Transcendent David

Chapter 901: 901

David didn't wake up all day and night. He fell into a deep sleep.

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With the practice of "black dragon sleep" for a long time, his understanding of "black dragon sleep" is deepening.

In addition, with the selfless guidance of Alexis, the black dragon, he mastered the cultivation method of "black dragon sleep" in a few days.

The name of "sleep" in the name of "black dragon sleep" is that after mastering this cultivation method, practitioners will enter into unconscious self-cultivation.

This is why many dragon people like to sleep. For the dragon clan, sleeping is a kind of cultivation process.

David also enjoys this feeling. He doesn't need to pay attention to the cultivation of noumenon. He just needs to put his mind and spirit on the energy body or the other five level Temple knights, and the noumenon can operate autonomously according to the cultivation mode of "black dragon sleep".

At the same time, he practiced "black dragon sleep" and "illusory thought" continued to work.

Alexis, the black dragon, did not put forward his own opinion on the top spiritual cultivation method of "illusory thought method". The reason is very simple. As a black dragon, he does not need to practice spiritual cultivation method at all.

Black dragon is naturally immune to most of the spiritual attacks. David is just beginning to be transformed by the origin of black dragon blood. After a long time of transformation, his soul will naturally have some characteristics of black dragon.

At that time, the spirit attack can't hurt David. The black dragon is famous for its defense, but the defense is all-round, not only the defense of the dragon body, but also the defense of the soul.

The level of "illusory method" is not low. It may not be as good as "black dragon sleep", but it is also a cultivation method created by powerful gods.

The black dragon Alexis was lying beside David and was also practicing "black dragon sleep". However, he did not dare to let go to absorb energy. Otherwise, the energy of space debris would not be enough for him to absorb.

Now the black dragon Alexis is mainly through the process of practicing "black dragon sleep" to repair his soul injury.

The remaining twelve Knights of the fifth level Temple practiced the "black dragon breathing method", while the fifth level bishop practiced the "magic method".

If nothing unexpected happened, David might have practiced this until the Supreme Council was convened.

Unfortunately, it was not what he could have expected. At 9:00 a.m., he was cooking a batch of "warm lotus seed soup" in jamisin castle. Suddenly, he felt that the Lord level contact array in the space ring reacted.

Taking out the Lord level contact array, David's energy spirit sweeps through, and suddenly his spirit is shaken.

This is David's position lock in the temporary portal in the basement of mather's castle on the planet of ello. Feedback has been sent to the latest news that the temporary portal has changed its address.

David has a deep hatred for the mather family. After killing Lord Amos, he will use all his strength to suppress the mather family.

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Finally, when the desired signal was reached, David himself, who was in the space debris, ended the cultivation of "black dragon sleep". At the same time, twelve fifth level Temple knights and five level bishops also finished their cultivation.

David took back the shadow attendant's ring with twelve fifth level knights and a fifth level bishop, and Alexis the black dragon jumped onto his shoulder.

He summoned the ghost pterosaur and jumped onto its back. The ghost pterosaur continuously used the ability of instant movement. First, he returned to the castle to receive the energy.

David's separation of energy takes back the empty heart sea space, which has no effect now, but is still a special independent space.

Coming to the planetary portal, he typed in the code for the temporary portal.

David felt a little bit, his spirit did not feel the danger, which made him not hesitate to activate the transmission.

He never underestimated any enemy, even when he knew that there was only one fifth level Templar left in the mather family.

David takes all his combat power, and before he enters the planet portal for teleportation, he also lets the shadowy pterosaur activate the stealth talent.

He did so with great care, knowing that Alexis alone could crush all existence.

But David doesn't want to rely too much on Alexis. The identity of Alexis is so sensitive that he can't use it easily without the help of Alexis.

When the transmission is over, David will know what happened.

Because what he came to was not somewhere in the main world, but into a special space.

The temporary portal also has a two second protection time, but as soon as David has transmitted it, the light of the temporary portal is dimmed. It seems that the portal is closed in the near future.

The "invisibility" status of the "shadow pterosaur" has been forced to break. This is not to say that there is a problem with the talent ability of the "shadow pterosaur", but that this space is too special and there is no shadow space.

David is not flustered. He uses two seconds of transmission energy to hold time and looks at everything around him.

This is a white space, this white is not sacred white, but a forest white color."Lord Arthur, this should be a space left by the one who held me. Please rest assured that I can take you away from this space!" Alexis, the black dragon, felt the breath here, which made him very uncomfortable. He said to David through the contract.

David nodded. He was looking at the ground, and the whole area was shaking.

He didn't leave immediately, but wanted to see who set the trap.

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But obviously, the man who set the trap didn't want to see him, at least not at this time.

Under the ground, skeletons emerge from the ground. The strength of these skeletons has three or four levels, and the number is almost endless. David can't see the end of them.

David's spirit can be extended to a radius of 5000 meters, in which there are no dead ends and skeletons are drilling out of the ground.

David found that there was something wrong with his avatar, and he wanted to summon the avatar to solve the skeletons in the most normal way for a level 5 Templar to fight.

It is possible that the quantized body can't leave the heart sea space at all, because there are some special rules in this space, which do not allow the emergence of blood force.

It is believed that if David is a real level 5 Templar, he will lose the help of his most powerful weapon, level 5 blood force.

David can't help but sigh at the strangeness of this space, which is definitely the best place to set traps, especially for level 5 Templars.

As soon as he entered this space, he lost some of his most excellent abilities. The "stealth" talent of "shadow pterosaur" lost its effect. There was no shadow space here.

David asked shadowpterosaur to try to use the ability of instant movement, and found that it also lost its effect.

He can only fight now. Without Alexis, the black dragon, he can't even escape.

David was interested. Since he became a fifth level Templar, especially after his body was changed to a young black dragon, he did not fight as much as he could.

The environment here allows him to play at will, and his face is excited.

David's idea moved, a set of Black Knight's armor was put on his body, and he also had a five level light sword in his hand.

At this time, the ground was covered with skeletons, and there were still skeletons under the ground. However, there were too many skeletons on the ground to drill out.

Skeletons already on the ground are coming towards David, trying to surround him with numbers.

The shadow pterosaur was ready to fly upward, but it was found that it could only fly up to 10 meters. The space above 10 meters was blocked by some rules.

David found that the shadow pterosaur had no effect, so he put it away.

When he fell from the air, his feet exerted force, and two skeletons were crushed by him. His five level light sword swung in a circle and scattered all the skeletons around his body.

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When nearly twenty skeletons were killed, the shadow waiter was very active in flying up, sucking out the inner soul from the broken skeletons.

After feeling the feeling of absorbing the soul energy from the shadow waiter, David was very happy. His eyes looking at the skeletons around him were not right and became extremely hot.

Where is the enemy? This is a pile of soul energy waiting for harvest!

In the same space, a hundred kilometers apart, there is an altar. There are two figures standing at the altar, which are the fifth level bishop of Montserrat and the fifth level bishop of Bunian.

The fifth bishop of Bunian looked at the light and shadow in front of him, which was the picture of David fighting with the skeleton.

The fifth bishop of Bunian was not puzzled by the fact that David could easily kill skeletons. These three or four level skeletons were cannon fodder.

Here is the inner space of a artifact left by the God of death. It is transformed by a piece of space debris. The God of death has transformed this space with his divine power, so that the space can only use the power of death of the God of death.

All other attribute forces cannot appear here, unless those who use them have the powerful power to break through the space here.

When making this artifact, the God of death specially strengthened the internal space, which could withstand the strength of a five level strong man.

This is the place where the dead can be captured by the dead.

Those who have talent among the believers of death can enter this artifact, fight with skeletons in space, and accept the skeletons here at will.

To subdue skeletons, one must defeat the skeletons in order to have a certain chance of taking them. Of course, the foundation of all is that the experimenters should be followers of the God of death and have the power of death.

The fifth bishop of Bunian chose the inner space of the artifact. He specially studied the materials of Lord Arthur. The inner space of artifact almost perfectly limited the ability of David to reveal.

And the skeletons in the space are immortal. After being killed, in the special environment inside the artifact, it can recover as before and continue to participate in the battle.Usually, only a certain number of skeletons will be opened according to the strength of the experimenter.

The fifth bishop of Bunian activated all the skeletons this time. He wanted to consume Lord Arthur's power. With the huge number of skeletons inside the artifact and the immortality feature, Lord Arthur would lose his fighting power.

But as soon as the project started, there was an accident.

The skeleton that could have been resurrected had not been resurrected after being killed by Lord Arthur, which made the fifth bishop of Bunian have a bad feeling.

David doesn't need to use any special skills. He deliberately suppresses his strength and speed, showing the level of a medium level five Templar.

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But even if it is such strength, when dealing with the skeleton of level 3 or 4, it still sweeps a large area.

Of course, David can't relax too much. There are too many skeletons here. If you fall down, you will be immediately replenished by the skeletons behind you.

"Alexis, why didn't I feel danger when I was transmitting it? My sense of danger was very smart!" As he fought, David had the strength to ask Alexis the black dragon through the contract.

In the past, David had to think on his own, which enhanced his ability of independent thinking, but whether the conclusion was correct or not was unknown.

Alexis the Black Dragon said that he was a servant, but David felt more like a teacher. In the process of his cultivation, although there was also a teacher's guidance, it was still in the interstellar Federation period, and the guidance time was very short.

David's training speed is too fast, plus he has too many secrets, even his teacher can not tell.

Now that there is a master servant contract, David has great trust in Alexis, the black dragon, and if he has any questions, he immediately asks.

David really doesn't understand that with the help of his master soul, ninety-six soul incarnations and two divine crystals, he thinks that his perception of danger is almost flawless.

However, before the transmission, there was no danger in his perception. In fact, the environment after transmission was extremely dangerous.

"Lord Arthur, danger perception can only be used as an auxiliary. Don't believe in danger perception too much. In my time, there are too many means to deceive danger perception. As for this time, unless your strength is similar to that position, you will not be able to perceive the danger in this space." Alexis the black dragon explained.

"I see!" David swept his sword and stepped forward dozens of steps.

Although there are a lot of skeletons, David kills faster, and he doesn't want to stay where he is.

David launched a cavalier charge towards the skeleton sea, and the knight charge without the help of blood did not affect the power of the knight's charge.

In the charge, a road about three meters wide was cleared out in front of him, and the road was filled with skeletons in an instant.

David didn't care. He just wanted to have more skeletons to kill him and get more soul energy.

In any case, with his physical strength, it is not a problem to kill for a few days. Coupled with the "immortal vitality" and the food supplement in the space pendant, he believes that he can be transformed into a perpetual motion machine and continue to kill. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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