Transcendent David

Chapter 645: 645

"Master, Gershwin, Minister of noble affairs, please see you!" Housekeeper Albin came to the study and bowed to David, who was massaging his young horse.

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"I change my clothes, invite him to the reception room, and prepare the best drinks!" David heard the Gershman nobleman's coming to visit, and quickly ordered.

David changed into a more formal dress and went to the reception room, followed by his young horses.

He did not know that he didn't need to care about it before, but now he knows that it's disrespectful to guests and himself to dress casually.

Because of the cultivation, David's clothes were very loose, so he couldn't go to see the Minister of Gershwin aristocracy.

"Gershman Minister of noble affairs, long time no see!" David said with a smile a standard friend greeting to the Gershman aristocratic minister.

"Baron Arthur, how fast you learn your aristocratic manners The Minister of Gershwin's noble affairs returned the salute with a smile and praised.

"I have a good teacher who is very strict with me!" David said with a smile. Then he asked curiously, "you are not dealing with the Atkins case. How can you come here when you are free?"

David is also very concerned about the progress of the investigation of the Atkins family killing case, and I don't know where he has been found and whether he will be implicated again.

"It has been confirmed that the death believers committed the killing of the Atkins family. Last night, the death believers killed all the people in the city of Saro, and even more, a lord died!" Said the Gershwin Minister of noble affairs in a deep voice.

David's heart was cold. On the one hand, he was cold hearted about the massacre of the whole city by the believers of the God of death, and on the other hand, he was also cold hearted for the words of the Gershman noble affairs minister about the massacre.

The slaughter in Saro is not as important as the death of a lord, as the Gershwin Minister of noble affairs has said.

However, David didn't mean to blame the Gershman aristocratic minister. This is the God belongs to the big world, a world ruled by aristocrats.

It is also normal for the Gershman noble affairs minister to think so. For the noble Affairs Office, nothing is more important than the life of the nobility.

"How many people are there in Saro?" David asked in a deep voice.

"About 30000 people, all of them have been summoned into skeletons. There is not a complete corpse in the whole city!" Said the Gershwin Minister of noble affairs, shaking his head.

"Why do death believers do this?" David asked.

"It's still under investigation, but there's intelligence that the death believers mentioned in public that the Atkins family's extermination case was committed by them. Dryden's suspicion of you at that time confirmed that it was slander!" The Minister of Gershwin returned.

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Only David himself knew that Dryden did not slander, nor did the death believers commit the murder case of the Atkins family. Only some death believers carried the black pot and still carried it on their own initiative. He would not say so.

"I'm clean now!" David said in a deep voice.

"What happened in Saro city is expected to spread to Jianmo city soon. Don't leave Jianmo city soon!" The Gershman noble affairs minister lowered his voice and whispered.

"Death believers are so rampant that no one will deal with it?" David heard the meaning of Gershwin's aristocratic minister's words and could not help but ask.

"We are friends. If you listen to me, I won't admit it afterwards." In recent months, the activities of cult believers have become more and more frequent, and there are more cases involving nobles than in the past ten years. The powerful members of the noble affairs office have been sent out to deal with them. It will take at least 10 days to free up people to deal with the situation here

David nodded and did not go on to talk about this topic. The Gershman noble affairs minister was able to say this, which was already a friendship.

When he came to the god world, he thought it was very peaceful, but the evil hidden in the darkness was no less than that of the interstellar Federation. The war zone of the interstellar Federation was threatened by the Zerg, while the god world was threatened by the cult followers.

In order to thank the Minister of Gershwin aristocracy, David cooked himself at lunch and served him with several dishes.

Although the Gershman noble affairs minister said that he did not dare to do so, he was not polite at all when he ate the dishes.

"Knight Andrew, go to the castle immediately and take over the steward Jason. Let him send someone else to watch the castle overhaul!" David ordered the knight Andrew as soon as the Gershwin Minister of noble affairs left.

David doesn't have the idea of protecting everyone. It's unrealistic. He just needs the people around him to be safe.

"Baron, can I drive that alchemy carriage?" Knight Andrew took a careful look at David's face and asked softly.

"Go and come back quickly. You must protect housekeeper Jason!" David agreed with a wave.

"Yes, Baron!" Knight Andrew happily ran out of the gate and answered as he ran.

If the steward Jason was here, he would teach Andrew the knight not to understand the rules.An hour later, housekeeper Jason came to the other courtyard in the alchemy carriage and met David.

"Master, I don't know what happened to me in such a hurry?" Steward Jason saw Andrew coming to pick him up with an alchemy carriage. He thought it was something big happened in the other yard. He was worried all the way. He didn't find anything wrong after coming to the other yard. When he saw David, he was puzzled.

"The city of Saro has been slaughtered by the cult believers. You have been staying in another courtyard recently. If there is anything on the other side of the castle, you can arrange someone to deal with it. Don't go there in person." David explained.

"Master, you don't need to pay special attention to my safety!" Jason said with tears in his eyes.

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David was able to think for him, which made him feel that it was worthwhile to pay for Luce castle.

The news of Saro being slaughtered reached Jianmo city in the afternoon, and Jianmo city immediately increased the number of city defense soldiers.

Fortunately, Jianmo city is not Saro city. There are a lot of nobles in the city. As long as they are nobles, they must be inherited by blood. Every noble family has more or less knights who are apprentices or above.

In addition, the two earth knights, Lord Kager and captain masis of the city Lord's house, do not dare to come to Jianmo city.

However, the nobles who lived in the castle outside Jianmo city were flustered. They rushed into Jianmo city and lived in other courtyards. Those who did not have other homes would also stay in hotels in the city.

For a while, the hotels in Jianmo city were full. You should know that the noble family did not come to Jianmo city by one or two people. Each member of the family had to bring his servants. That would be a lot.

Housekeeper Jason also took part of the servants of Luce castle to the city. Anyway, other hospitals need to use people here. Because of the overhaul, the treasure house of Luce castle has been removed, leaving only the castle to be repaired by workers.

David would like to tell Jason housekeeper that there is no need to be too alarmed, because he is sure that the strength of cult believers can not be too strong.

But housekeeper Jason and other people in the city don't think so. A group of cult believers who can destroy the Atkins family must be extremely terrifying, at least stronger than the nine Knights of the Atkins family combined.

The aristocrats outside the city were not as powerful as the Atkins family, so they were scared into hiding in the city.

Due to the arrival of housekeeper Jason, housekeeper Albin voluntarily transferred most of the power to housekeeper Jason. Housekeeper Jason only took over the service for David, and he did not interfere with other matters in the hospital.

In the morning of the next day, housekeeper Jason invited two tailors to make David's dress and all kinds of regular and formal clothes.

Seeing the work of housekeeper Jason, housekeeper Albin could not help feeling ashamed. He was in charge of David's life for many days, but he didn't think of it.

In the afternoon, housekeeper Jason invited the assistant of the jewelry store in the city, and the clerk brought a number of noble jewelry to be selected by David.

David learned aristocratic etiquette from eufemia. He knew that aristocratic jewelry was a means to improve his temperament, including walking sticks, pendants, bracelets, rings, etc., as well as some items for playing with, which belonged to the category of ornaments.

David chose a few ornaments at will. He didn't like to wear jewelry unless they had special effects, and these ornaments had no special effects. They were just ordinary ornaments.

All the ornaments he selected were of good materials, and he was ready to try to transform them with master level alchemy ability in his spare time.

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On the afternoon of the third day, David had just finished massaging the young horses and was feeding them with selected fodder. However, he saw housekeeper Jason come in with excitement on his face.

David seldom sees housekeeper Jason beaming with joy. You should know that housekeeper Jason is a very old-fashioned housekeeper, and he is always serious.

"Master, an invitation letter has been sent from the Lord's house. Please go to the reception." Housekeeper Jason bows down to report to David.

Then he took out a gilt invitation and handed it over. David took it.

The invitation letter was indeed sent out by the city Lord's house, with the autograph of the city Lord Kager on it. However, the time was too hasty, and it was tomorrow night.

As the general reception will be at least a week in advance notice, the reception arrangements need to give guests some preparation time.

During this week, guests need to arrange their affairs and get their dresses ready. All of these need time.

Just like the dress, it's better not to wear the dress before to attend the party. It will make the aristocrats in the reception feel that there is something wrong with your finance.

This kind of influence will let you in the future business, everywhere will be excluded.

"Can this wine be so hasty, is it related to the city of sallow?" David said, looking at the invitation in his hand.

"I'm afraid it's true. If I knew it, I wouldn't do it again!" Said the housekeeper, somewhat annoyed.

As the housekeeper of the Luce family, he can refuse to accept the invitation, as long as David has no time.

But at that time, the housekeeper Jason didn't think about anything else. He only thought of one thing, that is, the Luce family returned to the mainstream aristocratic circle again.At the invitation of the city Lord's house, he will come into contact with the aristocratic circle of Jianmo City, and let David integrate into this noble circle.

Housekeeper Jason yearned for the glory of the Luce family before, so when he received the invitation letter from the Lord's house, he only thought about excitement and did not think about anything else.

As soon as steward Jason thought that the purpose of the city Lord's party was probably the massacre of Saro City, he immediately regretted. How could David participate in such a dangerous thing.

Anyway, the Luce family has been far away from the aristocratic circle of Jianmo city for a long time, and it doesn't matter if there is more time.

"I'd like to go and have a look at the invitation of the Lord's house." David decided.

There was another day to attend the reception. On that day, housekeeper Jason accelerated the progress of the tailor by increasing the price. In the afternoon, he got the dress. There was no need to worry about the rest of the clothes, but the dress was the need of the reception.

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During the next day, etiquette teacher eufemia especially strengthened the reception etiquette for David.

"Knight Andrew, let's ride to the party together!" At five o'clock in the afternoon, David called for the Andrew knight.

The reception in the Lord's house is a very high standard reception in the city of Kemo. The nobility with titles will accompany them with knights. This is a symbol of identity. The Andrew knight is the only family Knight of the Luce family. David is going to take the knight Andrew with him.

"Master, it's beneath your dignity to ride past. Let Knight Andrew drive the alchemy carriage to pass." The housekeeper reminded.

"Isn't it a little high-profile? Besides, the city Lord's house is so close to us! " David said, a little stunned.

The city Lord's house is at the end of orr street, which is only three kilometers long. David and his family can walk through the villa for a short time.

And the alchemy carriage is really too popular. The last experiment attracted the attention of all the people in the street.

"Master, this is the first time that the Luce family has re entered the aristocratic circle in so many years. What you need is a high-profile appearance, which will bring you more friends!" Jason explained with a bow.

David nodded. He knew that housekeeper Jason wanted to be good to the Luce family, so he didn't violate his good intentions.

"Knight Andrew, it's going to be hard on you this time." David said with a smile to the knight Andrew.

"Baron, it's my pleasure!" Knight Andrew had a sincere smile.

The alchemy carriage was pulled out of the villa by four white horses, but it did not accelerate this time. Knight Andrew specially controlled the speed of the four white horses and let them walk in the street with an elegant pace.

Once again, the floating body of the alchemy carriage attracted the attention of people on the street. There were many emotions, such as envy, exclamation and jealousy.

The knight Andrew enjoyed the attention of the crowd. He sat upright and maintained his best posture.

There were many carriages going in the same direction along the way, but they were quite different from David's Alchemy carriage.

It is estimated that only David, who has become a "master of alchemy", would spend such a boring and costly way to build such an alchemy carriage. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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