Transcendent David

Chapter 678: 678

Lord Gould's expression of energy separation is no different from that of his real body. David can feel the kindness and closeness of each other.

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"Arthur, my son Charlie is always in trouble. Thanks to your help last time, he came back safely. As a father, I would like to thank you in person for this opportunity!" Lord Gould said with a smile and a slight bow to David.

"Charlie has already thank me for that, and I've received a gift. I can't afford your thanks!" David quickly bowed back.

"I know the gifts Charlie gave me, but I don't think those gifts are in your eyes for the genius who only started from knighthood to the strength of knight on earth in only two months." Lord Gould laughed at David's response. He had never seen the official Knight reply so freely in front of him.

"I dare not think so. I am very satisfied with qinya manor." David said sincerely.

His words come from his heart. If he didn't get qinya manor, how could he get the wings of the fighting angel.

It is the wings of the fighting angel that makes his cultivation speed increase so fast.

"Baron Arthur, are you going to be a knight of the earth?" Charlie asked, wide eyed.

Charlie had just heard from David that Arthur was about to be promoted. Now, Lord Gould said that David was about to be promoted to the land knight, which made him feel very bad.

"It will take some more days!" David knew what Charlie was thinking, so he said vaguely.

"Charlie, you don't pay attention to your daily practice. You think you have a good talent. You know there are many better people in the world than you. You need to work harder to become a paladin!" Lord Gould whispered to Charlie.

"Yes, father!" Charlie bowed.

"Arthur, you know about the killing of the Leakey family in the main city of Bama, don't you?" Lord Gould turned to David.

When David heard Lord Gould talk about the destruction of the liki family, he was shocked. However, his expression and spirit remained unchanged. However, he knew that in the face of a level five strongman, any abnormality in his spirit or expression would be noticed by Lord Gould.

He didn't know what Lord Gould meant when he said it. What did the mein family find?

David thought, but he didn't believe anyone would find anything, because he thought he had done it so clean that he would not leave any evidence.

You know, he has done this countless times in the interstellar Federation. The advanced equipment of the interstellar federation can't trace him. He believes that the same is true of God in the big world.

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"Yes, I know about it!" David bowed down and answered.

"Don't be so nervous. No matter who did it, it has already been done by the believers of evil gods!" Lord Gould said this and glanced at Knight mark, who had been bowing.

Since David entered the castle, Lord Gould found the knight mark following David.

A sky knight with no record in the mein family intelligence network is enough to attract his attention.

In particular, before some people suspected that the Luce family would destroy the liki family, only because the Luce family did not have the corresponding strength, although there was doubt, it was not settled.

Now the possibility of killing the family of luckie is recalled.

Lord Gould is most concerned about Knight Mark's attitude. From entering this room, the knight Mark's whole attention is on Baron Arthur, and there is no influence on him as a Templar.

For the mark Knight this kind of state, only that kind of extremely loyal knight body can appear.

This is a state in which loyalty to the master exceeds everything. In this state, no matter what the enemy is, as long as he dares to endanger his master's life, the knight will burst out all his strength, even in the face of the Templar Knight.

Even in the Mayne family, there are few such knights, and none can reach the sky knight.

This is not to say that the sky Knights of the Mayne family are not loyal enough, but that every sky knight has gone through a lot of hard work to achieve, and they have experienced too much in the process.

They also need to treasure their own lives in loyalty. They will have their own selfishness. Some of them want to keep their lives and become more powerful knights. Some are for the people they love and some are for the sake of the younger generation. No matter what the reason, they can't keep their original unconditional loyalty.

Perhaps it can be said that as long as people will have distractions, only a small number of brainwashed knights can do so.

Lord Gould has seen this kind of sky Knight before, that is, the knight who serves the gods, but the knight mark has no trace of that belief.

Lord Gould could only regard Knight Mark's appearance as a kind of luck for Baron Arthur, who could take such talents with him.

"In a few days, there will be an operation against the shadow God base. Originally, I was still considering whether you can participate. However, seeing that you are protected by the sky knight, you can participate in this operation!" Lord Gould continued.David was stunned. Lord Gould didn't say who organized the operation of the shadow God base, let alone the specific situation. He didn't understand the meaning.

Charlie gives David a nudge to wake him up.

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"Thank you, great lord Gould!" David bowed to thank him.

"Good performance in this operation, plus the merit you have made in killing three followers of the third level evil gods, I believe it is no problem to change the rank of viscount!" Lord Gould said with a smile.

David understood the arrangement of Lord Gould. The Lord thought that the villa and qinya manor could not be compared with saving Charlie, so he wanted to reward David through this.

"Well, that's the business, Charlie. What's the good thing you're talking about?" Lord Gould stopped David from thanking him again and asked Charlie with a smile.

David felt Lord Gould just wave his hand gently. His body seemed to be supported by a big hand, which made his body unable to bend down.

The energy of this big hand is very solid, and it is also the force of blood, but David has a feeling of seeing the blood crystal in mark Knight's heart sea space.

Although the mark Knight's heart sea space can condense blood crystal, but mark knight is unable to use the solid blood force, can only mobilize the liquid blood force close to the blood crystal.

But Lord Gould just waved his hand gently and used a big hand condensed by the force of solid blood.

At this time, David was full of curiosity about the level 5 Templars. What kind of strength is this? You should know that Lord Gould is not the real body in front of him, it is just an energy embodiment.

"Father, this is the heartwarming lotus seed soup from Baron Arthur. Try it!" Charlie, like a treasure, took out a small bowl from the space ring. It was David's warm heart lotus seed soup.

David is a bit stunned. How can he taste warm lotus seed soup? Can he still eat something?

If you look closely at Lord Gould's energy separation, he puts this idea aside. If you look closely, you can see that it is composed of energy, not the real body. How can you eat.

"Warm heart lotus seed soup, isn't it the specialty of the manor you gave Arthur? At that time, the manor was given to you because this warm heart lotus seed soup can reduce the hidden dangers brought about by cultivation Lord Gould held out his energy, took the bowl in his hand, and said.

David only knew that qinya manor was Charlie's birthday gift, but he didn't expect it was prepared for Charlie's cultivation.

"I've been through the period of laying a foundation for a long time. The effect of the former warm heart lotus seed soup has been nearly gone. The warm heart lotus seed soup cooked by Baron Arthur can make me feel the feeling of eating warm heart lotus seed soup for the first time. Giving it to Baron Arthur is the most correct thing I can do!" Charlie said triumphantly.

For the mein family, there are many kinds of treasures such as warm heart lotus seed soup. If you eat too much, you will lose the effect.

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David is a "cooking guru," and this "cooking guru" is stronger than any "cooking guru" in the great world and the interstellar Federation.

Because at this level, it is no longer only relying on the level of cooking to cook food, but relying on a strong spirit to make the best use of ingredients.

But when it comes to spirit, David, who has grown up by absorbing the energy of countless souls, is stronger than any other spiritual genius.

Coupled with the life energy contained in this material, it is estimated that no one can be more familiar with this kind of life energy than David, and he can control the life energy more freely.

David's warm heart lotus seed soup, seemingly ordinary, actually fully activates the life energy in this dessert, reaching a height that other "cooking masters" can't reach in terms of taste and effect.

Lord Gould smiles and listens to Charlie's explanation. He doesn't care about any industry. This is how he gets along with Charlie.

With his strength, it is difficult to get along with people. He needs to find some topics to communicate with Charlie in order to maintain the relationship between father and son.

After reaching the level 5 Templars, Lord Gould felt lonely. The feeling that anyone could be crushed to death with one hand in the face of anyone was always unconsciously superior.

Lord Gould sometimes feels that maybe this is what the gods feel about mortals. They are ants.

Lord Gould put the small bowl on the table in front of him, and then a white light wrapped the bowl, which disappeared.

David recognizes that this is a teleportation array, a teleportation array.

Then he saw Lord Gould's energy split, closed his eyes, and had an expression of enjoyment on his face, as if he were tasting the warm lotus seed soup.

Two minutes later, Lord Gould's energy split, opened his eyes, and looked at David with a special look on his face.

Every fifth level Templar has the same problem, that is, emotional indifference, which changes over time.This situation has been recorded in the previous records of Templars. No one wants to become a monster without feelings. If they lose their feelings completely, they don't know what they will do.

The best result for a Templar who loses his feelings is to become a walking corpse. In their eyes, there is no family, no family, but only self.

This is still good. Even in history, in order to improve their strength, some level 5 Templars killed all the family members after losing their feelings, killed everything they saw, and became a killing machine.

Even a planet can be destroyed by templars, which has happened.

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So the Knights of the Templars are careful to retain their feelings for affairs in various ways, such as Lord Gould's love for his children.

In order not to affect this feeling, Lord Gould knew that Ian betrayed Charlie, and did not attack Ian. He just cleaned up all the people around Ian.

Lord Gould worried that if he attacked Ian, the son, he might lose some of his feelings for the child, which would make him further away from heartlessness.

But today, he ate food that moved him. The feeling of warm lotus seed soup was something he had not felt for many years.

This made Lord Gould pay more attention to David. He was thinking about how to keep David from being harmed and provide him with this kind of food all the time.

Of course, he did not intend to force David to stay with him. If he did, he would probably affect the relationship between him and Charlie, which he did not want to see.

It's not easy for David to destroy his friends.

"Charlie, this warm lotus seed soup works for me, and give me as much as I can!" Lord Gould said to Charlie with a smile.

"There are 49 more, all here!" Although Charlie was very fond of warm lotus seed soup, he also knew that everything useful to Lord Gould was extremely rare. Every year, the family sent a large number of people to collect it all over the world.

Therefore, without any hesitation, he took out all the remaining warm heart lotus seed soup without any reservation. He took the space ring on his finger and put it on the table directly.

"Good boy, take Arthur and get ready, and the party will begin soon." Said Lord Gould, laughing.

Lord Gould didn't ask David to cook warm lotus seed soup. It would be better for Charles to mention it later.

"Yes, father!" Charlie bowed.

David and knight mark bowed, too, and they walked out of the room together.

Lord Gould looked at the space ring with a smile on his face. The food for the party was enough. It is estimated that after this time, his old friends may need to bleed a lot. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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