Well, it’s really weird but… I don’t really get it but did it really seem like we were winning?”


Ywain made a wry smile at Nikka’s stupid question. Her individual strength as a warrior was reasonably good, but her insight as a commander was still lacking. It didn’t seem like the person in question herself would be putting much effort to fix that either. She would always leave the thinking to Volf. After all, it wouldn’t make any difference even if someone inexperienced was to join in when making new plans.


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But it was because of her lack of insight….


“…So that’s how it was… That’s what that was all about!”


…that her words became a revelation to Volf.


Volf suddenly shouted, surprising the three. Without caring at all about their surprise, Volf excitedly began spouting.


“That bastard! He was aiming for that from the beginning! The ordinary soldiers don’t know about the little details on the battlefield. All they know is the exhaustion and the stagnation of the war.”


Volf’s mind began working at full speed. He began thinking about the enemy aims he only now had caught on. All of Volf’s strategies were based around the battlefield itself. He had been mistaken to believe that strategies would only revolve on using the terrain well, getting the upper hand in the battles, and defeating the opposing army.


Ywain’s wry smile became twisted. He finally realized what happened. It was a small hole the [Lion Marquis], a man to have fought countless battles, hadn’t noticed. A hole Volf and Ywain hadn’t noticed exactly because they were the [Black Wolf] and the [Lion Marquis]. This hole had been spreading up open throughout the long war.


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“We are mercenaries. Results are expected from mercenaries. We brought those results just like we were supposed to. But…”


“They couldn’t grasp the value of these results. Our advantage didn’t get conveyed to them. Instead they only saw the harsh side of the war.”


Volf desperately held back his desire to laugh out loud.


Volf was above William in all aspects. He was stronger, faster, and was even a bit above in strategy. Because of that, William gave up on trying to win through those aspects. Instead, he carefully began growing the sprouts of his victory outside the battlefield, right inside his opponent’s army.


“The main reason this happened is because we are mercenaries. Outsiders acting arrogantly after taking the command of the whole army. There is nobody that would like that happening to them. Besides, we even took down the positions of the decarions and centurions before so that we could increase our mobility. While they had to accept all those conditions because they were in a hopeless mess back then, all this just serves to get them angry now that the war is stale.”


Volf’s defeat was set the moment he had decided to go for the long war. Volf forgot two main points he should have considered. Firstly, they were mercenaries, while on the other hand, the soldiers were ordinary people. Secondly, looking at the two in the same light is a fatal mistake.


“Nikka, and even Anatour were done in just to add to the fire. The effects of their defeats on the war might have been pretty much nothing, but at the end of the day the truth stands that they were brought down. How come, an unmatched genius like me was just….”


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Volf has finally reached the scenery William had visioned. Volf couldn’t hold himself back from laughing. Just how far has William seen it through; a single man that was nothing but a decarion. Who would have thought that William was this good in leading people by their noses at such young age.


“I gotta admit. He is also a genius like me. The thing that really pisses me off is that… he is an ordinary person at the same time.”


Volf scratched his head as he was laughing. There would have been many measures that he could have taken if only he had noticed William’s goal earlier. It was his responsibility that they were now in this predicament. It was his narrow vision that had allowed this to happen. Even if they were to try to appease the Nehderks’ army again, it would be impossible for them to take the command of the battle anymore now that they had lost their credibility.


“…Fine then, we’ll be doing the menial tasks if that’s what it takes.”


Due to all the frustration he had, blood began flowing from the corners of his mouth as he laughed.



The next day it became clear that the movement of the Nehderks army had changed. The nimbleness they had before was no longer there. In place of that was tight formations focused on muscle. The important part wasn’t comparing which one of the approaches was good or bad: it was the fact that it changed. The reality which Volf stepped back from the command has been realized….

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“I’ve been waiting. I’ve been waiting for this!”


It was the moment William had been eagerly waiting for. The results of the most anguishing period of time in his life have finally shown. There was no way he could be certain about the success of his plan, but it would be impossible to win if he hadn’t taken that bet. The sole thing he has been relying on in his plan was the weakness of humans. The one to have taken advantage of this time of weakness was someone else other than Volf.


“Alright! Alright, alright!”


Very unlikely to his usual self, William was very cheerful. It couldn’t be helped he was this much happy this time around. The opponent he was facing this time was above him in all aspects. William has done all he could have possibly done, carefully putting everything in place. Originally the defending side had the absolute advantage. But despite that, all they had been able to do was to slowly shave away the enemy forces. Whether it was in the perspective of a strategist or a general, this could only mean defeat.


“I accept that I am weak. However, the one to win will be me!”


William loudly declared. It was his final plan he had put all his heart into. Now that it has proven a success, he could finally declare that everything was settled perfectly.


At that day, Arcadia’s army had greatly retreated. It seemed as if the stalemate from before was nothing but a lie. They have suffered a great defeat to Nehderks’ troops.

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