Transcending Limits

Chapter 28

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Sheng Tian rose up early in the morning and started out to Qin Qing's residence.

They arrived last night and he was given a guest residence in the Qin Estate.

This was his first time to Qin Capital-one of the four capitals of the Red Star Continent.

The Qin Clan occupied and ruled the southern part of the Continent along with the Mystic Ice Sect.

Thus, it can be said that the Qin Capital is the highest authority for the entire southern region of the continent.

Young and Old from all over the Southern region come to the Qin Capital for better opportunities.

Talented youngsters dream to join one of the major organisations. Of course, their biggest dream is joining the Qin Clan itself.

The Qin Clan has a Grand Elder who is rumoured to have stepped into OverLord realm long ago.

OverLord- the title speaks for itself.

They are just one realm away from the Legendary Heaven Realm!

OverLords are beings who look down upon any cultivator, including Emperor Realm Experts and decide life and death of anyone below.

They represent the highest level of strength and authority known to any person!

This is Common Knowledge.

Their spirit sense can cover even Qin Capital which span hundreds of kilometres in length and width.

Xiao Lian giggled "Their Spirit Sense won't be a problem for you."

Hearing her, Sheng Tian was not the least bit surprised. This girl is not your average demoness!

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He took a deep breath inhaling the sweet fragrances of the Flowers coming from the backyards of countless houses as he strolled.

The Qin Estate is a large area occupying dozens of kilometers in length and breadth.

It was all for a single Clan.

Every member of the Clan resides in the Estate.

At the center of the Qin Estate was the Qin Jade Palace. It was made of Emperor Jade and is incredibly precious.

The Core Members of the Qin Clan have their Residence around the Qin Palace.

Naturally, Qin Qing house was there too.

The Snow on the Ground was brushed to the side and the path is flat.

The brilliant buildings in sight made him wonder how people can live so luxuriously. The backyards of homes were wide and had several gardens.

The green trees were present in an orderly fashion with beautiful flowers.

Sheng Tian felt that he was siteseeing instead of walking in an estate.

There are people moving here and there all over the place.

Sheng Tian was surprised to find more than 20 Emperor Realm cultivators in less than ten minutes.

From this, the deep foundations of the Qin clan could be imagined.

After twenty minutes of walk, he reached Qin Qing's home.

He instructed the maid to notify Qin Qing of his arrival and leisurely sat in the Guest Room.

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"You're here" A gentle yet dignified voice sounded as Qin Qing walked over.

"Hmm" Sheng Tian didn't get up.

" Getting straight to the point, 'Qin Ancestral Grounds' is the legacies left behind by my forefathers. It opens once every 50 years. Inside it are countless treasures, Profound Arts, Pills, and herbs.

If any of the Strong members of the Current Qin Clan are nearing their death, they too will mostly choose to end their lives there through a formation, leaving behind their legacies for the future generations. Also, the Profound Energy there is much denser and pure than the Outside.

Once Every fifty years, The Ancestral Grounds are opened for the younger generations. Qin Clan takes this opportunity to select the Next Clan Head based on the results. I agreed to let you join my team, I hope you can help me win." She spoke.

"Exactly what help you need?"

Qin Qing's expression turned serious "There are 36 Jade Seals spread in the trial grounds. the one to get the highest will be the winner. It's that simple."

"What kind of place are the Ruins? And Who are the contestants?"

"As they say 'Danger and Fortune co-exist' There are natural dangers present along with the presents. None of the ancestors want their legacies to all into the hands of incapable people. So, the danger can vary from suffering light injuries to losing one's life.

That's why you should also be prepared. The true treasures are only gained with the true dangers. You can't rely on your luck like in Death Valley." She spoke solemnly.

'When did I rely on my Luck?' Sheng Tian retorted but didn't care about the other party's opinion.

"As for the contestants, there are seven members in our team. Ten from my elder brother Qin Li and thirteen from younger brother Qin Cheng." Saying up till there, Qin Qing felt a wave of gratitude towards Sheng Tian.

If not for Sheng Tian bringing the herb, she would have not got even seven positions.

After all, only 30 Members can enter every time the Ancestral Ground opens.

"Oh, Ok Miss. I shall help you. But, Let me make this clear. The Treasures I get shall be mine. The Jade seals will be yours." Sheng Tian stated his condition. It is clear that he is after the treasures.

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Qin Qing didn't hesitate much as she nodded her head but she asked "Alright.

If the treasures you get are related to personal profound arts or legacies of Qin Clan's Ancestors, then Qin Clan takes them for an equivalent trade. If the contestant doesn't accept that, they would use force."

Sheng Tian smirked in disdain.

With the Snow Glazing lotus, he can store anything secretly. Besides him and Xiao Lian, no mortal can access it.

Then Qin Qing went onto some other details.

When he was about to leave, he frowned "Why didn't you pick stronger members? Like, Sky Realm or Emperor Realm?"

Qin Qing shook her head and laughed lightly " It's not that I don't want to, it's because I can't. There is an age restriction of 20. And the Cultivation must be less than Sky Profound Realm."

Right after he stepped outside and walked for a minute, his footsteps halted.

His face had an amused and comical expression.

"Hey, What's Wrong?" Xiao Lian asked Sheng Tian whose mouth was wide open enough to put a pigeon's egg.

"This guy…." he mumbled, "Why the hell did he get here?".

"Huh?" Xiao Lian used her Divine Sense to see what's making this guy flustered. She saw was a handsome young man beautiful maiden walking hand in hand. They had a charm making them seem like the golden couple.

But Xiao Lian didn't get why this guy would be shocked. She thought back to all the events in the past 3 months and then exclaimed "Oh! He is that guy from the Inn"

These were the same people Sheng Tian met in the Inn of Death City.

The young man, Ling Chen finally fled after his affair with Qin Lie was exposed.

As if Sensing his gaze, the Couple turned towards him and met his gaze. Sheng Tian didn't shrink away and sized up these two before he left without a word.

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Sheng Tian was in the disguise of Xiao Bai the previous time he met Ling Chen and Liu feifei. So, the couple didn't recognize his current disguise of Ling Tian.

Ling Chen intently gazed on Sheng Tian's receding back.

Liu Feifei asked him in curiosity "What's the matter Big Brother Ling Chen? Does he recognize us?"

Ling Chen smiled at her.

Only after countless times of begging did their relationship revert back to normal.

Thinking back to how he was beaten by slippers when he entered Liu Feifei's room to convince her of his sexual orientation, Ling Chen felt like crying.

Damn that Xiao Bai!

'If I don't make your life a living hell, I'm not a man anymore!' he swore.

"I think so. And I feel very strange when I look at him. I was able to see through even Emperor Realm experts but he gives a feeling of mystery."

"Oh, hehe, This is interesting. There is someone you can't see through in this era!

If it was known that the legendary War God was unable to see through someone, it would be a joke for centuries." Liu Feifei laughed in amusement.

The Young Man's face stiffened up a bit when he heard 'Legendary War God'.

He smiled bitterly as he shook his head and said "The God is dead. Now, I am only a mere Earth Realm Cultivator. The World I once knew, the People I talked to, no one remained." melancholy and deep hatred gushed into his voice.

"I only have you now. I will protect you properly this time." he hugged her tightly, ignoring the public gazes.

"Everyone is watching. Humph! I am going to Sister Qin Qin and complain." Liu feifei's face turned red and ran towards Qin Qing's residence.

Ling Chen chuckled to himself before his expression turned solemn:

"Why do I feel that they are still not dead?

"Could it be that they are hiding even after thousands of years?"

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