Transcending Limits

Chapter 25

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"Oh wait a minute, Xiao Lian, didn't the poison relapse from overdrawing your profound energy? You don't feel any pain?" Sheng Tian checked her complexion.

"The poison was suppressed to the state prior relapse. That's strange though. Who did it?" Xiao Lian tilted her head, as she cutely frowned.

Even though Sheng Tian didn't know much about souls, he did know that an injury in a soul is countless times more tormenting than the Physical injury.

For a young lady like Xiao Lian to bear so much pain every time the poison relapses, he had to commend her spirit.

Here he was, shouting for hours due to physical pain alone.

He suddenly found her admirable despite her playfulness.

Who would talk to you so playfully and carefreely when their soul is being tortured?

Sheng Tian, who just experienced a bout of Physical Torture suddenly felt sorry for her.

She is experiencing the pain for so long and didn't even complain once.

She didn't even have anyone to soothe her until she met him.

What a Strong Woman she is!

Who knew how lonely she was living there in the cave without anyone just waiting to die a peaceful death?

How could someone so young have such a cruel fate?

Which bastard would be so inhumane to inflict her with such a venomous poison?

He felt sorry and sad for her.

He also mentally noted that he would "take care" of the one who poisoned Xiao Lian.

Puzzled by Sheng Tian's strange turmoil of emotions, Xiao Lian came out to console him.

Even before she spoke a word, he pulled her into his embrace.

Sheng Tian's chin rested on her shoulders as he gently yet firmly hugged the girl who faced so much on her own.

So what if she had cultivation which could overlook all the mortals?

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All he could see was a lonely and helpless girl without a soul to care.

After a good amount of time, Xiao Lian teased "Hey, It's an hour already. You are not trying to take advantage of me, are you?"

She broke from the embrace loosely and winked at him playfully.

Sheng Tian sensed his emotions stabilize after that warm hug.

He also vowed that regardless of where she ends up, he would give her a happy life.

Xiao Lian snapped her fingers and the next second, they were on a mountain top hand in hand.

"We are at the Outer Boundary of Embrace Of Death.

Now, tell me what happened?"

She didn't believe one bit that she had fallen asleep.

After all, she is not dumb (Hurray!).

Judging by the barrier placed in the Strange Land and the aura she sensed there, she concluded that she was put into sleep after entering that place.

Now that they are out, It must have meant she missed something exciting and fun.

How could she not ask him?

Looking at her twinkling eyes, Sheng Tian briefly bragged about his awesome adventure of the first two tests and how the Old Dragon Soul almost wanted to be his disciple.

Xiao Lian snorted in disdain, "What about the final test?" Hearing that Sheng Tian, however, turned silent.

Xiao Lian sighed lightly.

Knowing that he didn't want to bring it up, she changed the topic.

"Hopefully you won't continue needing my protection to live on." she smirked.

Sheng Tian beamed a confident smile "I got the Mythical Dragon Physique.

It means I will naturally be awesome in Body Cultivation. And even now, It's still integrating the bloodline and physique with mine. I'm getting stronger each second. Aren't I awesome?"

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She glared at him and turned her head to the side as she smiled lightly. "Narcissist."

"Oh yeah. About the Main Legacy- Celestial Body Tome, you have any idea?"

"Not heard about it. But you got only that as a legacy gift? A Half Manual? Haha" Xiao Lian chuckled in amusement.

Sheng Tian clenched his fist "Damn that guy. He spent all his money courting women. Oh wait, I got something else."

Then, he checked his storage ring.

"What the?" Sheng Tian's eyes widened.

"Hey, stop exaggerating. Show me." Xiao Lian held his arm and acted like a spoiled brat.

"Wait, I will send it to the Snow Glazed Lotus Realm. You have a tonne of space there." Sheng Tian focused his spirit sense and a light flashed from his storage ring to the lotus tattoo on his left arm.

"I.will.see." Xiao Lian said word by word as she rubbed her hands and used her divine sense checking the Snow Glazed Lotus Realm.

The next second, her mouth opened into a huge "O" as she pointed her finger at the lotus tattoo in disbelief.

"Heavenly Jade Marrow!" she covered her mouth from screaming.

"Wow!" Sheng Tian's face turned to one of utter shock.

"What's that anyway?" he added maintaining the same expression.

Rolling her eyes, she placed her hands on her hips and glared "One of the three things I needed for reconstructing my body. You forgot already. Humph!"

"I know that already. I was asking what exactly it is?" Sheng Tian lied through his teeth.

"Heavenly Jade Marrow- an incomparably precious treasure below the Heavenly Treasures.

It is formed in rich places only millions of years after countless precious herbs and divine beasts are buried there.

It can be used by Body Cultivators in the Divine Realm to enhance their bodies and gain the Heavenly Jade Marrow.

Their cultivation would increase tremendously. But more importantly, their latent talent and potential would rise to the peak." Xiao Lian said in a serious tone.

"You want to be a body cultivator?" he chuckled looking at her slender arms which were thin yet stunningly beautiful in their own right.

Xiao Lian covered her chest with her arms, acting like she was a weak woman facing a pervert. "The hell. No way. I am only using it for constructing my body."

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Sheng Tian nodded. Then his expression turned into one of defeat: "So, I cannot use it now?"

"No.hehe" Xiao Lian cutely chuckled in schadenfreude.

"Fuck. That Dragon guy is really not sincere. I will see if he has any daughters and ask them for some serious compensation." Sheng Tian's face revealed an obscene smile.

"Pe...Pervert!" Xiao Lian yelled and quickly escaped into the Lotus Realm.

"Of course I am. Haha. Hm...I will completely integrate the Mythical Dragon Physique in a couple of hours. Will I have a surprise?" he gazed into the direction of Death Valley and thought.

.... .... ..... ....

"When did I become an easy target?" Sheng Tian's lips twitched.

On either side of the path he was on, tens of Diamond Tigers appeared on the mountain tops.

They were staring at him with eyes full of killing intent.

Each of these Diamond Tigers was at the first stage of Earth Realm.

"Fuck. You can't even share me properly. I mean, the highest my body can provide is for four of you.

What the fuck are the remaining 36 going to eat?" Sheng Tian yelled at the Tigers, hoping to knock some sense into their muddy brains.

"Growl. Growl....." all the Diamond Tigers growled and their killing intent rose tremendously.

It seems like they understood his words but instead of realizing the truth in it, they were instead even more angered.

Seeing his effort in educating the Tigers gone to drain, Sheng Tian helplessly summoned a long black spear from Qin Lie's storage ring.

"Come at me. I'm the kitty slayer!" he said with a mocking smile as he swung the black spear in impressive ways.

The Diamond Tigers were incensed and instantly, all of them jumped at him from the mountain top.

If one could see from above, they would see all the tigers jumping formed a circle in the air and at the center of the circle was Sheng Tian, standing on the ground.

Sheng Tian only chuckled lightly before he took a deep, deep breath, sucking in all the air in nearby surroundings.

When the Tigers were about to pounce on him, he opened his mouth.

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"Roaaaar~" an earth-shattering roar reverberated across the entire Valley as an incredible Sonic Attack filled with unbelievable amounts of profound energy spread out in all directions.

"Thud. Thud. Thud. Thud.....Thud." one by one, all the forty Diamond Tigers crashed on the ground before they even touched him.

Blood spilled out of their bodies unceasingly. All the internal organs were crushed including their heart and brain.

This is truly worthy of a profound art from a Mythical God!

"Such a perverse art. I guess he is not that bad after all." Sheng Tian nodded, withdrawing the spear.

Then he entered Valley of Death to find the Yin Death Grass.

It took a whole day of search by Xiao Lian's divine sense before he acquired it in a chasm at the end of a secret passage of a cave.

The herb was the length of a palm.

It was thin and red in "Y" shape.

Sheng Tian proudly exited the Death Valley with nine stalks of the herb.

"Fuck. Where the hell is this energy is coming from?" he muttered before he dashed into a cave for safety.

"Your new physique just completed the total integration into your body. This energy is coming from it. You just landed on gold. Use it and break through." Xiao Lian said.

Sheng Tian smiled at the pleasant surprise.

Setting some protection measures in the cave, he started cultivation.

Highly dense, pure streams of energy started rushing towards his Dantian which then spread them into his profound veins.

Sheng Tian didn't hesitate and directly circulated the new energy in the pathways of Heavenly Sword Arts.

His cultivation at the first stage of Nascent Soul Realm rose at an insane rate as he neared the threshold of the Second Stage.

Very soon, he broke through into the Second Stage.

But the energy didn't seem to decrease, in fact, it rather increased in both density and quantity.

Sheng Tian closed his eyes again and continued cultivation.

After a whole night, Sheng Tian woke up refreshed.

He broke through to the Seventh stage of the Nascent Soul Realm!

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