Transcendent David

Chapter 607: 607

For the next few days, David didn't go out. He stayed in the villa like a houseboy.

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Of course, several professional surveillance personnel of the federal intelligence department really regarded Arthur as a homestead man. Ordinary people have the opportunity to have a holiday. At most, they can rest at home for one day. The next time should be to go around and have fun.

This is what Arthur should have done at his age, but Arthur made their surveillance work very unfulfilled.

"Almost. I don't know what's wrong?" At eight o'clock in the morning, David murmured to himself after his practice.

He felt the fullness of his body. He felt that he would break through at any time, but he was a little bit short.

David has never been so close to the extraordinary, only through a thin layer of paper, a poke can be broken.

He just missed the last stab, maybe the next second he will become extraordinary, or maybe it will take a few days and months.

David took a shower, then in his hovering car, glancing through several nearby windows as he left the garage.

Somehow, those who watched him reappeared, and this time more people than ever before.

David didn't take care of the watchers. He couldn't kill them here. Although it was very easy to kill them, if he did, it would cause unnecessary trouble.

As long as he's in the city, he's not too worried about what people do.

David's ability is very much more than small action, there are means to let those people find their own bitter fruit.

When I came to the seaside Research Institute, everyone I met respectfully said hello to him as soon as I entered the gate of the Institute.

David nodded slightly all the way. First, he came to the group leader's office, which was originally the office of group leader Layard. After group leader Layard took away his personal belongings, it seemed that it had been cleaned up and all the supplies were replaced with new ones.

He opened the light brain on his desk, and a light curtain rose. Using the authority of the research project team leader, he saw the new research task assigned by the Third Research Institute.

This is also a research plan of materials, but what the coastal research institute needs to study is only one point in the scheme, as an auxiliary of the overall research plan.

There are still many research groups, such as the Coastal Research Institute, which support the research program. They all complete some unimportant but necessary research tasks.

David looked through the research plan and simulated the research project assigned to him in his brain.

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The time given for this research project is one and a half years, but a lot of funds are given. It has 20 million credit points.

David's strong spirit is much stronger than that of President constable. With the ability of "master of research" of President constable, David's research ability has surpassed that of President constable.

David works on the screen of light. He refines the research project and divides the task into 12 tasks, which are respectively undertaken by 12 senior researchers.

According to his judgment, as long as the seaside Research Institute follows his guidance, the task can be completed in three months at most.

This is still not the result of David joining the research team. He has his own research direction and will not participate in the project himself.

Instead of meeting, David distributed 12 research jobs to 12 senior researchers through identity bracelets.

These 12 senior researchers all have their own researchers, assistants and assistants. David does not hold all the power in his hands like leader Layard.

He didn't want to use trust points, let alone get credit points from research.

David has defined the research direction, and 12 senior researchers can get corresponding rewards as long as they complete the assigned tasks.

It has nothing to do with the results of the research, which can also make the researchers more motivated, because all the pressure is on David.

Twelve senior researchers were relieved after receiving the information on the identification bracelet.

They had planned for the worst for a long time, but they didn't expect that David didn't respond to their previous attitude. Instead, he put the responsibility on his back and made their work easier.

David came to the third laboratory, where he made his first achievement. He still wanted to continue to experiment here.

Although David did not speak publicly, he mobilized the whole institute through news.

No one knows what David is doing in the third laboratory, which is now a restricted area for the seaside Institute.

No one at the seaside Institute said anything to David about not participating in the study, because they found that the Institute was working on new projects at a surprisingly fast pace.

As the days went by, David had been pressing his momentum. With the practice of ten times a day, he felt that he was about to lose the power in his body.

In order to impersonate Arthur, he is using the breath hiding ability of "sniper master" to cover up his own strength. However, as the breakthrough approaches, it becomes more and more difficult for him to suppress some violent breath.Fortunately, David will only spend a short time at the seaside research institute these days, and the rest of his time alone in the third laboratory.

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This is David's tenth day as the leader of the research project team and the day when he gets the first data.

With this data, he has a theoretical basis for the study of the effect of biomaterial alloys on Krypton crystal engines.

David entered the data into the report and was about to send it to director Bolivar when he received a call request.

He looked at the caller and was stunned. It turned out that the caller was vice president Balfour.

It's really strange to be in the capacity of vice president Balfour to directly contact a project leader of an agency affiliated to the Federal Research Institute.

Although David exchanged contact information with Vice President Balfour at the reception more than ten days ago, he never thought that vice president Balfour would contact him on his own initiative.

"Hello, vice president!" David asked.

"Arthur, didn't you disturb your work?" Vice President Balfour, opposite, was very kind and asked with a smile.

"No, I'm sorting out the data of my research project, and I'm not doing experiments!" David replied.

"That's good. I heard that you applied for a research project on your own initiative. Is the cost enough? Do you want to increase the budget and manpower? " Vice President Balfour continued to ask with concern.

"Thank you for your concern. We have enough research expenses and no manpower. I am working on this project myself, and I have achieved preliminary results." David said thanks.

On the other side, vice president Balfour was stunned. He knew that the project "Research on the effect of biomaterial alloys on Krypton crystal engines" had only been declared by David for less than 20 days.

Vice President Balfour is also engaged in research and knows how difficult this project is.

He asked this time only because David was a typical example of his launch, and he was concerned that David would publicize him as his subordinates.

Who knows that vice president Balfour heard such a shocking news.

"Are you saying that preliminary results have been achieved in the study of the effects of biomaterial alloys on Krypton crystal engines?" He still confirmed.

"Yes, maybe I'm lucky. I only took a few detours to find the right direction." David responded positively.

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"Research is made up of luck. We believe in science and technology most, and we also believe in fate." Vice President Balfour said with a smile when he heard David say he was lucky.

He didn't believe that David would cheat him on such matters, and there was nothing to deceive him about. The research work was clear only after seeing the report.

"Arthur, send me a copy of your report when it's ready, and I'll check on your research progress as well!" Deputy Dean Balfour thought and said.

As the superior department of the Third Research Institute, he should not have interfered in the research work of subordinate research institutes, but David is different here.

At the last reception, everyone could see the special concern of vice president Balfour for David, so those people regarded David as a member of the group of vice president Balfour.

This is also the impression that vice president Balfour deliberately created. He checked Arthur's information and found that Arthur was just a lucky man. Because Dean constable and his adoptive father, Mooney, had some friendship, so he promoted Arthur.

But Dean Constable fell, and Arthur had no backstage.

If Arthur is ordinary, then he will become a dispensable member in the research system. He will drift with the tide and be gradually forgotten. He will be a deputy group leader for the rest of his life.

But Arthur showed amazing talent. He spent more than ten days alone to finish the work of tens of people in the whole seaside Research Institute for several years.

For vice president Balfour, it was just a matter of doing what he wanted. It was good to win over Arthur, but there was no loss in defeat.

But Arthur continued to show his talent for research, and vice president Balfour should continue to pay attention to it.

"Vice president, wait a minute. The report has been written and I will send it to you right now." David didn't hesitate. He immediately sent the preliminary research report.

He did not worry that vice president Balfour would be greedy for his research results. For the protection of research results, the research system of the interstellar Federation has already had absolute security protection measures.

Besides, vice president Balfour is fighting for the presidency of the interstellar Federation Institute. It is impossible for him to do such a thing and let his opponents catch hold of it.

"Let me see!" Deputy Dean Balfour did not turn off communications, he said as he opened the report on the identity bracelet.

Vice President Balfour looked through the report, and the data were unknown to the layman. However, in his eyes, it was evidence supporting the research on the effect of biomaterial alloys on Krypton crystal engines.

He looked very slowly, from the beginning just want to take a glance, to his mind was completely attracted by the report.

Vice President Balfour forgot that he was still on the phone. He kept calculating the data until the last line, when he took a long breath.Then he realized that he was still communicating with David.

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"Arthur, you can see your rigorous attitude from this report. I have read the report. I want to ask," how long will it be before the final results of the study on the effect of biomaterial alloys on Krypton crystal engines "be produced Deputy Dean Balfour asked with some urgency.

Vice President Balfour is now competing for the position of president. Once the results of "Research on the effect of biomaterial alloy on Krypton crystal engine" appear before, it will greatly help him to compete for the position of president.

A young research team leader, under the care of vice president Balfour, has made great achievements. It is exciting to think about this title alone.

"My estimate is that it will take another 20 days, which is the most ideal time. If there is any trouble in the research, it may delay some time. However, with the theoretical basis, there will be no mistakes in the research direction. I believe that no more than 30 days will be achieved!" David replied confidently.

In fact, the research on the effect of biomaterial alloys on Krypton crystal engines has been available for a long time, but it takes 20 days to complete the research process.

"Well, don't report this report to the institute any more. I'll say hello to Bolivar, and you'll report to me directly later!" There was a look of excitement on the Deputy Dean's face, he said, laughing.

Vice President Balfour thought that just now he was talking about Arthur's luck. Now it seems that Arthur's luck is actually his luck.

The reason why he took David's management right from director boleva was that he was worried that his report would attract the attention of his competitors when his report was submitted. At that time, he did not know whether David could resist the temptation of his competitors.

"Yes, vice president!" David didn't care whether to report to director boriva or not. Instead, he reported directly to Vice President Balfour, which had a greater chance of increasing the impact of the study.

"Let's meet tomorrow, not in the office. We'll have lunch at the pinshang tea house at 1:00 p.m.!" Deputy Dean Balfour sent out an invitation to David.

He wants to strengthen his feelings with David. Only by meeting and talking can he express his importance to David and let David bind him completely.

After breaking off contact with David, Deputy Dean Balfour sent an order to director boleva without waiting for a moment.

When director boleva saw the order, there was such a look on his face.

He had long suspected that David was backed by Vice President Balfour, and this order confirmed his idea.

Director boleva was not dissatisfied with the transfer of David to Vice President Balfour. Instead, he was excited to deal with Vice President Balfour.

Where did he know that David's "Research on the influence of biomaterial alloys on Krypton crystal engines" has already obtained preliminary theoretical results. If he knew this, he would not let David out even if he tried to offend vice president Balfour.

It is important to know that this kind of great achievement appears under the hand of director boriva, who also has corresponding contribution, which is likely to be recorded in the history of research system. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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