Transcendent David

Chapter 875: 875

After thousands of years of wind and rain, consuming countless lives and treasures, and adopting the most cruel way to prolong his life, the fifth level bishop of Cameron has not been able to escape the coming of death.

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The shadow attendants fly over and suck out the soul from the body of the fifth order bishop of Cameron, which marks the real death of the fifth level bishop of Cameron.

David shook his head. He attached great importance to the fifth Archbishop of Cameron, which almost gave him a chance to escape.

In the big world of God, unless it is inconvenient, they will cut off the heads of the believers of evil gods. However, it is a real honor for high-level followers of evil gods to get complete corpses.

Perhaps this time, with the change of other people, the fifth Archbishop of Cameron could get away with "suspended animation".

With a wave of David's hand, twelve fifth level Templars, nine separate powers, and one fifth level bishop are all put into the ring.

His spirit seized the body of the fifth Archbishop of Cameron. When his spirit wrapped around the body of the fifth bishop of Cameron, he really felt the situation of the fifth level bishop of Cameron for the first time.

David killed the fifth level bishop of Gershwin before. He thought that there was no difference between the fifth level bishop and the ordinary five level strong man. But after perceiving the body of the fifth level bishop of Cameron, he had doubts.

I don't know whether it's bishop Gershwin V or Cameron v.

The fifth bishop of Cameron's body is thin, his skin is almost wrapped in his bones, his muscles are atrophied to the extreme, and his body is filled with a kind of gloomy energy.

His skin was covered with tattoos, prayers and ancient gods, and there was no clean place on his face.

If there is no camouflage, the fifth order bishop of Cameron can hardly be called human. Maybe the legendary devil is like this.

David also noticed the space object on the fifth bishop of Cameron, which was a space bag made of tattooed skin like the fifth bishop of Cameron.

He grabs the space bag with his spirit, and sweeps the body of the fifth order bishop of Cameron. Without any other discovery, he puts the fifth order bishop of Cameron into the space pendant.

David is not ready to resurrect the body of the fifth bishop of Cameron. The weird body is completely out of the category of real human beings.

The most important thing is that David felt the breath of the ancient god on the body of the fifth bishop of Cameron. Although he did not know which ancient god it was, he had contacted the real ancient god. By contrast, he would never admit that he was wrong.

Unlike the bishop of Gershwin, the fifth bishop of Cameron has no serious evil spirit. Especially after his death, the attention of the evil god disappears.

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Perhaps this is related to the ability of bishop Gershwin v. with the space talent, he does not need to focus on divinity, so he can play a strong power. Even because of the particularity of space talent, divinity is not as convenient and practical as his spatial talent.

The fifth level bishop of Cameron is a true believer of evil gods. From the transformation of the body, to the way of fighting and so on, they are mostly related to evil gods.

David dares not resurrect casually in the situation of Cameron's fifth level bishop. In case any ancient god pays attention to him, he does not know what means the ancient god has.

Think of Gladstone, the God of pestilence. He is still a very weak existence among the ancient gods. But in the war of God, if there is no help from God, maybe all the participants will die.

In fact, the evil god who is active in the big world is extremely terrifying. Maybe with a little attention, David can be driven into the abyss of doom.

David focuses on the space bag in his hand. The strange material makes him uncomfortable. By his touch, he can be sure that the space bag is made of human skin.

He didn't have any psychological problems about killing the enemy, but he was not so receptive to taking people with him.

Of course, this human skin is not made of ordinary materials. In David's perception, it contains more energy than the five level strong.

To know that the skin has long been out of the body, and can maintain such energy, how strong the master of this skin will be, is it beyond level 5?

The spirit enters the space bag. Obviously, the space bag has a spiritual lock. However, with the death of Archbishop Cameron, the spiritual lock naturally becomes a water without source. David tries twice to break the spiritual lock.

Only by perceiving the space bag, can he understand why the fifth bishop of Cameron used this kind of space bag.

Although the space inside the space bag is not comparable to the space pendant, it is not comparable to ordinary space objects.

Sometimes David is really satisfied with his luck. Although the space pendants are obtained by the cult gods, they still have a complete inheritance, which enables him to obtain the space pendants that are most likely made by the ancient gods themselves.

Especially after he got the space debris, he understood that the space pendant was made by solidifying a piece of space debris.

He did not care about the situation of the space bag any more. He used his spirit to find it inside the space bag.David's attention was drawn to a book similar to that in strange words obtained by Bishop Gershwin's fifth archbishop.

The book obtained by the fifth Archbishop of Gershwin is still being cracked by the intelligent system using a super server. Here is another one.

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As long as he thought that this book was all obtained from the fifth order bishop, David knew that this book should also be a good thing.

With David's strength and vision, there are very few things that can attract him. Most of the time, there are few things in a space object, even in the space items of a level five strong person.

David takes out the books in strange words and transfers them into his own space pendant.

He continued to rummage through the space bag, which contained a lot of items, but most of them were materials with strange flavor.

As a believer of the God of shadow, most of the space bag of Cameron is the material prepared for the divinity of shadow, or perhaps for the next life extension.

"Dusk of gods" has more ways to obtain resources than ordinary cult believers, but the consumption of fifth level bishops is also huge.

What's more, the items stored by the fifth level bishop are not consistent with those of the fifth level Templars, so David can't recognize many of the items in the space bag, even if they recognize them, it's useless.

Even if the items in the space bag are taken out, David doesn't know how to deal with them. Who will buy so many materials and articles full of evil and strange smell? Even if someone buys them, he doesn't dare to trade them. Otherwise, he will support cult believers.

"Why When David's spirit swept through a gray robe, he didn't notice it at first, but when he was about to remove his spirit, he found out that it was wrong.

It seems to be an ordinary grey robe, but when David's spirit comes into contact with him, his spirit vibrates slightly, which shows that the gray robe has an impact on his spirit.

David did not really learn spiritual cultivation, but his spirit is a real five level spirit. After absorbing and integrating the spirit energy of bishop Gershwin, his spirit alone can be comparable to the top four level sky knight.

Such a strong spirit, but in contact with the gray robe can not help shaking, to say that the gray robe is a common object, how can David believe.

As he stretched out his hand, the gray robe came out of the space bag and appeared in his hand.

The grey robe seems to be made of some kind of silk. It is so light in the hand that even David can't feel the body of the grey robe, which is like holding a mass of gas.

Unfolding the grey robe, David's spirit focused on the grey robe. A thread of the grey robe was magnified and magnified. He saw that the silk produced by some kind of creature was covered with extremely tiny divine lines.

In fact, the robe is not dyed gray, or the silk itself is gray, but these countless tiny divine patterns are each emitting a faint gray light. These gray rays together make the robe become gray.

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Even if David himself was a "master of alchemy", he thought that after meeting several "alchemists", none of them could be better than him. Even if his alchemy level was one level higher than that of ordinary "alchemists", he could not help but be shocked when he saw the divine patterns on the gray robe.

The divine pattern is more complex than the alchemy pattern, and the carrier and material required are also more stringent.

On this humble robe, there are too many divine patterns that can't be calculated accurately.

At this time, David would not think that the silk used in the robe was ordinary silk. Each silk was painted with dense divine patterns. The bearing capacity of this silk was even more terrifying than that of grade five materials.

He also found a visible divine pattern in the grey robe, which was in a separate area of the collar of the grey robe.

There is a trace of spirit left on the holy stripe, which is the spirit breath of the fifth level bishop of Cameron. However, with the death of the fifth level bishop of Cameron, the spirit breath is still dissipating.

David's spirit goes to the past, and the divine stripe sends out a trace of attraction to absorb his spirit.

He can recover his spirit completely, but because he didn't find any danger perception, he didn't withdraw his spirit, and absorbed the spirit with the divine tattoo.

Just after the spirit was absorbed, the divine stripe flashed, and David received feedback from the message and his connection with the gray robe.

David knew the name of the gray robe. It was a robe made by the ancient god shadow God himself. It can be said that it is a real artifact.

The "dark shadow" was originally made by the ancient god shadow God for the great sacrifice of the shadow sect in its heyday. With the decline of the shadow sect, this artifact "dark shadow" has always been in the hands of the shadow God's followers and controlled by the most powerful shadow believers.

"Dark shadow" has five levels of armor defense, but also a part of the self-healing spirit of the creation, of course, these are not the most important.

Through millions of divine patterns, this artifact "dark shadow" forms the most proud ability of the God of shadow, "shadow of Yin", which enables the wearer to enter the shadow space within the shadow range.This shadow space is different from the rest of the space. In the shadow space, the attack can be launched at any time, and the attack does not need to leave the shadow space.

The "invisible" state of "shadow pterosaur" is also very powerful, but if David wants to attack, he must break away from the "stealth" state, otherwise his attack will be invalid.

However, this "shadow of Yin" is tailor-made for assassins. It can always hide in the dark and make a fatal blow.

Of course, "shadow of Yin" is not without shortcomings. Shadow of Yin needs to be in the shadow all the time. It can be the shadow of buildings, trees, flowers and plants. As long as the shadow is the shadow, it can be activated and maintained.

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If it is night, as long as there is no light shining in the area, it can stimulate "shadow of the shadow".

Because of this characteristic, the shadow of Yin can not work in an open place during the day. It is easy to break the shadow of yin and let the light shine everywhere.

David looked at the artifact "dark shadow" in his hand, and realized that this was probably the biggest harvest this time.

When he thought about the dress of the fifth level bishop of Cameron, he was not happy. Because the fifth level bishop of Cameron passed through the star level portal after making up, he did not have the artifact "dark shadow" on his body, but an ordinary noble robe.

If the fifth Archbishop of Cameron wore the artifact "dark shadow" and David belittled the enemy and thought that the robe had no defense, it would not have been the case now.

Consider the terrible body of the fifth bishop of Cameron. Fortunately, the artifact "dark shadow" has its own dust removal effect, but there is no stain on the "dark shadow".

However, the biggest question at present is whether the "dark shadow" can be worn openly, and whether it will cause dissatisfaction among the five temples.

At this time, when he was in garmi, David didn't have to worry about this problem. His mind moved. By recognizing the LORD with the artifact "dark shadow", the artifact "dark shadow" suddenly appeared on him.

Through the shadow attendant, he found that after wearing "dark shadow", his breath immediately changed, and the general weird flavor with shadow nature showed on his body.

If anyone sees David at this time, he will be regarded as a believer of level 5 evil god. This breath alone is proof.

David then looked around for a shadow, and found that when he seemed to be setting the trap, he chose an open area, but there was no shadow around him.

He can't help laughing, this is the death of the fifth Archbishop of Cameron, if the fifth bishop of Cameron is lucky, there is only a shadow here, it may have the possibility of turning over.

David opened his mind and put away all the 30 kinds of array and temporary portal on the ground. The array and portal were in good condition. This is not easy. In the life and death battle of the level 5 strong, the portal and array nearby were not affected.

The main thing is that he didn't give the fifth level bishop of Cameron a chance to put everything in order, and he got up in the air and headed for the castle. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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