Transcending Limits

Chapter 112

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The Realm of Frozen Hell was filled with an indescribable pressure. Dozens of peak Sky Realm profound beasts were about to launch their strongest profound arts. Facing them was only Sheng Tian and Leng Yue Yan, arguably the ones who couldn't even contend against a single one of them.

Just when they were about to activate the teleportation token, a cute voice broke the deathly silence.

The Head of the Dragon Wolf squad squealed "Young Master! What are you doing here?"

And thus, everyone including Sheng Tian and Leng Yue Yan turned to see a cute white puppy looking at the warriors in the sky with a haughtiness.

"How dare you harm my friends? Get your ass down here!" The puppy barked with arrogance.

"Eh….?" The profound beasts in the air revealed puzzled expressions.

Everyone withdrew their weapons, except the Snow Eagle Clan.

Stunned by the sudden arrival of the puppy he encountered, Sheng Tian recalled that it was chased by Snow Eagles.

Suddenly, he felt a sense of danger and didn't hesitate to use his Wings of Heaven to move from his position with Leng Yue Yan.


With a loud rumble, a terrifying energy blast attacked his previous position annihilating everything in the radius of twenty meters.

Gazing above, Sheng Tian saw the Snow Eagle squad preparing another attack.

"Zhang Fan, my Young Master commanded you to stop." The head of the Dragon Wolf Clan squinted his eyes.

"We have orders from the Clan Chiefs. These humans should be captured, if it's not possible, they should be eliminated." The Head Snow Eagle tilted his head and snorted.

However, Sheng Tian knew better. It was because the moment the puppy said they were his friends, the Snow Eagle Clan must have marked them to be the ones who killed their young master.

With furrowed brows, he turned to the puppy "Hey, cute puppy. You can't control these birds?"

"Impudence! To disrespect us honourable Snow Ea—"

"Bring them to the sacred hall."a deep voice sounded without any particular source point.

Sheng Tian's soul fluctuated for a moment and he squinted his eyes.

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"Grandpa orders. You must obey." The cute puppy laughed arrogantly looking at the defeated expression on the Snow Eagles.

The Profound Beasts in the air looked deeply at Sheng Tian and left except the Dragon Wolf.

"Fairy Sister, let's go." Wagging its tail, the cute puppy approached them and dived at Leng Yue Yan's breasts.



Sheng Tian withdrew his fist and shook his head.

The puppy now had a bump on its cute head.

"How dare you touch my Young Master?!" The Head Dragon Wolf roared and stretched its hand to strangle Sheng Tian.

"Fuck off." Sheng Tian's voice turned cold and he caught the palm of the Dragon Wolf.

Without hesitation, he used his physical strength to crush its palm.

"Crack." The Snow Wolf was over 3 meters tall and 6 meters long.

Yet, its Dragon Wolf Physical Defense couldn't stand against Sheng Tian's Mythical Dragon Physique and Celestial Body Tome.

Like a paper poked, several bones cracked and it wailed.

"Keep your filthy paws off this Young Master." Sheng Tian narrowed his eyes.

"He saved my life, Tan Shu. Don't treat him as an outsider." The cute puppy didn't care about the Head Dragon Wolf's injury and turned to Sheng Tian with puppy eyes.

"How can your physical strength be so strong?!"

Even the Head Dragon Wolf stopped fixing his hand and looked at Sheng Tian.

Yes, How can a human have such tyrannical Physical Strength?

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Even though the Dragon Wolf Clan didn't cultivate in body, they always took pride in their great defense.

Yet here he was, the proud Dragon Wolf Clan's defense was broken by a mere human who was not even in the late Sky Realm!

How can they know that Sheng Tian was only at the first level of Earth Realm and masked his cultivation to appear at the first level of Sky Realm?

This is a secret not even Leng Yue Yan knew!

After all, such a freak is beyond imagination! Even more so when the ones who can surmount three or four levels in the same realm were treated as peerless geniuses.

"Lead the way." Without answering, Sheng Tian spoke in an emotionless tone.

"Eww, so cold." The puppy made a pitiful face and started leading them into the castle.

The Head Dragon Wolf looked at Sheng Tian in hostility and also, respect.

Soon, Sheng Tian and Leng Yue Yan entered the golden castle.

True to its name, it was made of peerless gold and epoch ice. How a building could stand so well with these two elements, he didn't know. But what he did know was that the castle had many deadly formations and arrays.

Even if a Heaven Realm expert wanted to destroy it, they might not succeed!

This Golden Castle must be one of the very foundations of the entire beast empire.

Strangely, there were no guards nor any maid servants along the way.

Only Empty halls and corridors. That was when Sheng Tian remembered he was in a Beast Empire.

Traditionally, to turn into Human form, a profound beast must be reach OverLord Realm.

Else, the maids and servants would be in their original form. That means he would see apes and cats serving tea and fruits in the castle!

There were Emperor Realm Secret Experts but no maid servants.

Walking in the empty corridor, he observed the carvings on the walls. They were made of pure jade.

'Profound arts!' Surprised, he used his eidetic memory and analysed the profound arts.

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Nine Wave Sword Slash, Thunder Tiger Fury, Ultimate Diamond Ape Transformation, ...and so on.

Any of these profound arts are enough to cause a bloodshed in the Red Star Continent. Yet, here they were, carved on walls like some paintings.

This made him believe more that this castle is a treasure from ancient times.

Turning to the cold beauty beside him, Sheng Tian opened his mouth to say something, but in the end, he shook his head and sighed.

He knew she realised his thoughts about their current relationship. Sometimes, words fall short of actions and emotions.

The way he looked at her was no longer the same, and he had a nagging feel at the back of his mind that it's gonna hurt them both for a long time. But, he still chose the hard way. It's a gut feeling, and the one he really wanted. Though their future would not be the smoothest, if he truly loved her, he could do so without regrets.

'I'm sorry for hurting you.' He looked at her cold face and sighed inwardly.

Maybe after this, she would be even more closed, even more unwilling to take a step with him...or perhaps these memories might just be the ones that push them forward.

"My grandfather is the chief of the DragonWolf Clan. He is too strong. Handsome bro, if you want to show off in front of him, you will likely have your bones broken. Hehe." The cute puppy chuckled and explained.

Sheng Tian merely nodded. He didn't plan to fight these chiefs anyway. He only wanted to find out about the history of the devils and if possible the next step they are going to take.

He realised that he couldn't trust the Dragon Empire to take care of this impending threat. In fact, he had a faint suspicion that the first one to fall would be the Royal Family itself!

While he didn't know the truths of the matter, in the future, his guess would indeed turn out to be true.

*** *** ***

At the same time that Sheng Tian was moving closer to the truth, the Devils began to move in the dark.

The Four Great Clans of the Red Star Continent were in huge trouble as they got the report that tens of thousands of people vanished from their respective regions.

It was a normal thing if an expert massacred a thousand in a fit of anger. Such things happen now and then.

However, "vanishing" of people without any cause or trace was enough to alarm the great clans.

And thus, they took upon the task of investigating the matter.

First it was only some tens of thousands, then it increased to hundreds of thousands and touched a million!

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A million people vanished without a trace under the noses of the Clans!

Everyone realised the peace was a silence before the storm. From the. Weakest of the Families to the noblest, everyone started dispatching the best experts they can to safe guard their properties.

The Four Great Clans—Qin Clan, Lin Clan, Yang Clan and Xiao Clan, all called upon an emergency meeting and sent Emperor Realm Experts all over the continent to find any traces of the lost people.

This is not out of sympathy, but out of fear. Someone who can possibly cover his tracks so well that none of the great powers could find a single true, such a person is beyond any words of horror!

While the Great Clans were trying to find the reason for the disappearance, the Sects were also having a headache.

The Four Forbidden Areas of the continent—Embrace of Death, Eternal Frozen Land, Valhalla, Purgatory; the places which the Sects took upon the duty to safeguard started showing abnormal signs.

First, the danger of the Forbidden Zones increased by countless times.

The Death Qi in the Embrace of Death Sky rocketed. Valley of Death could now no longer be accessed by Sky Realm cultivators much less Earth Realm!

The Eternal Frozen Land turned from cold to frigid. The profound beasts living in the forbidden land for millennia were now homeless.

The Purgatory's temperature sky rocketed. The surrounding habitations within the thousand mile radius were unbearable.

The Valhalla's Yin Qi started to breach even the high level defenses of the profound energy, artefacts and runes.

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None knew what was happening. Nor could any one guess how bleak the future really was.

This future, beyond everyone's expectations depended on the meeting Sheng Tian was about to have.

Fate is truly such a wondrous thing.

*** *** ***

"Yue—, Leng Yue Yan, be ready to use the token anytime." With a serious face, he warned her in a low voice, whilst protecting the sound channel with profound energy, thus making it secretive.

"Handsome bro, we have arrived." The cute puppy stopped in front of a large door.

The door was carved with nine ancient beasts and he knew by instinct that these are the forefathers of the Ancient Clans and the disciples of the Ice Empress!

Nodding at the cold beauty, he caught her hand without hesitation and wrapped his profound energy around her teleportation token while doing the same with his.

"Creak.." The door slowly opened, holding the fate of not just Red Star Continent but entire Mythical World.

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