Transcendent David

Chapter 578: 578

KITZ's high-level combat intelligence began to charge the experimental wave cannon when it found that the other side sent 50 warriors.

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The research on wave cannon is a mistake, because it has little effect on the powerful Zerg as long as it exceeds the second level Zerg.

In terms of the volume of the wave gun and the large amount of energy required, there is no need to study.

So the two wave guns on the destroyer were also made in the laboratory, just to increase the means of fighting the enemy.

Wave cannon is not good for Zerg, but it is very good for Oracle. This is the main reason why this special destroyer will be equipped with two wave guns.

This destroyer was originally prepared by Marshal Andre for himself, but only for David's safety.

The fifty warriors were also very surprised, because they were still a kilometer away from the destroyer and had not been attacked.

To know that the distance of one kilometer can be leaped in just a few seconds, and as long as they are close, the class weapons in their hands can cut a gap in the energy shield to directly attack the ship.

Then there should be a battle within the ship. As long as the warriors destroy the shipborne weapons and important pipelines, they will finish the task.

Just as the hearts of the fifty warriors were elated, they seemed to see the void of the whole region trembling slightly.

Their exoskeleton armor went crazy, and countless red warning words were brushed on their face armor.

"High temperature warning, high temperature warning!"

They all felt the danger. All they could do was get close to the destroyer. It was too late to step back.

But as soon as they were nearly 100 meters away, there was a constant noise coming from the inside of the exoskeleton armor, and the heat dissipation system inside the exoskeleton armor was finally burned out because it was unable to withstand the thermal fluctuation.

Once the heat dissipation system is damaged, the temperature inside the exoskeleton armor will rise rapidly.

The warriors were unable to sustain for a second, and then they were all killed by the heat of the wave cannon.

On the screen of light in front of Captain Ebenezer, the vital signs of 50 warriors disappeared at the same time. Even the most knowledgeable captain Ebenezer couldn't help being stunned.

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KITZ's high-level combat intelligence sent out a counter thrust to the 50 bodies of the warriors, accelerating them to the opposite fleet.

At the same time, the catapult was activated, and David was ejected and flew to the fleet with 50 bodies of the oracle.

As early as David was ejected, he turned on the environment simulation function of the gold exoskeleton armor surface, and at the same time completed the convergence of his own breath.

He had been watching KITZ's high-level combat intelligence through shadow watching before. Even if he had master level "space war research", he could not control warships like KITZ's high-level combat intelligence.

This requires not only a strong command and analysis ability, but also a thorough knowledge of every weapon on board.

With his knowledge of Shipborne weapons alone, David can't be clearer than KITZ's high-level combat intelligence.

With the interference of 50 bodies of the beetles, and the wave cannon just now affected the scanning of the opposite fleet, David's ejection did not attract the attention of the opposite fleet.

David grabs the body of a beetle and moves with it. He keeps the body in front to minimize the chance of being found.

Of course, David knows that as long as he is too close to the frigate, he will be found. Because there are so many kinds of scanning in close range, his environment simulation function can not be concealed at all.

But by then, the frigate would have found him late.

Kitts advanced combat intelligence drove the destroyer backward. Originally, the speed of the warship was much faster than the speed of its retreat. However, Captain Ebenezer soon found that his fleet could not catch up with the destroyer no matter how fast his fleet accelerated.

If KITZ's high-level combat intelligence is asked to re judge the winning rate at this time, it will definitely give a completely different result.

Because chief Ebenezer was no longer the fearless captain of that year, he had been extremely conservative and adopted the safest fighting method in the whole battle process.

Because he has not met a strong enemy for so many years, he has been relying on advanced warships and powerful weapons to bully those smaller than his fleet, of course, every time is a brilliant victory.

With the increase of his income and the change of his mentality, Captain Ebenezer, who has left the army for 20 years, has lost the courage that his soldiers should have. No matter how good his command is, he can't compare with the real elite captain in the army.

The initial judgment of KITZ's high-level combat intelligence is based on the command ability of elite captains in the army.

If he is a real elite captain, he will never let his fleet shrink, but will launch an attack on the destroyer. In the case of 30-to-1, as long as half or more frigates are sacrificed, the destroyer can be seriously injured.

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It's a pity that Captain Ebenezer's conservative tactics have wasted the best opportunity. If captain Ebenezer really let his frigates work hard and enjoy their lives, it is still a question whether his subordinates will launch a death attack.Of course, this can not be blamed on captain Ebenezer, who does not know the true strength of the destroyer and can not make analysis and judgment like Kitts' high-level combat intelligence.

"Ready to recycle the body of Oracle!" The captain of frigate No. 10 issued a loud command when he saw more than ten bodies of armour approaching.

It's impossible for him to ignore the sight of the body of the beetle approaching the frigate, which would chill the rest of the ship.

After that, frigate No. 10 sent a bunch of traction to pull more than ten bodies of armour into the open passage.

Among the more than ten bodies of the Oracle, David was there.

Captain Ebenezer's shrinking formation made it impossible for David to attack the flagship first. When he was 200 meters away from the frigate on the extreme side of the fleet, he was preparing to strike at full speed. He did not expect that he would become one of the targets to be towed.

David didn't resist either, so he decided to play his game and get close to frigate 10 with the tow.

Due to the need to tow the body of the Oracle, a door was opened on the energy shield to facilitate the entry of the body.

David was towed to 100 meters away from frigate 10, suddenly an alarm was issued on frigate 10, and the close fire immediately locked David.

David drove the engine of the golden exoskeleton armor to its maximum in an instant. His body suddenly went from standstill to full speed and ran through a distance of 100 meters. The fire net formed by close defense fire did not arrive until he left.

Pitifully, more than ten bodies of the warriors were covered by the close defense fire net, and then they were hit and flew in all directions. There was no possibility of recovery, so they could only drift in space.

David rushed through the shield, and he didn't delay because the door on the shield didn't close, giving him an opportunity.

After entering the energy shield, he immediately found that there was only one energy shield, and all the 30 frigates inside were exposed to him.

David turned on the abilities of "extreme speed", "physique enhancement", "strength shock", "strength enhancement" and "strength overlap". At the same time, he added a four level "deceleration Epee".

The fourth level "decelerating Epee" constantly vibrates, and the master level Epee space cutting is opened by him.

David continued to rush to frigate 10, and one second after frigate 10 issued an alarm, the energy shield behind him was closed, and the access to the corpse on frigate 10 was closed.

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But it didn't affect David's impact. His full speed was like a sharp arrow at frigate 10.

David alone on one side and a huge frigate on the other, which should have been two quite different forces, but the collision between the two has resulted in unexpected results.

When David collided with frigate No. 10, he swung out the fourth grade "deceleration Epee" and drew a circle in front of him.

The extremely hard special alloy shell of frigate No. 10 could not bear the cutting of level 4 "deceleration Epee", let alone David's "Epee space cutting".

The fourth level deceleration Epee made a circle. Then David's body collided with it, and the whole circle was rammed into the frigate.

David into the ship did not slow down, he is still very fast forward impact, he chose the direction is the frigate engine direction.

The alloy ship wall in front of him is regarded as nothing. With the combination of "Epee space cutting" and level 4 "deceleration Epee", nothing can stop his speed.

There were constant alarms in the frigate, and some beetles came to intercept David, but they couldn't even see David's shadow. They only saw a hole through the ship's hull.

Of course, it's not that there are no lucky warriors. After receiving the order, a group of them stood in a passage ahead of time according to the judgment of the "smart core" of the frigate.

The big shield Armour Blocks in front, and the five behind are also ready to fight.

In front of the ship wall suddenly fly out, and then the beetles in front of a flower, and then look carefully, in the edge of the three warriors saw a terrible scene.

In front of the big shield beetle, there is a big hole in the second class shield. This big hole is not only in the second class shield, but also includes the armour holding the big shield.

A large hole was cut out in the middle of the body of the great shield beetle. Only the edges of the two exoskeleton armor were connected. This scene only kept a breath, and the big shield beetle folded and fell to the ground.

The two beetles behind him didn't even respond. Their half bodies were just on this passage. As a result, two semicircles were cut out in the middle of their half bodies.

Fear flashed through the eyes of the three uninjured warriors, and the scene left them without exoskeleton armor for the rest of their lives.

David didn't expect that there would be a beetle in front of him. He would not have done so bloody, but in the process of running through, he almost instinctively waved his sword. Every object in front of him would be cut out of the passage he could pass through.

Through two walls again, he met a very thick wall, also did not block him, he knew that this was to come to the engine, because only the wall sealing the engine would be so thick.His fourth grade "decelerating Epee" in his hand continuously swung round in front of him, and the engine in front of him was cut into a channel. After his figure passed through, the energy inside the engine was also stimulated.

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As David flew out of frigate 10 against one of the walls, frigate 10 behind him made a low explosion.

That's the energy in the engine of frigate 10. Because of the damage of the engine, at least a few tens of meters away from the engine were destroyed.

The frigates here are very close, only about 50 meters. In addition, David's surprise attack is so fast that all the frigates have not come and react, the engine of frigate No. 10 has been destroyed.

David flew to frigate No. 9 against the wall of the ship. The close defense firepower of the No. 9 defense ship was stimulated, and dense bullets flew towards David.

David rushed past frigate No. 10, and his momentum slowed down, which would be locked by close defense fire. This automatic locking close defense weapon does not need any command, and it will automatically activate as long as there is an enemy approaching.

David had been prepared. He threw out the wall of the ship which was drawn by the level 4 "deceleration Epee", which immediately attracted part of the close defense fire. He blocked the level 4 "deceleration Epee" in front of him and accelerated again.

He heard the jingle of his body, but it was not easy for these non grade bullets to break through his exoskeleton armor.

As long as there are no bullets in front of him to slow him down, as long as there are not a lot of bullets hitting him at the same time, with his powerful engine of gold exoskeleton armor, he doesn't have to worry about being blocked.

The distance of 50 was very short. After two breaths, David rushed to the frigate. His figure just flashed and disappeared outside the frigate. There was an extra hole in the frigate.

With the experience of the last time, he became more and more skilled this time. He ignored everything else. He just rushed to the engine with speed, sharpness of weapons and master level Epee space cutting ability.

The sirens, the flashing lights, and the angry roar all flashed and disappeared in the process of David's constant crossing the wall. It was a joke to try to deal with a strong man with a class IV weapon inside the warship.

"All separate, disperse, disperse at once!" When Captain Ebenezer saw the image coming from the light screen in front of him, he called out.

In just over ten seconds, the engines of the two frigates were destroyed and their combat effectiveness was completely lost.

And this is just the beginning. Captain Ebenezer saw the figure enter the third frigate. He knew very well that the third frigate would face the same result as the two previous frigates.

At the same time, Captain Ebenezer also saw the appearance of the beetle through the pictures. Although his face was covered by the face armor, the gold exoskeleton armor was the symbol of the federal God of war. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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